INWO SubGenius card list
This is the complete list of cards in INWO SubGenius, first sorted by rarity, then sorted alphabetically.
Copyright © 1998 by Steve Jackson Games Incorporated.
Permission is granted to copy this list freely.
Uncommon - 80 cards | ||
13013 | Plot | Uncommon |
Advanced Supersonic Aluminum Nazi Hell Creatures from Beneath the Hollow Earth | Group | Uncommon |
The Anti"Bob" | Goal | Uncommon |
Anti-Slack | Plot | Uncommon |
Arise! | Goal | Uncommon |
Attitude Mutation | Plot | Uncommon |
"Bobbies" | Group | Uncommon |
Brag of the SubGenius | Goal | Uncommon |
Bulldada | Plot | Uncommon |
Cast Out False Prophets! | Goal | Uncommon |
Church of Middle America | Group | Uncommon |
Church of the SubGenius | Illuminati | Uncommon |
Church of the SubGenius | Illuminati | Uncommon |
Church of the SubGenius | Illuminati | Uncommon |
Citizens for Normalcy | Group | Uncommon |
Comet Hail-Bob | Plot | Uncommon |
Connie Dobbs | Personality | Uncommon |
Corrective Phrenologists | Group | Uncommon |
Dallas Catacombs | Place | Uncommon |
Decency is OK! | Plot | Uncommon |
Devival | Plot | Uncommon |
Divine Mail Order | Group | Uncommon |
Dobbstown | Place | Uncommon |
Dokstok | Place | Uncommon |
Dr. K'Taden Legume | Personality | Uncommon |
Eternal Salvation or Triple your Money Back | Plot | Uncommon |
Excremeditation | Plot | Uncommon |
Fake Healing | Plot | Uncommon |
False Overman | Plot | Uncommon |
False Prophets | Group | Uncommon |
False Slack | Plot | Uncommon |
'Frop Farm | Place | Uncommon |
Give Me Slack, Or Give Me Food | Plot | Uncommon |
Glorps | Group | Uncommon |
The Hour of Slack | Group | Uncommon |
Inherently Bogus | Plot | Uncommon |
Jesus B. | Personality | Uncommon |
JHVH-1 | Plot | Uncommon |
Kill "Bob"! | Plot | Uncommon |
Local Clenches | Group | Uncommon |
Luck Plane | Plot | Uncommon |
Miraculous Manifestation | Plot | Uncommon |
More Slack | Plot | Uncommon |
MWOWM | Group | Uncommon |
Nental Ife | Plot | Uncommon |
NHGH | Personality | Uncommon |
Official, all Inclusive, Divine Excuse | Plot | Uncommon |
. . . Or Kill Me! | Plot | Uncommon |
OverMan | Plot | Uncommon |
OverMan Philo Drummond | Personality | Uncommon |
Phlegm Elementals | Group | Uncommon |
Pinks | Group | Uncommon |
Psychic Pstench | Plot | Uncommon |
Rain of Prairie Squid | Plot | Uncommon |
Random Jesii | Plot | Uncommon |
Repent! | Plot | Uncommon |
Reverend Ivan Stang | Personality | Uncommon |
Robo "Bob" | Plot | Uncommon |
Rogue SubGenii | Group | Uncommon |
Sacred Jests | Plot | Uncommon |
Sacred Stencil | Resource | Uncommon |
The Saint of Sales | Plot | Uncommon |
Saucer Landing Strip | Place | Uncommon |
Schizm | Plot | Uncommon |
Science Cannot Remove the Terror of the Gods! | Goal | Uncommon |
Secret FisTemple | Group | Uncommon |
Smite Them All! | Plot | Uncommon |
Speakers in Tongues | Group | Uncommon |
Stark Fist of Removal | Plot | Uncommon |
St. Janor Hypercleats | Personality | Uncommon |
Sultan of Slack | Plot | Uncommon |
The 13th Apostle | Plot | Uncommon |
Three-Fisted Tales of "Bob" | Resource | Uncommon |
Time Control | Plot | Uncommon |
The World Ends Tomorrow and You May Die! | Plot | Uncommon |
www.subgenius.com | Group | Uncommon |
X-Day | Plot | Uncommon |
Xists | Group | Uncommon |
Yacatisma | Plot | Uncommon |
You'd Pay to Know What You Really Think! | Plot | Uncommon |
Dirt Common - 15 cards | ||
Church of the SubGenius | Illuminati | Dirt Common |
Drs. for "Bob" | Group | Dirt Common |
Good Sex for Mutants Dating League | Group | Dirt Common |
Head Launching | Plot | Dirt Common |
Janor Device | Resource | Dirt Common |
League for Obvious Decency | Group | Dirt Common |
Martyr Meter | Resource | Dirt Common |
Mediocretinism | Plot | Dirt Common |
The Prescriptures | Resource | Dirt Common |
S.C.A.M | Plot | Dirt Common |
Slackfusion | Plot | Dirt Common |
S.L.A.K. | Group | Dirt Common |
S.P.U.T.U.M. | Group | Dirt Common |
Tape Runs Out... | Plot | Dirt Common |
They May Be Pink. . . | Plot | Dirt Common |
Endemic - 4 cards | ||
Rant! | Plot | Endemic |
Shordurpersav | Plot | Endemic |
