The third volume of Pyramid often thought to the future – literally! – with an issue devoted to space or futuristic gaming. (In GURPS terms, this is anything from late TL8 and beyond.) This includes genres such as post-apocalypse or space opera, focussed topics like space colonies, and useful sci-fi gaming resources (who can't use more future technology?). This category is also where you'll find issues devoted to our futuristic settings, such as Transhuman Space.
Pyramid #3/100: Pyramid Secrets (February 2017)
Treasures await the intrepid.
For years, Pyramid – the PDF magazine for roleplayers – has delivered monthly delights to your gaming table. On this, our 100th issue, we bring you material that spans the possibilities of GURPS in all its amazement. "Infinite Weapons" arms you with new GURPS High-Tech firearms you might find across the GURPS Infinite Worlds setting. This month's column from David L. Pulver reveals new organizations and possibilities conjured from the pages of GURPS Ultra-Tech. Secrets and surprises are waiting for you in this issue!
See the sample!
Pyramid #3/97: Strange Powers (November 2016)
Unleash the uncanny.
Extraordinary abilities may belong to those you least expect . . . including yourself. Unchain the impossible in this month's issue of Pyramid, the PDF magazine for roleplayers. "High Psi" by Kelly Pedersen amps up psionic powers, making them more powerful than ever. This month's column from David L. Pulver adds anime-flavored anthropomorphized high-tech weapons. Whether you skulk among the shadows or soar above the skies, this issue makes the impossible look easy!
See the sample!
Pyramid #3/96: Tech and Toys IV (October 2016)
Upgrade your tomorrow.
The future is waiting to be determined. Expand your possibilities with this month's issue of Pyramid, the PDF magazine for roleplayers. With "High-Tech Buildings" by Matt Riggsby, you'll construct modern and futuristic structures, complete with amenities. In David L. Pulver's latest column, devise ultra-tech armor that fits your vision. Whether you're looking for offensive upgrades, defensive options, or new ideas to augment your campaign, this issue is the bleeding edge of fun!
See the sample!
Pyramid #3/94: Spaceships III (August 2016)
Space is a pretty big place.
Learn your way around it well enough to create five-star campaigns in this month's issue of Pyramid. In "So You Want To Build a Spaceship" by Roger Burton West and Timothy Ponce, you'll find out how to build spaceships to fit the feel of your campaign – whether you're story is one of slick intergalactic exploration or working stiffs getting by, in space. This month in David L. Pulver's column, get ideas for introducing contraband, smuggling, and grey market goods into your space game. And there's plenty more interstellar content where that came from!
See the sample!
Pyramid #3/92: Zombies (June 2016)
The Dead Strike Back!
You thought it was safe to walk past a graveyard? The dead have other ideas! This installment of Pyramid is dedicated to exploring a single versatile threat: zombies. This issue's pulse-pounding pages contain "Unlife Support," a discussion of various GURPS options for including playable free-willed zombies in a campaign, from GURPS Zombies author Sean Punch. Let the heroes use Partial Resurrection, a "restart" serum, or other options. The PCs may die, but the fun lives on!
See the sample!
Pyramid #3/91: Thaumatology IV (May 2016)
Magic Like Lightning, So Shocking and Dangerous
Where wizards duel and a dark tome hides, where metal spells and foul brews reside, where spirits lurk in machines to awake, let this Pyramid help your magic to make! This latest installment is another assortment of arcane-expanding miscellany, perfect to add all manner of new excitement to your GURPS game. Within the uncanny pages of Pyramid #3/91: Thaumatology IV, you shall discover "Technomysticism," a new magical field that might be found in the world of GURPS Monster Hunters. This feature showcases a new champion – the technomystic – plus details on technologically oriented abilities (including Machine Whisperer, Repairing Touch, Machine-Jinx), GURPS stats on several tech spirits, and more. It also includes information on how to work with the netrunning abilities from Pyramid #3/21: Cyberpunk.
See the sample!
Pyramid #3/90: After the End (April 2016)
Yesterday's Gone; Tomorrow Begins Now!
The world may have ended, but the fun is just beginning! The latest installment of Pyramid unleashes the potential of GURPS After the End, with loads of new material to enhance your post-apocalyptic possibilities. This issue's radioactively radiant features include "Are We Not Men?," an expanded look at mutant powers by the architect of After the End, Jason "PK" Levine. Picking up where GURPS After the End 1: Wastelanders left off, this article adds over two dozen new mutations, letting you roll randomly or pick from the list of choices. Push the limits of humanity with catlike grace, winged arms, X-ray vision, and much more.
See the sample!
Pyramid #3/88: The End Is Nigh (February 2016)
Get Ready for the End Times!
All it'll take is a computer glitch in a lead-lined silo, and the apocalypse could be upon us! This month's Pyramid looks at what comes next, with post-apocalyptic goodies that will be invaluable to gamers using GURPS Action, GURPS Zombies, or the forthcoming GURPS After the End. The end times begin in style with "The Redeemers," a powerful gang that can be friend or foe, from Assistant GURPS Line Editor Jason "PK" Levine. Discover their code of conduct and tenets, along with GURPS stats for various members. This feature also provides maps from Matt Riggsby, scribe and cartographer for GURPS Locations: Hellsgate, plus a player's handout to set the mood.
See the sample!
Pyramid #3/85: Cutting Edge (November 2015)
Bringing You Tomorrow . . . Today!
The future isn't some far-off wonderland; it encroaches on the present with every passing moment! This issue of Pyramid checks out skills, ideas, and tech from the not-too-distant future, whether it's a transhuman tomorrow, a cyberpunk society, or something even stranger. This issue features "Training for the Tech," a look at styles, skills, and developments for shootists in the near-future. Written by Transhuman Space line editor Phil Masters, this guide offers a plethora of new options for any TL9 campaign (including Transhuman Space).
See the sample!
Pyramid #3/84: Perspectives (October 2015)
Bring a Whole New Perspective to Your GURPS Game!
Sometimes the most amazing thing you can do with your gaming is to look at things from a new angle, shake things up, and challenge your perspectives. This issue of Pyramid is devoted to looking at things from a different point of view. Its senses-stretching articles include "The Long and the Short of It," Sean Punch's supplement-length look at how extremes of time and space can call for special scrutiny in GURPS, in the same vein as the advice from How to Be a GURPS GM. Whether your campaigns are set in a tiny hamlet or the endless multiverse, or whether they're one-shots or span generations, you'll learn how to ensure your campaigns are balanced and fun!
See the sample!

What kind of articles were in sci-fi/futuristic issues of Pyramid? Try these sample articles and see!
- "Deathball" from Pyramid #3/03: Venturing into the Badlands – Post-Apocalypse – written by GURPS Martial Arts author Peter Dell'Orto and GURPS Line Editor Sean Punch.
- "Looting Your Life Pod's Locker" from Pyramid #3/18: Space Exploration.
You can also check out the introduction, table of contents, and sample pages for any issue of Pyramid, available via Warehouse 23!