April 18, 2019: Kickstarter Reports, April Update
As you already know, we run two separate accounts at Kickstarter: Steve Jackson Games and Warehouse 23. In the interest of transparency and keeping everyone updated on the status of our various projects, we've started regularly publishing a summary of our crowdfunding efforts. This is both for the benefit of project supporters – who rightfully deserve regular reports on active campaigns – as well as our staff. If you're interested in the recent past, please see the February and March reports.
Three Mini-Expansions for Munchkin!
March 25 to April 12
1,331 backers and on schedule
Thank you for the support, gang! The three new mini-expansions are now at print and we expect to deliver the project on schedule. BackerKit survey not yet ready.
Bag of Bags
March 31 to April 1
287 backers and on schedule
Darryll and I recently met with the GPI team to review this project. At the moment, we're on track to deliver the rewards as estimated. The project is at print. BackerKit survey not yet ready.
Powered by GURPS: Dungeon Fantasy Monsters 2 & Game Reprint
March 4 to March 22
1,019 backers and on schedule
As of this moment, both the Monsters 2 book and the reprint of the Dungeon Fantasy Roleplaying Game box set are in the last checks before printing. We should see tooling samples of both next month. BackerKit survey not yet ready.
Pocket Box Games of the Eighties
January 30 to March 1
1,974 backers and on schedule
We continue to work with our partners at GPI as games and expansions are scanned, touched up, and prepared for print. We expect to ship this as scheduled (October of this year to domestic backers, January 2020 for international supporters). We've not yet decided which items, if any, will go into distribution. BackerKit preorders are currently open for anyone who missed the campaign.
Hexagram #1, an Old-School RPG Zine for The Fantasy Trip
February 1 to February 13
961 backers and on schedule
At print and expected to ship to project supporters on schedule. We've already reviewed the physical proof.
The Fantasy Trip Adventures
January 2 to January 14
1,375 backers and on schedule
At print and on schedule. We should see the tooling sample next month.
Ogre Battlefields
December 5 to December 28
1,401 backers and on schedule
Tooling approved and in final production at the factory. The project is estimated to ship from the factory in late May, which means our July 2019 delivery estimate is still on schedule.
Munchkin Steampunk: Girl Genius
November 1 to November 21
2,195 backers and on schedule
Expected to reach the fulfillment warehouse later this month, on schedule.
Illuminati Coins
October 9 to October 17
722 backers and on schedule
In the warehouse and shipping out to project backers. Some of you have already received your rewards and said kind things about the coins. Thank you!
Ogrezine II
September 13 to September 28
843 backers and behind schedule
The PDF collection of the new articles is late. It is now in the final checks and, with hard work, will be released to backers late this month.
The Fantasy Trip Legacy Edition
July 23 to August 24
3,379 backers and behind schedule
U.S. delivery was on schedule, with most backers receiving their rewards before the end of March. International delivery is still in progress and behind schedule; delivery experiences with this project are part of the reason we changed our policy when it comes to international-delivery estimates.
That's a total of 11 active projects.
2 mailing out to backers.
1 slightly delayed and completing this month.
1 on-schedule project on the boat.
5 on-schedule projects at print.
1 on-schedule project going to print this month.
1 on-schedule project in scanning at the factory.
One thing that will become more obvious as we continue to use crowdfunding to create games: Our office always has a lot of projects in the works. It is not at all unusual for some of us to work on a dozen or more different projects in a single day, and it is only through our established project-management tools that we're able to juggle so many games in so many stages of progress.
As always, thank you for your continued support. If you have any questions at all about a campaign, please feel free to ask in the forums or in the comments section of a specific Kickstarter project. We'll answer as best we can and as quickly as we're able. Thank you.
-- Phil Reed

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