
Written by William H. Stoddard
Edited by Andy Vetromile
Cover art by John Zeleznik and David Dorman
Illustrated by Greg Hyland, John Hartwell, Doug Shuler, and Greg Kirkpatrick
GURPS Line Editor: Sean Punch
151 black-and-white pages, softcover.
Suggested Retail Price $24.95
Stock number 01-6008
ISBN 978-1-55634-816-7
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151 pages. PDF.
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Stock number 37-0302
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151 black-and-white pages, softcover.
Suggested Retail Price $24.95
Stock number 01-6015
ISBN 978-1-55634-824-2
Out Of Print – Click here for dealer info
Men Like Gods
The 20th century gave birth to a new genre of fiction: the super-powered adventure. Men and women with strange powers protected ordinary mortals from a variety of threats, from street crime to world-shattering disasters. When roleplaying games appeared, supers quickly became one of their most popular genres – and one of the most challenging to do right.
GURPS Fourth Edition provides the game mechanics and tools for the job, and GURPS Supers is your guide to applying them: a comprehensive playbook to the supers genre and to capturing it in your campaign. Focused on drama and characterization, it provides:
- A history and analysis of the supers genre, its precursors and variations
- A guide to character creation, including powers and other abilities, codes of conduct, dual identities, and personal relationships
- More than 20 new wildcard skills
- 22 templates for super characters, each customizable to higher or lower power levels
- Rules for creating equipment, vehicles, bases, automata, and magical spells
- A guide to creating and running supers adventures
- Continuity creation guidelines and tools, so your supers universe can have the same depth as published worlds
- New game mechanics for character creation, including new interpretations of advantages, disadvantages, and skills and newly defined perks, quirks, enhancements, limitations, and techniques
- Guidelines for running superhuman feats and combats under existing rules or adjusting those rules to fit the genre, and new game mechanics specifically for superhuman action
GURPS Supers is a new work, but it draws inspiration from the previous editions of GURPS Supers. Using it to run a GURPS campaign requires the GURPS Basic Set and GURPS Powers. The material on genre conventions, character concepts and relationships, scenario creation, and supers universes can be used with any game system.

- GURPS Powers – Here's everything you need to create every kind of amazing, off-the-chart superhero you can imagine . . . as well as amazing wizards, wuxia fighters, shamans who command spirits . . . even gods!
- GURPS Psionic Powers contains mental abilities that can fit in perfectly with many super-powered settings.
- GURPS Psionic Campaigns examines the game-world issues surrounding the use (and abuse) of psionic powers in a setting – which can make it a perfect complement to GURPS Supers.
- GURPS Thaumatology: Chinese Elemental Powers is a flavorful example of using powers to represent impossible magical arts.
- GURPS Disasters: Meltdown and Fallout lets you add radioactive excitement and danger to your super-heroic campaign.
- Pyramid #3/46: Weird Science – For fantastic and downright strange gear suitable for any super-genius – plus optional systems to create odd equipment and more rules for costumes.
- Pyramid #3/93: Cops and Lawyers provides insight into how the law intersects with amazing abilities, and a super-max prison for super-criminals!
- Warehouse 23 offers worldbooks, supplements, and adventures, in physical and digital formats, for GURPS – as well as many of our other game lines. Surf our site for the files you want . . . and get them instantly with a credit card or PayPal!

- The complete bibliography is online, with links to every referenced book, movie, etc., that's available through Amazon. (Yes, if you buy from one of these links, Amazon pays a percentage to SJ Games!)
- For more bibliographies of GURPS books, check out our GURPS Bibliographies page.

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