Elohim Game Mechanics

The Elohim resonance for emotion, similar to the Seraphim resonance for truth, is a strangely objective vision of the most subjective human experiences. The check digit of a successful resonance invocation signifies the degree of precision with which the angel has read the target's emotions.

For game purposes, the word "action" in the chart below means anything that could be done in no more than one round of combat. Use common sense. Burning the flag is an action, burning the flag and running down the street with it naked while singing the preamble to the Constitution would take two actions (three, if you weren't already naked).

And remember, the Symphony doesn't take into account the activity of Celestial Forces, like the target's own Will. It's not precognition, but it's close enough for rock and roll.

Check Digit Results

1 You understand the target's current emotional state -- harried, peaceful, sluggish, melancholy, etc. -- in a broad and general fashion.

2 You understand the target's current emotional state and single strongest emotion -- fear, confusion, love, etc.

3 You understand the target's current emotional state, single strongest emotion and the emotion's current motivation -- fear (because you're about to kill him), confusion (because he just lost his job), etc.

4 You understand the target's current emotional state, his two strongest emotions and their current motivations.

5 You understand the target's current emotional state, his two strongest emotions, their motivations and how the target would react at that moment to any one action.

6 You understand the target's current emotional state, his two strongest emotions, their motivations and how the target would react at that moment to any two actions.

Divine Resonance Check Digit Modifiers
+2 Physical contact with the subject
+1 In conversation with the subject, within 3 feet
-1 Electronic audio/video reproduction (whether live or recorded)
-2 Audio only, but not electronically filtered (overheard, etc.)
-3 Electronic audio only (live phone conversation, tape recording)
-4 Visual only, within 40 feet, not electronically filtered

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Choirs of Angels -- Seraphim | Cherubim | Ofanim | Malakim | Kyriotates | Mercurians | Grigori