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Munchkin brought you the essence of roleplaying. Kill them all and take their stuff! Now the Kneepads of Allure, the Ancient Enraged Plutonium Dragon, the Chainsaw of Bloody Dismemberment, and the Half-Elf Half-Dwarf Super Munchkin Cleric-Thief with the Chicken On His Head have flown off the cards . . . and right into your d20 game!
If you play d20 . . . this 48-page hardback book shows how it should be played. If you don't play d20, feel free to inflict munchkinism on some other system. The Munchkin RPG will jazz up your sessions as your characters rocket up in power! This book includes munchkin classes, races, spells, and tips and techniques designed to terrify even a hardened GM!
This is d20 the way it SHOULD be played. Munchkin out!
Hardback, 48 pages.
Stock #3401,
ISBN 1-55634-667-0.
Look out, pardner! Varmints has dozens of new monsters ready to make your trail ride a trip through Hell! Featuring conversions of all the nastiest fiends and beasties from the original Deadlands game, as well as all-new critters with both GURPS and Deadlands stats, Varmints will give your posse nightmares for a long, long time . . .
128 pages.
Stock #6762,
ISBN 1-55634-608-5.
Cthulhu Valentines
Eight cards for those you love in the worst way! Want to celebrate Valentine's Day . . . differently? Your loved ones will appreciate these horror-themed Valentine cards. And if not, you can just build some NEW loved ones. Eight envelopes are included in the set. Each card has an illustration by a different top fantasy artist, including Ashley Wood, Bill Koeb, Jason Felix, and John Kovalic . . . and a macabre but heartfelt slogan. We think Lovecraft would approve. Give them to your friends, or save them to gloat over!
Eight cards, with envelopes, boxed.
Stock #60-2004,
ISBN 1-55634-612-3.
A high-quality black T-shirt displaying the IOU school logo, specific to the Department of Anti-Social Sciences in white.
1 T-shirt.
Stock #9128,
In Greek mythology, a harpy was a loathsome beast with the body of a bird, and a woman's face. This figure stands 32mm tall.
1 unpackaged Harpy.
Stock #13-2510,
The Super Munchkin with his chainsaw stands atop a metal disc showing levels 1 through 10. And if you want to play to higher levels . . . or if you're playing Some Other Game . . . flip the disc over for levels 11-20!
Use it as is or paint it to please your own munchkinly tastes.
Bonus! Includes new "Epic Munchkin" rules . . . for longer, wilder games full of really VILE Munchkining . . . and two BLANK Munchkin cards to customize your game!
Metal level counter, with Epic Munchkin rules and two blank cards.
Stock #1413,
ISBN 1-55634-700-6.
In Nomine Ethereal Player's Guide
Once they were gods who ruled the lands of sleep. Once they were spirits who sent their images to slumbering mortals. Once they were elves, unicorns, dragons, and more.
The angels tried to kill them. The demons tried to enslave them. But the ethereal spirits survive -- and are born anew from human dreams! The War may be about Heaven and Hell, but humans aren't the only ones caught in the crossfire.
Now you can play those mysterious "neutrals," the ethereal spirits -- pagan gods, creatures of myth, and even the dancing toothbrushes from the last time you ate anchovies on your pizza. Woven from essential strands of concept, they have their own supernatural powers, Song affinities, and personalities. They also have their own weaknesses and flaws. But whether you wish to assume the mantle of a god or a minor spirit of the Marches, this book has what you need to make your ethereal character more than just a collection of Forces.
144 pages.
Stock #3318,
ISBN 1-55634-430-9.
Enchanted handguns . . . sorcerous spaceships . . . clockwork golems . . . from the Ice Age to the distant future, GURPS Magic Items 3 is full of intriguing and exciting artifacts for magical adventures. There are "generic" items, suitable for a range of settings, as well as creations specifically for popular game settings like GURPS Technomancer, GURPS Steampunk, and GURPS Warehouse 23!
Also included are several more weird and wonderful ways to create magic items; a dozen new guilds, organizations, and corporations involved in the magic item trade; and much more!
128 pages.
Stock #6531,
ISBN 1-55634-418-X.
144 pages.
Stock #6702,
ISBN 1-55634-482-1.
They're the ultimate power in any fantasy game, the stuff of legends -- the mighty dragons. And now sculptor extraordinaire Richard Kerr has worked his magic and brought gorgeous, fearsome dragons to Steve Jackson Games' line of miniatures.
Snarl and Valor are for play as well as display. They're sized for the game table . . . each one is about 6" long and stands 3/4" to 1 1/2" high, depending on neck pose. And these two dragons are completely modular. You can mix and match bodies, wings, necks, and heads for dozens of different possibilities. Also included is an extra neck, allowing you to create whatever poses suit you: proud and talkative, sneaky and stalking, or fire-breathing rage!
