Origins Nominee for Best Game-Related Short Work of 2001 |
Written by Micah Jackson Edited by Andrew Hackard Cover art by Brom Illustrated by Tom Biondolillo, Paul Daly, Allen Nunis, Andy Park, and Loston Wallace GURPS Line Editor: Sean Punch 51 pages. PDF.
Price $7.00
Stock number 30-6781 50 pages. Softcover.
Suggested Retail Price $12.95 48 black-and-white pages, softcover.
Suggested Retail Price $4.95 Sean Bailey was a mean ol' cuss . . . and that was before a ghost rock mine caved in on him. Now he's out to get even with the people who killed him off. It's up to bounty hunter Caleb Harling and his friends to stop him before he turns Bailey's End into a ghost town. Wanted: Undead or Alive! is the second in our series of fiction set in the world of GURPS Deadlands. There's also GURPS game information, so GMs can run their own adventures in and around Bailey's End.