GURPS – Generic Universal RolePlaying System GURPS – Generic Universal RolePlaying System

ERRATA – GURPS Basic Set: Characters (Fourth Edition, Third Printing) – Updated April 2, 2009

Copyright © by Steve Jackson Games Incorporated.

P. 27-28. On these two pages, remove every instance of the words "Round Down" and add the following at the end of the "Frequency of Recognition" section "Apply multipliers for people affected and frequency of recognition, and then drop all fractions at the end."

P. 79. Very Rapid Healing should read "As above, but when you roll to recover lost HP."

P. 115. Replace the line Since "Hemophilia is worth -30 points normally, the most it can be worth as a Nuisance Effect is -24 points" with "Hemophilia is worth -30 points normally, the most it can be worth as a Temporary Disadvantage is -24 points."

P. 133.The special modifier for Dread should read "Special Limitations" instead of "Special Enhancements."

New! P. 257. Under PK Abilities, the reference for Innate Attack should be page 61.

P. 298. The cost for Ultrasonic Speech is "0 or 10."

P. 299-300. The table on the right of both pages should be labeled Disadvantages.

P. 300. Xenophilia is listed on page 162, not page 163.