February 4, 2009: Planned GURPS Releases, Part II
This post, like my last one, offers a few teasers about upcoming GURPS titles that I've already leaked in my blog. Nothing here is a promise, but everything is truly in progress – this isn't a "blue sky" list or wishful thinking. Today's installment is about PDFs. If Fate cooperates, then 2009 should see us upload:
- Pyramid, every month (duh!). Each themed issue, featuring your favorite SJ Games writers, will be like a mini-genre book on a genre or a subgenre that might otherwise slip between the cracks.
- GURPS Loadouts: Monster Hunters. GURPS High-Tech support from that book's authors, S.A. Fisher and Hans-Christian Vortisch. All the tools you need to hunt down vampires, werewolves, and Elder Things.
- GURPS Thaumatology: Magical Styles. GURPS Thaumatology support, by Yours Truly. Brings the idea of styles, introduced in GURPS Martial Arts, into the realm of wizardry.
- GURPS Hot Spots: Renaissance Florence. The first item of the GURPS Hot Spots series. By Matt Riggsby, who wrote about the cities of Renaissance Italy in Pyramid.
- GURPS Psionic Powers. Jason Levine treats psi powers with the loving detail of GURPS Psionics but using the game mechanics of GURPS Powers.
- GURPS Martial Arts: Gladiators. GURPS Martial Arts support from my coauthor on that book, Peter V. Dell'Orto, and Pyramid historian Volker Bach.
- GURPS Spaceships 3, 4, and 5. Further installments in the GURPS Spaceships series, by David Pulver.
- GURPS Gun Fu. More GURPS High-Tech support from S.A. Fisher and Hans-Christian Vortisch, with an assist from Yours Truly on game mechanics. Cinematic martial arts for gunmen!
- One more GURPS Locations item. You might recall that we kicked off this series last year with GURPS Locations: The Tower of Octavius, by Matt Riggsby. We plan to continue it in 2009.
- At least one more GURPS Dungeon Fantasy volume – and probably two, maybe even more.
- More Transhuman Space support, at least some of it from new line editor but old hand Phil Masters.
- At least one GURPS adventure.
- At least two more free GURPS promo items.
- A PDF of anything we release as a hardback in 2009.
Among other things.
– Sean Punch

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