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January 6, 2025: Enter The Forbidden Corner

It would appear that Meta knows I'm a gamer. While I've been intrigued by Puy du Fou for a while now (more on that later), this morning Instagram let me know about an attraction that seems tailor made for a TTRPG fan like myself. Sometimes the algorithm gets it right!
The Forbidden Corner in the Tupgill Park Estate in North Yorkshire, UK, began as a simple wooded area in 1979. Two friends decided to build a viewing tower in the western corner of the property, which led to them building a walled garden, then a grotto, then . . . well, you know how these things go. The property was opened to the public in 1994, and today it's a walkthrough attraction featuring "a unique labyrinth of tunnels, chambers, follies, and surprises," according to the website.
That description might be underselling it. Pictures and videos from around the Internet depict a place that could have doubled as . . .


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January 5, 2025: Could This Be One Of Us?

If this is you, send a wave my way!


-- Steve Jackson

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January 4, 2025: FOMP?!

I suspect most of us have heard of "FOMO" – "Fear of Missing Out."

I have Fear of Missing Pieces. I generally buy games because I love them. And because I love them, I play them. But playing them means pieces can get lost or damaged. So, I do what I can to protect games I know I want to play often: sleeves, covers, tasering people who get too close with snacks or beverages . . . normal stuff. But sometimes I don't know if I love a game until I play it – and by then Cheese-Dust McGee might've gotten their grubby little paws over everything. Thus, I often preemptively sleeve games I suspect I'll like. This has gotten worse in recent years, as games have reached more of a "periodical" model . . . meaning print runs are lower and replacements are rarer. I mean, when I was a kid and lost a Monopoly piece, it was no big deal. A new copy I bought from the store would burn as brightly. But "just . . . [more]

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January 3, 2025: The Transhuman Space Bundles Of Holding Are Leaving The Solar System!

Welcome, traveler, to the strange future of . . . 2025! If you're reading this, it may not be too late – to pick up the Transhuman Space Bundle of Holding!

We talked a bit about this amazing offer before, so we won't repeat everything here. However, if you wanted a realistic science-fiction setting of what it means to be human in the year 2100, there's never been a more-affordable time to begin your journey.

Whether your New Year's resolution was to settle the moon, explore the solar system, dive to the depths of the ocean, or make your way among the intrigues of Earth, the Transhuman Space bundle is an incredible bargain.

In addition, you can supplement to the core rules presented in Transhuman Space Classic with the GURPS Third Edition Core Collection Bundle, which comes with the three most-essential GURPS Third Edition rulebooks to add options to your characters and campaigns . . . [more]

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January 2, 2025: Every Part Of The Meeple

Note: The following article comes to us courtesy of guest contributor Jay Dragon.
Hi everyone, my name's Jay Dragon! I'm a tabletop RPG designer (author of Wanderhome and co-creator of Yazeba's Bed & Breakfast), editorial director at Possum Creek Games, and friend of Steve. The SJGames crew has brought me in to do some guest articles for the Daily Illuminator to talk about various parts of game design. I hope you enjoy!
So I'm normally a Tabletop RPG designer, but I've been doing forays into boardgames lately as part of my work on the ongoing sprawling wizard project currently called Seven-Part Pact. In that game, each Wizard has an asymmetric board which represents their personal Domain, and in order to diversify and properly design these boardgames, I've been studying a lot myself! There's one quality I've grown to really appreciate in boardgame design, which I'm . . .


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