============ OGREverse list, Mar 12th (Last: Mar 10th) ============= ===== Ogre Trading Post From: "Christopher M. Chapman" From: Sethkimmel From: "Hunt, Kirk W." ===== Ogre Miniatures... good standins for the actual OGRE figure? From: OHara Walter ------------------------------ From: "Christopher M. Chapman" Subject: Ogre Trading Post Hi Folks, I'm looking to trade or buy the following items: Ogre Reinforcements Deluxe Ogre Ogre/GEV combo I have the following to trade: Shockwave/ uncut Ice War/cut Wizard/uncut-first printing cvr art Olympia/uncut-first printing cvr art GEV/uncut-boxed Metagaming version Space Gamer #59 w/Battlesuit insert game/uncut Please e-mail me privately if you have the Ogre stuff you're willing to part with. Thanks, Chris cchapman@worldbank.org ----- From: Sethkimmel Subject: Ogre Trading Post Dear Sir; I'm always happy to help a lansman. I have an extra copy of Ogre you can have. Give me your mailing address. (I'll see if I have any extra GEV rules sets, and or counters, but I doubt it). I'll keep my eyes open for the double game for you. Seth ----- From: "Hunt, Kirk W." Subject: Ogre Trading Post He should check www.finegames.com. He ships international and typically has a decent pick of games. Kirk ----- [Mr Flowers seems to have been rebooted lately. Maybe we can all ask him to add a Trading Post to the Message Boards page? (http://www.sjgames.com/ogre/board/) -HJC] ------------------------------ From: OHara Walter Subject: Ogre Miniatures... good standins for the actual OGRE figure? Hello all, I was at COLD WARS (Lancaster, PA) recently and sat in on an Ogre Miniatures game-it was a blast, and now I have a serious jones to play the game. I'm aware that the Ogre Minis don't exist and the market for the minis created by Ral Partha is pretty tight (they won't make any more... something about bad blood with SJG, I didn't get the whole story). I know you can switch some other vehicles for GEVs and LGEVs, particularly from the RP's Battletech line and/or the units for Dirtside II. What I'm looking for, however, is the big kahuna. Is there a model out there of a giant Cybernetic tank still in production? It wouldn't have to have the classic OGRE look, but at least the classic OGRE *size* is necessary. Any suggestions? I have tons of models for Dirtside II, which I know will do for the small fry, but the acquisition of a true Ogre vehicle presents some difficulties. ----- [See: http://www.sjgames.com/ogre/miniatures/otherminis.html -HJC] Henry J. Cobb hcobb@io.com http://www.io.com/~hcobb All OGRE-related items Copyright (c) 1998, by Steve Jackson Games.