October 28, 2020: The Fantasy Trip And Ogre Playmat Scenario Contest
We've produced several different playmats for both The Fantasy Trip and Ogre, and many of you have been collecting the designs and, we hope, using them in your game sessions. However, the most common question we get about them is: How do I use these at my table?
We use the playmats to run custom scenarios, but enough about us.
How do you use the playmats in your games?
Have you created a custom scenario or adventure for use with a specific playmat design? Now's your chance to show it off!
For The Fantasy Trip Playmat Contest, each entry must include:
A proper title for the encounter, which playmat you are using, your full name, and your email address.
Adventure setup information.
The title of the existing playmat design (found here) .
Descriptions and minimal game statistics for each area.
"Who it's for" recommendations. "Three starting fighters and a wizard," for instance.
"Making it harder" recommendations.
"Continuing the adventure" suggestions.
Please keep submissions to 450-550 words.
Email to: contests@sjgames.com
All submissions must be received by Steve Jackson games no later than January 1, 2021.
The Fantasy Trip Prizes
First Place – Our favorite entry will win an "I Want It All!' TFT carton loaded with the Legacy Edition game (signed by Steve Jackson!), playmats, and more.
Second Place – The second-place winner will receive a signed copy of the Legacy Edition box set.
Third Place – Our third-place choice will receive signed copies of the Melee and Wizard games.
For Ogre, each entry must include:
A proper title for the encounter, which playmat you are using, your full name, and your email address.
Scenario setup information.
The title of the existing playmat design (found here).
Description of the scenario background/lore.
Order of battle for both forces.
Please keep submissions to 450-550 words.
Email to: contests@sjgames.com
All submissions must be received by Steve Jackson Games no later than January 1, 2021.
Ogre Prizes
First Place – Our favorite entry will win a signed Ogre Pocket Box Bundle and Ogre Sixth Edition.
Second Place – The second-place winner will receive a signed Ogre Sixth Edition and Bullet Dice.
Third Place – Our third-place choice will receive a signed Ogre Sixth Edition.
All entries become the property of Steve Jackson Games. We reserve the right to publish your submission in the future (maybe in an Ogrezine or Hexagram, maybe some other way), use it as inspiration for a design of our own, or repurpose the material in ways we may not yet know.

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