Daily Illuminator Archive for September 2024

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September 1, 2024:
I recently saw an article on "corn sweat" and how it's affecting the weather in my Midwestern part of the world. The article goes into more details, but basically, growing corn lets off a lot of moisture, which increases the humidity, which makes things hotter . . . read article

September 2, 2024:
It's barely September and quite warm for most of the country, but there is no denying that spooky season is nearly upon us. Pumpkin spice items are beginning to arrive in stores and coffee shops, and many places are already selling Halloween decor.    To help you get in the mood for All Hallows' Eve, we've put together a list of slightly scary items!   One of our classics, Zombie Dice, lets you play as a zombie while eating brains and attempting to avoid an untimely (second) death . . . read article

September 3, 2024:
Andrew C. Greenberg, co-creator of the Wizardry computer-game series with Robert Woodhead, passed away on August 30, per a Facebook post by Woodward . . . read article

September 4, 2024:
I remember growing up thinking that Chex Mix was a real pain in the keister – like, a once-a-year kind of treat. Turns out, life's moved pretty fast, and my preconceived notions from last millennium are outdated . . . read article

September 5, 2024:
Munchkin illustrator John Kovalic will be hitting the road once again, this time to support the FairShare CSA Coalition. This unique non-profit supports community-supported agriculture (CSA) farms in John's home state of Wisconsin as well as helping low-income households access fresh produce through their Partner Shares Program . . . read article

September 6, 2024:
Here's another "pulled from the headlines" item for modern RPGs . . . A four-year-old broke a Bronze Age jar in a museum . . . read article

September 7, 2024:
One of the first musical genres that caught my attention as a kid was soundtracks/film scores. I've always been fascinated by the way composers work with directors to give a movie an overall feel, as well as adding tension or depth to individual scenes . . . read article

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