March 15, 2004: June Releases
Steve Jackson Games will release the following games in June, 2004:
Burn In Hell
No Rest For The Wicked . . .
Collect the souls of the damned! Each player in Burn In Hell tries to assemble the tastiest combinations (called "Circles") of history's sinners. Collect groups of Mass Murderers, Cannibals, or even Musicians . . . or grab sets of the Seven Deadly Sins.
Each card includes a great Greg Hyland caricature and a biography of the soul. Players will have a lot of fun reading (and arguing) about why each of these people was invited to the Permanent Pitchfork Party.
Check it out . . . but remember to bring your asbestos underwear!
168 full-color cards plus rulesheet.
Stock #1420,
ISBN 1-55634-666-2.
Cardboard Heroes Modern Characters
Enough full-color miniatures for every modern game you'll ever play! Over 400 human figures, plus hundreds of weapons, accessories, corpses, and other lie-flat counters. Soldiers and cops, Nazis and gangsters, cowboys and Indians, and lots and lots of modern-day civilians for all your games.
16 sheets; over 400 characters.
Stock #2120,
ISBN 1-55634-437-6.
GURPS Dragons
Dragons! The most fabulous of all fabulous beasts. Throughout history, around the world, tales of fire-breathing monsters have stirred awe and terror. Now . . . play a dragon. Take to the air with prodigious wingbeats, soaring effortlessly for hundreds of miles. Terrify your foes with fire, claws, and teeth. Gather your hoard. Study ancient lore and magic . . . and take human form to walk in the world of men!
GURPS Dragons includes:
- Origins of the dragon, through myth and legend and even true history.
- How do dragons fly?
- How to hunt dragons . . . and survive.
- Creating dragon characters in GURPS.
- Dragon-specific combat maneuvers.
- Templates for Firedrakes, Naga, Chinese Dragons, Sea Serpents, and others.
- Ideas for dragon-centric campaigns, including two campaign backgrounds!
144 pages. Full-color.
Stock #6540,
ISBN 1-55634-599-2.

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