
By Ivan Ironsword (nbouqu1@gl.umbc.edu)


Istar (Lilim of Nybbas): I can kill people!

Istar (Lilim of Nybbas)'s phone number: 1-800-IM-SUTLE

Klonosh (Shedim of Dark Humor): Opps, my fingure slipped.

Dwanna (Shedim of Drugs): I made a bong out of his head!

Chen (Balseraph of War): Have you seen the head? It's great!

more to follow, after I consult with my In Nomine group... they may want to rivise these....


Laws of Japanease Annimation:

#1 - Law of Metaphysical Irregularity

The normal laws of physics do not apply.


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