Movie: Love Conqures All

By Elizabeth "ArchBeth" McCoy

(I think that there are celestials playing with my dreamscapes on a regular basis here...)

[Imagine yourself sitting in a movie theater, watching the green "This preview has been approved for all audiances" thing, and then the slightly overloud voiceover and music begins...]


Narrator: Lori Jones is a normal woman...

Actress Lori, walking down city street, possibly narrowly avoiding getting hit by a taxi or something.

Narrator: ...with a normal job...

Something to do with answering phones, calling instructions, etc. Busy office scene. She's obviously having a harrowing day.

Narrator: ...and a not so normal family.

Lori walks into apartment, drops all groceries, says in shock: "MOM?"

Camera cuts to elegantly dressed lady -- in green and horns, with some cool shimmery special effects that do a nice little <wham> to a normal actress. "Hello, dear. Could you do me a little favor?" [I like "Captain Janeway" for my fave. Demon Princess. Don't ask *me* why...]

Camera cuts to Lori looking in shock as a bracelet appears on her wrist with some glittery SFX (sparks spiraling in from nowhere).

Narrator: Her fiance', Matt, is very understanding...

Lori with *very cute* boyfriend, explaining her bad day in great gory detail: "...and then my *mother* drops by..."

Boyfriend Matt makes sympathetic noises.

Narrator: ...perhaps too understanding...

In bed, cuddling, obviously having been doing X-rated things from touseled hair and sated smiles.

Matt: "That better?"

Lori: "Oh, yeah. Thanks. You are just such an angel."

Matt, a little embarassed: "Ah, well..."

Camera cuts to Lori's face, closeup, as her eyes snap open in shock and "oh-s***!"ness. She yanks herself away with a "WHAT??"

Narrator: ...and they're about to have some problems with in-laws.

Lori, semi-hysterical: "Matt, why didn't you tell me you were an angel assigned to protect the [somethingorother that would be in a museum or something]??"

Matt, [Mercurian, anthropomorphic Cherub, or six-winged humanoid Seraph?] in shimmery celestial form: "Well, you never asked."

Lori, turning away, in a semi-undertone: "I don't need this."

Narrator: Because Lori's working for the other side.

A bar with enough special effects to make Lucas and Spielberg weep. It is, of course, Shal-Mari.

Lori, in green and horns and a lot of bracelets -- the 'active' one in gold -- talking to a sister (green, horns, bracelets). Both are somewhat scantily clad [as befits Body By Nybbas].

Lori: "Sis, I just don't know what I'm going to do. I'm supposed to steal it, and he's supposed to guard it."

Sister, taking a drink: "Well, do you love him?"

Lori, shaking head blankly: "I don't know. I thought so."

Sister, calmly: "Then you're probably going to die." Raises her glass for a refill.

Our Lori and a Djinn in Black (human form).

DiB, taking notes like an IRS auditor: "Fraternizing with the enemy, were we?"

Lori: "I didn't know! I figured I had him in thrall, okay?"

DiB: "You should have them sign in blood *before* you agree to marry them. Or did you forget that little detail?"

Boyfriend Matt, surrounded by a triad of Angels in Black.

Seraph in Black: "And your fiancee may be working for Hell."

Matt: "Look, I only found out yesterday. I thought she was an athiest!"

SiB, taking notes: "This is not going to look good on your record, Mattaniah."

Matt: "Athiests go to Heaven too!"

SiB, fixing him with a steely eye, (background music goes dead): "But demons don't."

Lori, to Matt: "So, if I can, like, do this *really big favor* for Mom, maybe she'll let me go."

Lilith, to Lori: "Of course, dear. Here, get these things for me." As she hands over a list.

Matt, to Lori, looking at list: "THESE RELICS ARE IN HEAVEN! You can't go there!"

Lori: "Hey, I'll wear sunglasses and a habit, okay?"


Matt, celestial form, sitting on a branch talking to a bunch of biker-angels (ever see a Seraph in a leather jacket? How about a Kyrio?): "If we can get the goods, Lilith lets her go, and she defects to our side."

Angel (of the Wind): "So, you just need to steal the [something or other funky sounding -- spear of Longinus?], give it to a Demon Princess, and you get to marry your true love?" He looks around at his friends. "True love is good."

Narrator: Love isn't always easy...

Lori, with someone behind her in dark robes. He places a hand on her shoulder and she startles.

Figure: "Have we been playing with the other side?"

Matt, with friends & relic, some posh home.

Lilith: "She's been caught by the secret police. She'll be taken to Hell tomorrow, to be executed at sunset. Here's the blueprints of the Game's stronghold."

Matt: "Ah, why are you helping us?"

Lilith, shrugging: "I'm the Princess of Freedom. And you're going to be my son-in-law, Mattaniah. I like that."

* A broody fellow in black leather setting an explosive charge

* Lori, trying to seduce a guard, koshing him over the head

* Lori and Matt running away from a big explosion, hand in hand

* Screamingly angry guards chasing

* Lots of explosions, gunshots, yadda yadda yadda.

Narrator: ...but it always helps to have good friends.

Windy crouched behind something, to Matt: "Hey, love conquers all, right? Hand me another grenade."

[End trailer with the title of the movie...] // In Nomine Line Editor
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