============ OGRE/GEV list, May 10th (Last: May 7th) ============= ===== World War From: SFsupply@aol.com From: garth.getgen@genie.com ------------------------------ From: SFsupply@aol.com Subject: World War << Hmmmm. Didn't the European left say something remarably similar to this right before WWI? >> Before World War II also. (Chamberlain saying "...peace in our time..." Hilter snorking behind his back.) <> Yep, I hear that. In 1979 I gave a verbal report in my 10th grade social studies class. My assigned subject had been the economic status of the Soviet Union. After talking to a college professor, my uncle (a former school board superintendant), and several economics majors students, I reported that the Soviet Union's economy would cause it's current political system's collapse by no later than the year 2000. As it was, I overestimated by a good decade. Nonetheless, I was rediculed by my classmates and give a "D+" by my teacher (who I eventually realized was an extreme right-wing, anti-communist paranoid.) It was with supreme pleasure that I watched events unfold just eleven years later. My only regret is that I can't locate that teacher to (metaphorically speaking) shove that report down his throat. What does this have to do with Ogre? Nothing, practically speaking. But for those who insist on having a "believable" rationale for the world of Ogre need look no further than are own last century of history... Circa 1913 or so: "It'll never work. And what use is a flying machine on the battlefield anyway?" Just a few years later: "It'll never work. And what use is this thing you've code-named a "tank" on the battlefield anyway?" Circa 1930's: "landing planes on a ship? It'll never work. And what use is a "carrier" in a real naval battle anyway?" Overheard in early '40's: "Nice fellow that Einstien, but completely loony. "Theory of Relativity" my arse! The guy can't even make change for a dollar." I could rant on, but maybe Eric said it best: <> Works for me!! flunky ----- From: garth.getgen@genie.com Subject: World War I have to agree with Thad ... the idea of another World War is not out of the realm of possibility. In fact, with all the nationalistic attitude of SOME of the ethnic groups in east Europe, I suspect that WW-III would start more like WW-I than WW-II: a small regional (or civil) war that is fueled and expanded by outside interests until it engulfs the whole world. Garth L. Getgen SSgt USAF ----- [Q: Will NATO expansion advance or delay the start of the last war? (Don't feel bad if you don't know the answer, you're not alone...) On GEV related subjects, anybody for a LPHish "GEV carrier" group against a wolf pack? (I still want torpedoes or nuclear depth charges on a "heavy" "naval" GEV) -HJC] Henry J. Cobb hcobb@io.com http://www.io.com/~hcobb All OGRE-related items Copyright (c) 1997, by Steve Jackson Games.