September 27, 2019: Kickstarter Reports, September Update
Four different campaigns – The Fantasy Trip Adventures, Bag of Bags, Dungeon Fantasy Monsters 2, and Three Munchkin Mini-Expansions – reached Austin the end of August and we started shipping packages as soon as we could. At the moment, only the three mini-expansions campaign has not started shipping; the three other projects are mailing out every day. Check the various project updates for the latest news.
In last month's post, we noted that we were going to put the brakes on offering international rewards, but we've continued to look at options. So we are going to try a new fulfillment partner for the international side of our Kickstarter operations. We want to ship our games to every corner of the world; please be patient as we work through the details. Our goal is to make international fulfillment as easy and inexpensive as possible . . . for you as well as us! None of us wants to sink more into shipping than we spend on the game.
Our current projects and the status of each:
Deadly Doodles 2
September 23 to October 11
Now funding on Kickstarter! If you do not yet have a copy of the Deadly Doodles game, we are offering the game along with the new expansion in this latest project. Fans of Katie Cook's incredible artwork will want to take a close look at the campaign's add-on options.
Dungeon Fantasy Magic Items 2
September 2 to September 6
555 backers and on schedule
The BackerKit surveys close on September 30 and it looks like we will start shipping rewards in October. Once all of the Kickstarter rewards have been mailed to backers, we'll offer the book through the GURPS On Demand program. This will be faster and cheaper for international backers than if we had offered to ship the book as part of the Kickstarter campaign.
Munchkin Pathfinder 3
August 19 to August 23
444 backers and on schedule
This experiment is working out better than expected! The factory is wrapping up production of the three expansions and we might be in a position to deliver the project ahead of schedule. Preorder today at Warehouse 23.
The Fantasy Trip: Decks of Destiny
April 29 to June 3
1,172 backers and on schedule
We are waiting for tooling samples from the factory.
Three Mini-Expansions for Munchkin!
March 25 to April 12
1,331 backers and ahead of schedule
We will start shipping this to backers ASAP.
Bag of Bags
March 31 to April 1
287 backers and on schedule
Currently shipping to backers.
Powered by GURPS: Dungeon Fantasy Monsters 2 & Game Reprint
March 4 to March 22
1,019 backers and on schedule
Currently shipping to backers.
Pocket Box Games of the Eighties
January 30 to March 1
1,974 backers and behind schedule
The project is behind schedule because the scanning and clean-up took longer than any of us expected. Check the project updates, though, and we think you'll agree that this is worth the wait.
The Fantasy Trip Adventures
January 2 to January 14
1,375 backers and behind schedule
Currently shipping to backers.
Ogre Battlefields
December 5 to December 28
1,401 backers and behind schedule
Currently shipping to backers.
That's a total of 10 active projects:
1 now funding.
4 now mailing to backers.
2 start shipping to backers over the next month.
3 at the factory.
In addition to the listed projects, we have more coming, including Car Wars Sixth Edition! To receive notification when we launch new projects, we recommend following both the Steve Jackson Games and Warehouse 23 accounts, as well as liking and following our Facebook page.
-- Phil Reed

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