The Mechanics

While it's not our goal to put the entire game online, we want to give you enough of a feel for how it works so that you'll understand the material that is being posted. If you like it, buy the book when it comes out! - dp

The ultimate, angels' law,
Indulging every instinct of the soul
There where law, life, joy, impulse are one thing!
-- Robert Browning

Conflict is not just natural to a roleplaying game; it is encouraged. If it weren't for the drama caused by conflict, we wouldn't have a game.

The rules were designed to let you, the player, get to the business of playing as much as possible, rather than flipping through books, checking charts and performing higher math with a scientific calculator. In Nomine has a simple method of resolving conflict, with the hopes that your character's troubles don't result in real-life headaches.

The Dice

The d666 | The Check Digit | Intervention

Basic Conflict Resolution

Difficulty Levels | Using Resources | Trading Essence for Skill | The Contest | Reaction Rolls


Basic Combat | Detailed Combat | Corporeal Injury | Celestial Injury

Celestial Mechanics

Essence | The Three Worlds | Attunements | Resonance, Dissonance and Discord | Falling
Invocation Rituals | Wards

Comments are welcome. Please e-mail them to or post to the appropriate newsgroup.

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