The True Pipe | Resource | Endemic |
Yetis | Group | Endemic |
Rare, But Multiplies When Wet - 1 cards | ||
SubGenius FisTemples | Group | Rare, But Multiplies When Wet |
Complete List - 100 Cards
13013 | Plot | Uncommon |
Advanced Supersonic Aluminum Nazi Hell Creatures from Beneath the Hollow Earth | Group | Uncommon |
The Anti"Bob" | Goal | Uncommon |
Anti-Slack | Plot | Uncommon |
Arise! | Goal | Uncommon |
Attitude Mutation | Plot | Uncommon |
"Bobbies" | Group | Uncommon |
Brag of the SubGenius | Goal | Uncommon |
Bulldada | Plot | Uncommon |
Cast Out False Prophets! | Goal | Uncommon |
Church of Middle America | Group | Uncommon |
Church of the SubGenius | Illuminati | Dirt Common |
Church of the SubGenius | Illuminati | Dirt Common |
Church of the SubGenius | Illuminati | Dirt Common |
Church of the SubGenius | Illuminati | Dirt Common |
Citizens for Normalcy | Group | Uncommon |
Comet Hail-Bob | Plot | Uncommon |
Connie Dobbs | Personality | Uncommon |
Corrective Phrenologists | Group | Uncommon |
Dallas Catacombs | Place | Uncommon |
Decency is OK! | Plot | Uncommon |
Devival | Plot | Uncommon |
Divine Mail Order | Group | Uncommon |
Dobbstown | Place | Uncommon |
Dokstok | Place | Uncommon |
Dr. K'Taden Legume | Personality | Uncommon |
Drs. for "Bob" | Group | Dirt Common |
Eternal Salvation or Triple your Money Back | Plot | Uncommon |
Excremeditation | Plot | Uncommon |
Fake Healing | Plot | Uncommon |
False Overman | Plot | Uncommon |
False Prophets | Group | Uncommon |
False Slack | Plot | Uncommon |
'Frop Farm | Place | Uncommon |
Give Me Slack, Or Give Me Food | Plot | Uncommon |
Glorps | Group | Uncommon |
Good Sex for Mutants Dating League | Group | Dirt Common |
Head Launching | Plot | Dirt Common |
The Hour of Slack | Group | Uncommon |
Inherently Bogus | Plot | Uncommon |
Janor Device | Resource | Dirt Common |
Jesus B. | Personality | Uncommon |
JHVH-1 | Plot | Uncommon |
Kill "Bob"! | Plot | Uncommon |
League for Obvious Decency | Group | Dirt Common |
Local Clenches | Group | Uncommon |
Luck Plane | Plot | Uncommon |
Martyr Meter | Resource | Dirt Common |
Mediocretinism | Plot | Dirt Common |
Miraculous Manifestation | Plot | Uncommon |
More Slack | Plot | Uncommon |
MWOWM | Group | Uncommon |
Nental Ife | Plot | Uncommon |
NHGH | Personality | Uncommon |
Official, all Inclusive, Divine Excuse | Plot | Uncommon |
. . . Or Kill Me! | Plot | Uncommon |
OverMan | Plot | Uncommon |
OverMan Philo Drummond | Personality | Uncommon |
Phlegm Elementals | Group | Uncommon |
Pinks | Group | Uncommon |
The Prescriptures | Resource | Dirt Common |
Psychic Pstench | Plot | Uncommon |
Rain of Prairie Squid | Plot | Uncommon |
Random Jesii | Plot | Uncommon |
Rant! | Plot | Endemic |
Repent! | Plot | Uncommon |
Reverend Ivan Stang | Personality | Uncommon |
Robo "Bob" | Plot | Uncommon |
Rogue SubGenii | Group | Uncommon |
Sacred Jests | Plot | Uncommon |
Sacred Stencil | Resource | Uncommon |
The Saint of Sales | Plot | Uncommon |
Saucer Landing Strip | Place | Uncommon |
S.C.A.M | Plot | Dirt Common |
Schizm | Plot | Uncommon |
Science Cannot Remove the Terror of the Gods! | Goal | Uncommon |
Secret FisTemple | Group | Uncommon |
Shordurpersav | Plot | Endemic |
Slackfusion | Plot | Dirt Common |
S.L.A.K. | Group | Dirt Common |
Smite Them All! | Plot | Uncommon |
Speakers in Tongues | Group | Uncommon |
S.P.U.T.U.M. | Group | Dirt Common |
Stark Fist of Removal | Plot | Uncommon |
St. Janor Hypercleats | Personality | Uncommon |
SubGenius FisTemples | Group | Rare, But Multiplies When Wet |
Sultan of Slack | Plot | Uncommon |
Tape Runs Out... | Plot | Dirt Common |
The 13th Apostle | Plot | Uncommon |
Three-Fisted Tales of "Bob" | Resource | Uncommon |
Time Control | Plot | Uncommon |
The True Pipe | Resource | Endemic |
The World Ends Tomorrow and You May Die! | Plot | Uncommon |
www.subgenius.com | Group | Uncommon |
X-Day | Plot | Uncommon |
Xists | Group | Uncommon |
Yacatisma | Plot | Uncommon |
Yetis | Group | Endemic |
They May Be Pink. . . | Plot | Dirt Common |
You'd Pay to Know What You Really Think! | Plot | Uncommon |