Two dragon bodies with interchangable heads, necks, tails, and wings, in a reusable plastic box.
Stock #13-0500,
ISBN 1-55634-702-2.
< More fun than a 40-mile hike with full pack, < You're In The Army Now -- might as well get all the slack you can!
112 cards in a tuck box.
Stock #1353,
ISBN 1-55634-691-3.
Bonnie and Clyde. Matches and gasoline. Famine and plague. And now . . . Munchkin and d20!
Munchkin brought you the essence of roleplaying. Kill them all and take their stuff! Now the Kneepads of Allure, the Ancient Enraged Plutonium Dragon, the Chainsaw of Bloody Dismemberment, and the Half-Elf Half-Dwarf Super Munchkin Cleric-Thief with the Chicken On His Head have flown off the cards . . . and right into your d20 game!
If you play d20 . . . this 48-page hardback book shows how it should be played. If you don't play d20, feel free to inflict munchkinism on some other system. The Munchkin RPG will jazz up your sessions as your characters rocket up in power! This book includes munchkin classes, races, spells, and tips and techniques designed to terrify even a hardened GM!
This is d20 the way it SHOULD be played. Munchkin out!
Hardback, 48 pages.
Stock #3401,
ISBN 1-55634-667-0.
Munchkin. It's not just for players any more.
What can a Munchkin RPG GM do? Whatever he wants. Player annoys you? Kill him. Or change his sex. Or turn him into a Canada goose. Go all the way and turn him into a dead sex-changed Canada goose. No one can stop you.
When you're the GM, the rules are only suggestions. So the Munchkin Master's Guide is 48 pages of magic items, NPC classes, and a loaded 100-sided die's worth of dirty tricks . . .
It's GOOD to be the GM.
48 pages, hardcover.
Stock #3402,
ISBN 1-55634-668-9.
When brute force won't get the job done, you need someone with . . . skills. A specialist. Preferably someone who doesn't let a lot of nagging concerns about law or morality get in the way.
Whether you're looking for just the right character to round out an adventuring party, or a dangerous NPC to challenge your players, GURPS Rogues has what you need - 29 different templates, letting you quickly create the scoundrel that's right for the job.
Templates include . . .
Each template comes with four complete characters, drawn from a wide range of settings. All told, you get 116 ready-to-use sample characters, as well as historical background and information on the technology and tactics that shaped their professions.
GURPS Rogues follows (stealthily) in the footsteps of GURPS Warriors and GURPS Wizards, our two previous books of characters and templates.
128 pages.
Stock #6413,
ISBN 1-55634-398-1.
GURPS WWII: Frozen Hell covers the Finnish campaigns of World War II. Strap on your skis and scrounge for ammo to fight for young Finland's continued freedom, or join the Russian armies trying to secure their border from German attack.
Frozen Hell covers all of the Finnish involvement in WWII, from the struggles of the diplomats through the sacrifices of soldiers on both sides of the wars. It includes:
GURPS WWII: Frozen Hell brings you into an unfamiliar corner of World War II -- a very cold corner of a very hot war.
48 pages.
Stock #8008,
ISBN 1-55634-639-5.
The walking skeleton -- grinning malevolence and otherworldly evil -- is a staple of horror and fantasy gaming. Sculpted by the renowned Richard Kerr, Skeletons Miniatures gives you eight classic figures, with the heads and arms separate. Mix and match for the ultimate in variety, and create the skeleton army you want! Arms include everything from knives and swords to deadly modern-day hardware, and extras are provided.
So take a tour through our graveyard . . . Skeletons Miniatures are waiting!
Boxed set: eight skeleton bodies with separate heads and arms.
Stock #13-0200,
ISBN 1-55634-528-3.
Imperial Lunar Handbook: Volume 1
The Imperial Lunar Handbook provides an insider's look at the vast Lunar Empire. It gives players a look past the facade of evil and decadence and into the brilliance and liberty of the great Empire, and instructs heroes on how to live in it. The Empire is a fusion of many disparate regions, each with its own customs and magic. Over all the Red Moon shines down, and the Son of the Goddess rules.
Volume 1 provides an overview of the Lunar Empire and the religion of the Red Goddess that holds it together. It contains character generation for all of the major Homelands of the Empire, as well as maps and details of two sample organizations, the Seeburn Association and Immanent Action Liberation. Future volumes will concentrate on the most important regions within the Empire, beginning with the Lunar Religion, and later including Dara Happa, Rinliddi, and Carmania.
72 pages.
Stock #ISS1302,
ISBN 1-929052-04-9.
