In Nomine Errata Index – February 9, 2010
Copyright © by Steve Jackson Games Incorporated.
Everyone makes mistakes, including us – but we do our best to fix our errors. These errata pages have been prepared by Steve Jackson Games for the convenience of its customers.
If you find an error which is not listed in these pages, please write and tell us! We will also do our best to answer questions about our games, provided that they are phrased in a manner which will allow for a yes-or-no reply or other brief answer. We cannot answer game questions by telephone.
Errata for later printings and editions also apply to earlier printings and editions unless noted otherwise. To determine a book's printing, look at the row of numbers near the bottom of the title page. The lowest number is that book's printing. For PDF Editions, note that the PDF is always the most recent printing, and all of its errata (both currently corrected in the PDF and not yet corrected) apply to any earlier printings of the product.
If you wish to be kept informed of new errata updates, please sign up for the errata mailing list.
New In Nomine Errata – February 9, 2010
- In Nomine Core Rules, PDF Edition – July 23, 2010
- Angelic Player's Guide – July 23, 2010
- Corporeal Player's Guide – July 23, 2010
- Ethereal Player's Guide – July 23, 2010
- Feast of Blades – July 23, 2010
- Game Master Pack – July 23, 2010
- Game Master's Guide – July 23, 2010
- Infernal Player's Guide, PDF Edition – July 23, 2010
- In Nomine Anime – July 23, 2010
- Liber Canticorum – July 23, 2010
- Liber Castellorum – July 23, 2010
Liber Reliquarum – February 9, 2010
- Liber Servitorum – July 23, 2010
- Revelations I: Night Music – July 23, 2010
- Revelations II: The Marches – July 23, 2010
- Revelations III: Heaven and Hell – July 23, 2010
- Revelations IV: Fall of the Malakim – July 23, 2010
- Revelations V: The Final Trumpet – July 23, 2010
- The Sorcerer's Impediments – July 23, 2010
- Superiors 1: War and Honor – July 23, 2010
- Superiors 2: Pleasures of the Flesh – July 23, 2010
- Superiors 3: Hope and Prophecy – July 23, 2010
- Superiors 4: Rogues to Riches – July 23, 2010
- Superiors: Eli – July 23, 2010
- Superiors: Lilith – July 23, 2010
- You Are Here – July 23, 2010
- See also: Pyramid Magazine errata
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