Steve Jackson Games GURPS – Generic Universal RolePlaying System

Jack "Storm Knight" Warrant

Boston Cop Super

Total: 250 points
[Created by Ian Turner]

Attributes (130 CP):

ST: 13 (30)
DX: 15 (60)
IQ: 12 (20)
HT: 13 (30)

Advantages (30 CP):

Combat Reflexes (15), High Pain Threshold (10), Attractive (5)

Super Advantages (154 CP):

DR: 15 (45), Lightning Power 5 (Instant +20%, Rapid-Fire x3 +120%, NR: 2 levels of Rapid-Fire are only usable to Super-Block -60%, Area Effect +50%, Wall +30%, Area Effect & Wall are only to allow a Super-Block -40%, DE: 1/2 Power at a range -10%, Cutting +30%, DE: Attacks are Fatigue & normal Knockback Only -10%) (69), Flight (40)

Disadvantages (-100 CP):

Sense of Duty: US (-10), Honesty (-10), Extremely Hazardous Duty: Boston PD (-20), Pacifism: Cannot Harm Innocents (-10), Intolerance: Criminals (-5), Overconfidence (-10), Impulsiveness (-10), Berserk (-15), Miserliness (-10)

Quirks (-5 CP)


Skills (34 CP):

Bow 1-13, Running 2-12, Staff (from Spear) 0-12
Broadsword 1-14, Spear 1-14, Axe / Mace 2-15, Flight 4-16
Shield 1-15, FD: Arrow (+1) 1/2-14, FD: Broadsword (+1) 1/2-14, Jumping 1-15, Swimming 1-15
English 0-12, R/W: English 0-11
R/W: Middle English 1/2-9, R/W: Old English 1/2-9, R/W: French 1/2-9, R/W: German 1-10, History: Medieval Europe 4-12, Mathematics 1/2-9, Literature 4-12, Theology: Catholic 1-10
German 1-11, Armoury: TL3 Hand Weapons / Bows / Other 1-16 / 16 / 10, Writing 1-11, Poetry 1-11, Research 1-11
First Aid 1-12, Scrounging 1-12

Superskills (12 CP):

Lightning 12-16

Jack is affiliated with the Boston PD and is basically their token Super. His energy attacks appear as a spear of energy, although they attenuate quickly with range.

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