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Ogre Record Sheet


Updated July 23, 2010

Points: 150

This was designed as a fast strike Ogre. The Mark IV has 1 main battery, 2 secondary batteries, 8 anti-personnel batteries, and 3 missile racks. It carries 15 missiles in its storage bays, and starts the game with a move of 8" and 56 tread units. The Mark IV was part of a two-pronged Combine plan to improve on the Mark III - knowing as they did that the Fencer was in development and that a Fencer would be able to beat a Mark III one-on-one. Rather than build one cybertank that would do everything, Combine planners designed the Mark IV for speed and long-range striking power, and the Mark V as a slugger The Mark V was essentially just an improved III or III-B, and passed its trials quickly. The Mark IV proved fragile at first, and was not deployed until Mexico City in 2086 - which is why no Mark IV templates were captured at Sheffield.

3 Missile Racks (Defense 4)
15 Missiles (Attack 6, Range 10")
00000 00000 00000
1 Main Battery (Attack 4, Range 6", Defense 4)
2 Secondary Battery (Attack 3, Range 4", Defense 3)
8 Antipersonnel (Attack 1, Range 2", Defense 1)
0000 0000

56 Tread Units: Move starts at 8"
0000 000 (Movement drops to 7")
0000 000 (Movement drops to 6")
0000 000 (Movement drops to 5")
0000 000 (Movement drops to 4")
0000 000 (Movement drops to 3")
0000 000 (Movement drops to 2")
0000 000 (Movement drops to 1")
0000 000 (Movement drops to 0)
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