Corporeal Forces: 2
Strength: 4
Agility: 4
Ethereal Forces: 3
Intelligence: 7
Precision: 5
Celestial Forces: 3
Will: 7
Perception: 5
Skills: Artistry/1 (poetry), Emote/5, Knowledge
(British History/4, How to Rule a Patriarchal Society
Without Becoming a Figurehead/6, Literature/1,
Politics/4), Languages (French/1, Latin/1, Spanish/1),
Savoir Faire/6, Seduction/1, Singing/1
The traditional problem regarding rich people, Heaven,
a camel and the eye of a needle is even worse when the
rich person in question happens to be a
fairly-absolute ruler in life who had to do quite a
few unpleasant things for the greater good.
Fortunately for Elizabeth, her Fate would have been to
die a penniless exile whose actions had destroyed her
country, while her Destiny was to inspire a great work
of poetry, so things pretty much worked out
satisfactorily. The worst part was trying to find
some meaningful way to apologize to Sir Walter Raleigh
about her choice of heir... but Elizabeth managed,
somehow. Actually, she made it look easy - but then,
she always did.
Elizabeth fairly quickly gravitated into Stone's human
organization, and has stayed there to this day. For
the most part, she works with the Granite Madams as an
advisor on human psychology, specializing in the field
of how to properly handle males without them ever
quite noticing. She also regularly teaches a course
in practical politics that routinely attracts
individuals who do not serve David: her teaching style
can be fairly dry, and Elizabeth is a merciless
grader, but the combination of innate experience and
diligent post-mortem study makes her classes quite
In her copious free time, Elizabeth keeps in regular
contact with several other blessed souls who happened
to be crowned heads of state in their lifetimes.
There is, of course, an ulterior motive (beyond the
simple need for companionship): Elizabeth is of the
firm opinion that monarchy is a necessary and useful
form of government, and wishes to encourage its
resurgence on the corporeal plane. To be sure, today
this would probably mean some sort of constitutional
monarchy (no sense in wasting talent), but the blessed
soul has a dim view of any sort of government that has
no mechanism for a firm, prompt action to a crisis,
and monarchy has the best track record for that sort
of thing. She also recognizes that such a program
requires allies, which is one reason why she enjoys
good relations with Blessed Churchill (and his own
organization). He has wide access to all sorts of
ears: she has a similar influence within Stone.
Arrangements can be made.
The afterlife has had several beneficial effects on
Elizabeth: she has essentially worked through her
vanity and put aside her suspicious nature with a deep
sigh of relief. However, she remains flirtatious (in
a seemly manner, of course) and is perhaps still a bit
too conscious of her dignity. Woe to the entity who
pushes Elizabeth too far; she remains quite good at
verbally flaying the presumptuous (the pithiness of
her retorts are legendary among Servitors of Stone).
Aside from this, the blessed soul is still fairly easy
to get along with; civility and courtesy goes a long
way with her. The possession of artistic talent goes
a bit longer, though: Elizabeth is always ready to
make allowances for a good poet or dramatist.
One final thing that should be noted: one of the major
reasons why Elizabeth has stayed in the lower Heavens
to this day is simply because she remains fascinated -
completely, totally fascinated - with the Archangel of
Stone. After seventy years of careful, constant
maneuvering around male vanity, male preconceptions,
male sheer bloody-mindedness, it was quite the relief
to encounter a being with penultimate power, but
without gender biases of any kind. Not that Elizabeth
has ever demonstrated this fascination in public, or
ever plans to.
Occasional scraps of half-finished poetry don't count.
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