Charitable (Ethereal)

By Moe Lane (


You just can't help being helpful to others, especially the less unfortunate (which, for celestials, pretty much means most of humanity). You must make a Will Roll +2, minus the level of this Discord, to avoid aiding someone who looks like that they need some help: overt requests for aid are resisted at -2. If you fail, you must help in any way that you can. This can be anything from handing over all your spare change to spending Essence freely, depending on the check digit of the failed Will Roll.

On the bright side, a natural Divine Intervention on the Will Roll means that the person's major problem is solved on the spot, and you get 1 Essence in the bargain (this is true even for demons, oddly enough).

Reaction modifiers: -3 per level from demons, -1 from angels (yes, we're supposed to help humans, but did you _really_ have to switch clothing with that guy, plus hand over all of our operating funds?).

Servitors of Greed (and, in some campaigns, Servitors of Trade) and (non-Bright) Lilim must include their level of this Discord when making dissonance rolls!


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