This article originally appeared in Pyramid #4

Q & A

When using a Create Fire spell, is it possible to stack castings - that is, create a somehow "more intense" fire with several spells into the same hex?

- (source unknown)

No; multiple castings into the same hex don't give you any more intense flames, but they still cost energy.

- Steve Jackson


1. Are alternate character weight rules in ADQ 8/3 official?
2. Can cars with spinal-mounted weapons use cargo space for the spinal mount?
3. Can other weapons be mounted front and back along with a spinal-mounted weapon? If so, with what restrictions?
4. Can spinal-mounted weapons use magazines in cargo space?
5. Are hand weapons considered to have magazines already inside them?
6. Does component armor in sidecars take half a space? In trikes?
7. Can gas-burning vehicles use a targeting laser without a laser battery?

- Bruce Lam, Vancouver, B.C.

1. No. You should use the alternate encumbrance rules in the Car Wars Compendium, p. 49.
2. No.
3. Yes, keeping in mind the 1/3-spaces-per-side rule.
4. Magazines can be used, but they cannot go in cargo space.
5. Yes.
6. Yes, it does. They take a full space in trikes.
7. No. Don't be cheap - buy the battery.

- Ken Scott

Ogre Miniatures

"Ask the Ogre!"

(Thanks to Henry Cobb for most of these questions, and for his suggestions as to answers.)

When infantry are involved in an overrun attack, the rules say that each squad fires and defends separately. What are the attack and defense values for each infantry squad?

Each infantry unit attacks at a strength of 2 … the base attack value of an infantry quad is 1, and infantry have doubled attack strength in overrun. This is also true for militia. Heavy-weapon squads on the attacking side also have an attack strength of 1 (the missile they carry is not suitable for a setup that quick). But when heavy-weapon squads are on the defending side in an overrun, they can use their missile on the first fire round or any later one. However, it is not doubled in value because of the overrun; it still has an attack value of 3. (Note that this amplifies the information in Pyramid 2.)

The base defense value for each battlesuited infantry squad is 1, and each infantry squad is a separate target in overrun. Militia, of course, have little defense. Double the attack strength of anything firing at militia in overrun. (Since all infantry is already doubled, that quadruples the final attack strength of infantry firing on militia.)

Infantry on the defending side get all normal bonuses for terrain type, as well as for any revetments, walls, hulks, etc., that they may be "behind'' with respect to the direction the attackers came from. It may occur to the attackers to take a circular route so that the cover will no longer be between them and the defenders . . . but if the defenders could reach protection by moving a few feet or jumping to the other side of a wall, they will, so such tactics will normally be meaningless. Be logical.

Infantry on the attacking side do not get any bonus for terrain or cover. By definition, if they're on the attack, they're exposing themselves.

Another note: Realistically, if several different kinds of infantry are involved in an overrun, the opponents won't have time to decide which ones to shoot at. Therefore, a random determination can be made as to which squads are actually lost, rather than letting the enemy target the HW squads, engineers, etc., first.

If infantry entered the overrun combat riding on a vehicle, can they remount and continue their movement?

No. The vehicles can continue their movement, but the infantry must stay where they are . . . the time to rendezvous and remount would take up the rest of the turn.

Infantry riding a vehicle is considered stacked with that vehicle and shares the effect of attacks against it. Butwhat's to stop infantry from dismounting at the end of each turn and remounting at the beginning of the next turn?

Nothing . . . but the combat result should be the same. Therefore, if an infantry unit is touching a vehicle and therefore eligible to mount it next turn and move with it, treat that infantry unit as stacked with the vehicle for combat purposes.

How many points does the GEV-PC cost? It says 6 on p. 13, but 3 in the reference table.

The uncertainty has to do with an ongoing argument in the Ogre world about just how good the GEV-PC is. It has the attack ability of an LGEV, less movement but better defense . . . and neither the attack nor defense will matter much if the unit is properly used, because what it's for is shuttling infantry around the battlefield.

The official point value is 6; in skilled hands, it's worth it. But if all you ever do with the GEV-PC is carry infantry into overrun attacks, or drop troops off at the front line and then suicide on the nearest Ogre, don't bother to take any at all . . .

- Steve Jackson

Article publication date: December 1, 1993

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