Advanced Combat System

This is posted for playtest. Comments should go to the Triplanetary thread on BoardGameGeek, at All material is copyright © 2017 by Steve Jackson Games Incorporated. Thanks for your interest and help!

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This system adds tactical detail by making it possible for a ship to take damage in three ways: general structure, propulsion, or weapons.
Thus, a ship can be able to maneuver even though it cannot fight, or vice versa. Ships can also simply be shot to pieces by structure hits.
Two die rolls are made for each attack. The first roll determines if any hits are scored; use the appropriate table for the type of attack. Then a damage roll is made for each hit to determine where the damage goes.

To-Hit Roll – Guns
Roll 1:4 1:2 1:1 2:1 3:1 4:1
1     -   -   -   -   -   1
2     -   -   -   -   1   1
3     -   -   -   1   1   2
4     -   -   1   1   2   2
5     -   1   1   2   2   3
6     1   1   2   2   3   3

To-Hit Roll – Other Damage
Roll  Torps Mines Asteroid Ram
1       -     -      -      -
2       -     -      -      -
3       1     -      -      1
4       1     -      -      1
5       1     1      1      2
6       3     2      2      3

Each hit scored gives you one roll on the Damage table

Damage Roll – Roll one die: 1 – 1 weapon D 2 – 1 drive D 3 – 1 structure D 4 – 1 weapon D, 1 structure D 5 – 1 weapon D, 1 drive D 6 – 1 structure D, 1 drive D

Keep track of damage to each ship. A ship recovers from 1 D a turn, just as in regular combat. The ship's owner chooses what kind of damage to recover from.

A ship which reaches a base and undergoes maintenance is immediately restored to full operating status.

@D-HEAD = Weapon Damage
A ship with any weapon damage cannot fire any weapon or drop ordnance. Exception: A dreadnaught can still fire if its weapon damage status is D1 through D3.
Weapon hits on transports and packets have no effect except to prevent their launching mines.
A ship whose weapons reach D6 or below can no longer repair them; it must get back to a base to recover its weapon capability. It still defends normally.

@D-HEAD = Drive Damage
A ship with any drive damage cannot maneuver.
A ship whose drive reaches D6 or below may not be repaired; it will be lost when it reaches the edge of the map.

@D-HEAD = Structure Damage
Structure hits have no immediate effect on weapons or drives . . . but if structure reaches D6 or below, the ship explodes or falls apart, and is lost.

@D-HEAD = Looting
A ship is considered "disabled" and lootable/capturable only if it can neither maneuver nor fire. Structure damage does not make a ship any more or less lootable.

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