Heart On His Sleeve (Ethereal Discord)

By Moe Lane


This Discord is evocative of the technological era ('technological era' being defined as 'post-Renaissance', of course). The celestial suffers from a particularly bizarre condition: a short description of his, her or its current emotional state will appear on the celestial's forehead at all times. This description will appear in either Angelic or Helltongue, depending upon whether the celestial is an angel or demon, and can only be seen by those with Symphonic Awareness who make a Perception Roll at +(the Discord's level).

Superiors usually quickly remove this Discord when it appears naturally, but more than one Archangel has been known to inflict it as part of an Outcasting of a particularly intractable angel. This contributes to the usual -1 to reaction rolls per level, seeing as most Outcast angels with this Discord are perpetually sporting the logo "Poor Impulse Control", and then demonstrating the same...

Elohim and Habbalah add the level of this Discord to their Dissonance rolls.


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