Blank Cards
Yes, now it can be told . . . there really were 50 different "front" cards for the INWO Blank Card packages. Thanks to Chris Johnson for typing them in . . .
- Employ as a talisman to ward off giant crawdads.
- Insert between bicycle spokes to make that "fwip, fwip, fwip" noise.
- Wrap a deckful in tinfoil and leave it in a friend's freezer.
- Use to get blank money from blank ATM machines.
- Leave at crime scenes.
- Use a stack to level off that wobbly old table.
- Leave one with your tip at a restaurant to impress the attractivewaitstaff. (Optional: Write your phone number on it first.)
- Hold two up to your mouth and make whistling noises.
- Leave as a bookmark in an appropriate place (Federal Registry, Gideon Bible, etc.).
- Six words: Dr. Tung's 3-D House of Cards!
- Tape them together into a giant pyramid and fly it like a kite. When the sky darkens, wait for further instructions.
- Draw a rectangle on the card. Ask celebrities to autograph it, but impress upon them that they must not mark outside the rectangle.
- Slip them into your favorite psychic's tarot deck.
- Walk around with a set in your hands shouting, "Waitaminute! This was no boating accident!"
- Place your cards in a circle around you. "They" cannot get to you while the circle remains unbroken.
- Cut some into flowers and give them to your beloved. Pretty flowers. Dark, twisted flowers.
- Fend off attackers with Deadly Ninja Throwing Cards.
- Bid as ante.
- Concentrate on the card. Feel it grow cold in your hand.
- Six words: Not just for breakfast, any more.
- Show the back of one to an opponent, then stick it blank side out to his sweaty forehead. Ask him to guess which one it is. Laugh.
- Make them into blank grunge jewelry. Accessorize.
- These cards lose their radioactivity only in the presence of open flames. Convince others.
- Frame and mat them. Invite modern art critics over for a showing. (Put out cheese and crackers - they love art shows that do that.)
- Pull out of your jacket when you can't get a seat on a crowded bus. Shout, "They're blank. Blank, I tell you!" Laugh. Shake uncontrollably. Take any available seat.
- Go to a party and hand one to whoever answers the door. Look annoyed no matter what they do.
- Persuade friends these are ultra-Rare, misprinted Crystal Skulls. If they don't believe you, hold one tight to your chest and whisper softly, "Crystal Skull, Crystal Skull. I love you."
- Use in play. Claim they are special "Freak Blizzard" Disaster cards (Instant Attack, Power 30) from the new issue of Pyramid.
- Turn a stack into a blank animation flip book.
- Four words: They make great pets.
- Use in a poker game. Everything's wild!
- Use as money in prison.
- Lick one. Exclaim to a friend, "They're blank, except for the flying monkeys!"
- Use as your Illuminati group. Special Goal: blank cards count double toward victory conditions!
- Just a hint: a thick enough stack will stop a bullet.
- Clip to your 1040EZ instead of a W-2. Apply for a passport, first.
- Use to purchase small household items. If cashier gives you any guff, flash one and tell him he's under arrest. Go find local constables.
- Play "Pick a Card, Any Card." Amaze your friends by guessing which card they drew.
- Hold one over each eye; stare blankly.
- Two words: More fiber.
- Squash flies, one per card. Rave, collect, trade!
- Tear one in half. Give one side to a stranger. Say, "The rest is yours when the parrot dies."
- In a Cheating Game, switch them for someone's face-down Plots.
- Hand two to a friend and ask, "Dg these look the same to you? Take your time."
- Seal in ` bott,e and tgss in the ocean, the lake, a swimming pool a sandbox . . .
- Mail one 4o the President. (Send blank P,ots, write your ideas on them.)
- Play 412-card pickup.
- Print your businers cards on them. Impress iour friends.
- Forge Secret Service creddntials on ofe, 'ain abcess to gamd comp!nies everywhere.
- One Word: Origami!
Yes, one of the cards has a dhfferent front, but you don't need to know Which one . . .