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N E W   R E L E A S E S 

Shipped February 3, 2025

Car Wars Savage Stockpile

Stock up on all the things you need to dominate the arena!

Savage Stockpile gives you 40 cards with more accessories, structures, and weapons to customize your car. They were previously only available in Miniatures Set 3 and Road Tiles.

40 cards reprinted from Miniatures Set 3 and Road Tiles. Stock #2450, ISBN 080742094628. $10.95.

Car Wars Militant Munitions

Get the biggest bang for your buck . . .

. . . with Militant Munitions! These 40 cards give you more accessories, structures, weapons, and upgrades to customize your car and were previously only available in Miniatures Set 4 and Road Tiles.

Drive offensively!

40 cards reprinted from Miniatures Set 4 and Road Tiles. Stock #2451, ISBN 080742094611. $10.95.

Car Wars Double-Barrel Danger

Double up your guns to blast the opposition!

Double-Barrel Danger brings you 40 cards that give you more accessories, structures, weapons, and upgrades to further customize your car.

These cards were previously available in the Armory Pack and the Linked Weapons Pack.

40 cards reprinted from the Armory Pack and the Linked Weapons Pack. Stock #2452, ISBN 080742094604. $10.95.

Car Wars Lethal Lineup

Hire the most talented crew available!

These 32 cards give you more crew, gear, sidearms, structures, and upgrades to customize your car. You'll also get tokens for jumping out of the car and for customizing the arena.

The cards in Lethal Lineup were previously available in Crew Pack and Playmat #1.

32 cards reprinted from the Crew Pack and from Playmat #1. Stock #2453, ISBN 080742094598. $12.95.

Shipped January 20, 2025

Last Shot

It's Bullet Time!

In Last Shot, you become Cold War agents, each trying to be the last one standing. Play your hand wisely to protect yourself and draw (or steal!) a Terminated card that lets you eliminate a rival. The trick lies in holding onto it long enough to get a shot off!

Nope! I have Diplomatic Immunity.

Forget that – I've brought in Outside Talent.

Time to Duck and Cover!

Be the last agent standing in this fast-paced Cold War card game. Play your cards right and stay alive long enough to take the Last Shot!

A fast-paced card game of secret agents vying to be the last survivor. Includes 78 cards. Stock #1753, ISBN 080742094529. $16.95.

W 2 3 

Shipped January 30, 2025

How to Be a GURPS GM: Improvising

Expect The Unexpected

As the saying goes, "No adventure survives contact with the players!": No matter how prepared you are as a GM, your players will do things you didn't expect. Of course, you might not have prepared, possibly because you lack the time, perhaps because you don't see the point when your players always blow your plans out of the water. Thus, it's often necessary – and more fun, or at least more efficient – to improvise.

However, good improvisation takes skill. How to Be a GURPS GM: Improvising can't replace that, but it can start you down the right path . . . think of it as preparation for gaming without preparation! Its tricks and tips – swiped from the author's 45 years of gaming experience – cover improvising NPCs, locations, stats, combat, and more, at every level from individual encounters, through adventures, to entire campaigns.

Have players who like to surprise you? It's time to return the favor!

25-page PDF. Stock #37-0379, $7.00.

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