December 30, 2018: Hong Kong!
Today I set out on the long journey to Hong Kong, where I'll meet with our GPI rep, David, for a series of factory visits in China. Why are David and I starting 2019 at the factory? For a few very good reasons, including:
Final checks on The Fantasy Trip project before it ships. The game is in final assembly and will be on the water before the end of this month, which puts Kickstarter fulfillment starting in late February or early January.
Pocket Box discussions. As mentioned last month, we're working on a project to create reproductions of several classic eighties Pocket Box games like Car Wars, Illuminati, and Ogre. This trip gives us one last face-to-face review of the plan before we launch the Kickstarter campaign in mid-January.
Munchkin Warhammer 40,000 project review, which includes more than just the core game.
Something big that we're not yet ready to discuss . . . but that we have hinted at more than once. What is it? Be sure to follow Steve Jackson Games on Facebook, Twitter, and Kickstarter so that you don't miss out on what is going to be one of the most complicated game accessory projects we've ever attempted. Wish us luck!
In addition to factory visits, there will also be a little time for fun. As I try to do each time, I have booked an extra day in Hong Kong so that I can get out and enjoy the city. Hong Kong = my favorite place in the world, and I can never get enough time exploring its shops, parks, and sites.
-- Phil Reed

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