============ OGRE/GEV list, June 26th (Last: June 23rd) ============= ===== LOS and Contours in Ogre/GEV From: garth.getgen@genie.com ------------------------------ From: garth.getgen@genie.com Subject: LOS and Contours in Ogre/GEV fish, If you go back into Henry's archives from this time last year, you can find the LOS and Reaction Fire rules I wrote back in 1988 ... before SJG independantly came out with similar (but slightly different) LOS rules for the minitures. I wrote all mine for use in the paper version. Back then, I only had a draft idea for terrain elevations and only recently refined them. Garth L. Getgen ----- [The importance of LOS is in targeting, not engagement. I'm mulling over Forward Observers. I think I'll go with any unit being allowed to observe, but only at close ranges. (Currently I've got the LGEV able to pull in a missile tank's attack, but only for two points of attack strength) Wanna read about independent squads of infantry sneaking around the battlefield, unleashing massive firepower on whatever targets they ID? It's in the June Marine Corps Gazette (Special issue on Hunter Warrior and Webbing the Corps). They're using Apple Newtons to call for fire. ("OK. Wait, it's transposed two digits! Cancel, cancel, cancel!" BOOM!) -HJC] Henry J. Cobb hcobb@io.com http://www.io.com/~hcobb All OGRE-related items Copyright (c) 1997, by Steve Jackson Games.