Praise "Bob"!
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The SubGenius cannot IMAGINE what it is like to be Normal. The Normals make CORRUPT attempts to BALK us. These Normal scumbag pawns serve, some KNOWINGLY but most as mere dupes, the Illuminati, and are a DEAD END, but a dead end that can drag the Friend of "Bob" down WITH them! These are the LAST DAYS for the miserable Normals. The Normal scumbags would FEAR your Devival if they saw it, they are DOOMED never to know the Slackful JOY of "Bob" and his Word. They will never pay Church dues, nor would "Bob" want them if they did, though he will of COURSE take their MONEY! But the Normals exist to be MOCKED, to be FLEECED, to be pitied but USED! Remember, EACH of the Lee Harvey Oswalds acted alone! Normal scumbags are genetically incapable of understanding that the brilliant subversion found in the SubGenius propaganda pamphlets, despite the lies of the False Prophets, has always been perceived as UNKNOWABLE. Yet it is a source of unceasing divine SLACK! Yes, that's RIGHT! The enlightened Sub cleaves to the word of "Bob" and (without wires or strings) DAMNS the Normals and is BELOVED of JHVH-1 because he has PAID HIS DUES!
Does this make NO SENSE to you?
Is this your first exposure to the Word of "Bob"?
Maybe you need to learn MORE. It depends on how you react to these electronically generated yet DIVINELY AUTHENTIC spews of TRUTH. Did you find them meaningless and annoying, or strangely compelling?