GURPS – Generic Universal RolePlaying System GURPS – Generic Universal RolePlaying System

GURPS Alphabet Arcane – Cover

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GURPS Alphabet Arcane

Available as a digital file!

Written by Stefan Jones * Edited by Nikola Vrtis * Illustrated by Alex Fernandez

GURPS Line Editor: Sean Punch

36 pages. PDF. * Price $9.00 * Stock number 37-1121
Always AvailableClick here to buy!

Boons from the Court of Twilight to aid Condor Boy on his journey to the rim of the world . . . GURPS Alphabet Arcane describes these and more – 26 unusual items for GURPS Fantasy campaigns.

Most of these magical artifacts are designed to be the focal point of an adventure, complete with NPC stats, spells, and other information to make the encounter come alive. Some of the devices may be used as rewards . . . or punishments!

All the items come with backgrounds and history that hint at a larger whole, but each can be easily incorporated into a variety of campaigns. Written by Stefan Jones (GURPS Uplift, MacGuffin Alphabet), Alphabet Arcane is a concise catalog of curiosities. Whether you're interested in the Annals of Count Katydid, Zokkee's Papyrus Companies, or something in between, these unusual objects will liven up any Fantasy world.

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