June 6, 2018: Join Us At Origins!
We're down to the final days before the start of the Origins Game Fair in Columbus, Ohio, and the team is making last-minute adjustments to all our planned events. What do we have prepared for the convention next week? So much fantastic fun! Just a few of the games we'll be showing off at the convention include:
Ogre – Steve has several Ogre events scheduled next week, and we may even have some early sets of the new plastic miniatures, including the Battle Box, on display in the special Steve Jackson Games event room. The newest miniatures won't be for sale at the show, but we will have copies of Ogre Miniatures Set 1 for purchase, as well as Ogre Sixth Edition and Ogre Reinforcements. Whether you're an old-school fan of the game or a newcomer, you'll want to join us for an Ogre game or two.
Munchkin Collectible Card Game – We're running both how-to-play events and a tournament, including cards from the new Desolation of Blarg expansion, at Origins, so now's your chance to learn this new game . . . or, if you've been playing since February, an opportunity to crush the opposition. And be sure to stop by the GTM booth in the exhibit hall for a Munchkin Collectible Card Game surprise.
The Fantasy Trip – Steve has a demo set of Melee and we will be running a handful of sessions for those who want to give Steve's very first roleplaying game a try. And, best of all, we will have news about the upcoming launch of The Fantasy Trip on Kickstarter. When? See us at Origins or check back here next week for more on the project!
Triplanetary – The new edition of this classic game is only now reaching our fulfillment warehouse, so it is unlikely that any copies will be available for sale at Origins. Still, that won't stop you from sitting down for a Triplanetary demo and getting a close look at how Steve and the team brought this 1973 title ahead over four decades to today's store shelves. A special thank-you to all of our Kickstarter backers who made this a reality; without your support, the game likely would still be on the back burner waiting for release.
Those are just a few of the games we will be demonstrating at the show, so please be sure to stop by and join us for hours and hours of gaming fun. We've got a large crew all set to teach games, so we hope to see many of you at the show next week.
-- Phil Reed

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