I'm Hungry...
...Ok, yeah, I know. I'm ALWAYS Hungry, but still. That's what I am,
really. Hunger. Hunger given form and flesh. I'm always Hungry, never
sated. I eat ton after ton of food, but I'm never full. I gorge myself of
rare meats, exotic spices, sugary sweets and plump fats, but I've yet to
feel satisfied with a meal.
Maybe that's what happens when you devour Oblivion; it stays with you,
becoming a bottomless pit inside your gut, constantly gnawing at your
insides, howling to be filled, if not by what you feed it, then by your own
flesh, which it tears and pulls at like a clawing beast...
You gonna finish that? Oh, thanks. *Munch-munch-munch* Urp! ...Sorry, now
where was I? Oh yes, the Hunger...
It's always with me, day in, day out, 24/7. It's what drives me on, really.
Forget Honor, and Glory, and all that jazz. Let the other Princes go for
stuff like getting attention or winning glory in battle or satisfying old
Me, I've got a Mouth to Feed. Mine.
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