The third volume of Pyramid often thought to the future – literally! – with an issue devoted to space or futuristic gaming. (In GURPS terms, this is anything from late TL8 and beyond.) This includes genres such as post-apocalypse or space opera, focussed topics like space colonies, and useful sci-fi gaming resources (who can't use more future technology?). This category is also where you'll find issues devoted to our futuristic settings, such as Transhuman Space.
Pyramid #3/46: Weird Science (August 2012)
Do the Impossible . . . Scientifically!
Fire up your Jacob's ladder, tune your theremin, and tell the world that it is they who are mad! This month's manuscript is devoted to weird science! Our senses-shattering symposium includes "The Power of Weird Science," which describes how GURPS Powers can form the basis for your weird gizmos. Written by GURPS Line Editor (and Powers co-author) Sean Punch!
See the sample!
Pyramid #3/40: Vehicles (February 2012)
Driven to Excellence!
Anchors aweigh away and full throttle! This month's volume takes a look at all things related to vehicles. The realistic and impossible from past, present, and future are pulling into your driveway now. This issue includes "Mecha Operations," which expands and tweaks the GURPS Spaceships rules to better facilitate robotic romps. Written by GURPS Ultra-Tech co-author Kenneth Peters, this article includes Spaceships stats for three brilliant bots.
See the sample!
Pyramid #3/37: Tech and Toys II (November 2011)
From Gear to Eternity!
Tomorrow is sooner than you think; it's time to augment your reality! This month's shipment turns its laser-like focus on futuristic technology and gear. The packing list for this issue includes "Starmaker, Starbreaker," a planet-molding marvel that's perfectly helpful and benign, with just a teensy chance that it might prove to be an uncontrollable, star-destroying super-weapon. This systemless article presents information on the device, its secrets, and place in the campaign.
See the sample!
Pyramid #3/35: Aliens (September 2011)
The Stars Are Alive!
Sure, Mars says they need women, but what are they really up to? Or those upstarts from Delta Cephei? Or any of the billions of beings who likely inhabit the cosmos? This month's issue takes an in-depth look at aliens. A shadowy autopsy of its contents reveals "Alien Disadvantages," an exploration of dozens of the GURPS Basic Set disadvantages, with an eye for how to turn them into something new and unexpected. Learn when "Flashbacks" might not really be flashbacks, plus other possibilities.
See the sample!
Pyramid #3/30: Spaceships (April 2011)
Your Ticket to the Stars!
Let's face it: If you had any plans for leaving our world, you'd need a spaceship. This month's missive is devoted to the craft, captains, and complications of interplanetary travel. This issue's itinerary includes "Practical Astromancy," a look at off-world exploits in GURPS Technomancer. Written by Kenneth Peters (author of Transhuman Space: Spacecraft of the Solar System), this guide includes details of that setting's solar system – including the moon's Kennedy Base – plus descriptions of how its magic-fueled spaceships work. It provides full GURPS Spaceships stats for the Trailblazer-class survey ship and the Yetzirah-class space station.
See the sample!
Pyramid #3/27: Monsters in Space (January 2011)
Danger! Danger! Avoid a Void!
From an astrophysical point of view, scientists know what composes 99% of the universe. But what darkness lurks in that remaining one percent? We fancifully propose some possibilities with this month's "Monsters in Space" issue. This chrome-curling codex contains "Moondragons and Stranger Things," a look at the dangerous denizens of the Roma Universalis solar system (first introduced in Pyramid #3/20: Infinite Worlds). These 12 creatures have full GURPS stats and are suitable for any setting where unwary heroes can get eaten by giant dragonflies or Martian throat-stabbers.
See the sample!
Pyramid #3/24: Bio-Tech (October 2010)
This month's Pyramid upgrade celebrates life . . . with bio-tech! This futuristic folio features "Biomecha," a guide to powerful, living, organic battlesuits. This article – written by GURPS Bio-Tech co-author and fan-favorite David Pulver – includes a full overview of this anime-style genre, campaign ideas, and sample GURPS templates and guidelines. These mighty morphing mortal mecha will really grow on you!
See the sample!
Pyramid #3/21: Cyberpunk (July 2010)
Where the glow of neon and chrome meet the cacophony of corporate corruption, a near-future of adventure awaits. This month, we sent our information insurgents to scope out cyberpunk. This issue includes "Console Cowboys and Cyberspace Kung Fu," new rules for cinematic hacking that build on the foundation of GURPS Action to deliver high-octane electronic exploits. The article includes pre-built cyberdecks (with rules to design your own), a dozen programs to assist netrunners, and a full system to tie them all together. Although designed with cyberpunk in mind, these rules are also excellent to represent modern-day cinematic hacking.
See the sample!
Pyramid #3/18: Space Exploration (April 2010)
The heavens await! This month's installment brings new ideas to the void by examining "Space Exploration." This issue includes "Shores Beyond the Night," an alternate Earth where competing nations explore the solar system for fame and fortune. Cross-time crusaders from the GURPS Infinite Worlds setting can investigate this timeline through out-of-this-world adventures, or homegrown heroes can seek to solve its mysteries by themselves.
See the sample!
Pyramid #3/15: Transhuman Space (January 2010)
This month's issue is devoted to Transhuman Space, the science-fiction setting that's getting closer every day. This month's first futuristic feature is "Transhuman Action," a full set of guidelines for combining the fast-paced GURPS Action rules with Transhuman Space. Written by Transhuman Space Line Editor Phil Masters, this meaty article includes information on converting existing GURPS Action templates and material, five new lenses, and information on how to convert the heroes from Transhuman Space: Personnel Files 4 – Martingale Security into a full "Transhuman Action" campaign!
See the sample!

What kind of articles were in sci-fi/futuristic issues of Pyramid? Try these sample articles and see!
- "Deathball" from Pyramid #3/03: Venturing into the Badlands – Post-Apocalypse – written by GURPS Martial Arts author Peter Dell'Orto and GURPS Line Editor Sean Punch.
- "Looting Your Life Pod's Locker" from Pyramid #3/18: Space Exploration.
You can also check out the introduction, table of contents, and sample pages for any issue of Pyramid, available via Warehouse 23!