It's all about the thrill of combat . . . meeting worthy foes and murdering them by surprise . . . gleefully slaughtering their low-level minions . . . defiling the corpses . . . and, of course, TAKING THEIR STUFF.
The Munchkin Monster Guide contains dozens of foes for you and your comrades to slay, from the dreaded Gazebo and the surprisingly tough Potted Plant to the secretive Grassy Gnoll . . . and the really quite nasty Plutonium Dragon! Chock-full of great John Kovalic art, this book also includes creatures from the Unnatural Axe set, as well as lots of new and equally demented creations -- all detailed for use in Munchkin RPG games!
48 pages, hardcover.
Stock #3403,
ISBN 1-55634-669-7.
Join the brave, proud, and doomed men carrying Mussolini's "8 million bayonets" into battle in GURPS WWII: Grim Legions, a sourcebook on the Italian armed forces.
This 48-page book includes a summary of the war as seen, and endured, through Italian eyes; descriptions of Italian military organization and tactics with a roster of Italian land, naval, and air units during the war; distinctly Italian character concepts, including the elite and cutting-edge underwater commandos; Italian small arms and fighting vehicles from the reliable Beretta to their hopelessly outdated armor; campaign seeds and suggestions, and much more!
Written by Italian WWII enthusiast Michele Armellini, this small book provides a wealth of detail about Italy's supremely competent, but little respected military rarely found in English-language references. Rally under the banner of Il Duce and explore the quixotic Italian war today!
48 pages.
Stock #8010,
ISBN 1-55634-641-7.
The six figures in this set, sculpted by Richard Kerr, represent the real-life entry teams of today's modern army and police forces. You get a Command figure, plus Shooter, Entry, Breach, Rearguard, and a kneeling Sniper, a figure that's almost impossible to find!
These 28mm figures are perfect for modern-day gaming, from gritty urban warfare to anti-terrorism actions, espionage, and even superheroes. When these boys knock, you better answer the door . . .
Six 28mm miniatures in a video box.
Stock #13-0000,
ISBN 1-55634-710-3.
ReMemory: The Art of Bill Koeb
Hardcover, 64 full-color pages.
Stock #60-1011,
ISBN 1-55634-631-X.
160 pages.
Stock #6703,
ISBN 1-55634-586-0.
They were the dogfaces.
128 pages.
Stock #8005,
ISBN 1-55634-636-0.
Hellishly cute eldritch horrors . . . eating human souls and strawberry ice cream with equal glee . . . Pikathulhu and his friends! Based on the John Kovalic cartoons from Dork Storm Press' << Pokéthulhu The Adventure Game | Pokéthulhu >> RPG, sculpted by Richard Kerr, this parody set is . . . insanely funny. You get a giant Pikathulhu, a small Pikathulhu, four additional small thulhus, and their trainer!
Boxed set.
Stock #14-0101,
ISBN 1-55634-526-7.
GURPS Reign of Steel
Ruthless Artificial Intelligences have exterminated most of humanity, while the survivors are hunted like animals, or face slow death in the robots' brutal labor camps. But a lucky few have escaped death or enslavement. While most of mankind has succumbed to despair, some refuse to give up hope. Around the world small groups of dedicated survivors are forming, preparing to oppose the robot overlords and fight to free mankind.
A worldbook for GURPS, Reign of Steel details mankind's struggle against his metal masters in a dark future. GURPS Reign of Steel utilizes the sleek rules from <
128 pages.
Stock #6079,
ISBN 1-55634-330-2.
We're girls, we're gamers, and we're proud of it. Display that pride, and a little attitude, to the world with the Gaming Goddess T-Shirt, featuring original art by Phil Foglio.
This design is available as a standard T-shirt (S-XXXL) and a baby doll (S-L), both in light blue with dark blue printing. The art shown is an approximation of the actual colors; photos will be posted when the shirts arrive.
Light blue baby-doll or T-shirt.
Stock #9126,
Off The Wall Armies is a new collection of old figures, improbable and hilarious. Sculpted in 28mm scale, each set features anthropomorphic animal figures -- sometimes known as "furries" -- with weapons and gear from different historical periods. They’re great as the foundation of a "furry" campaign, as high-tech bioroids, or just as weird new encounters for adventurers from any time or place.
The Highlanders are based on the North American badger, with a culture from the 16th thru 18th century Scottish Highlands.
1 unpackaged Highlander Badger Sergeant.
Stock #17-2100,
1 unpackaged Highlander Badger Longbowman.
Stock #17-2103,
Highlander Badger Commoner with Axe
1 unpackaged Highlander Badger Commoner with Axe.
Stock #17-2107,
1 unpackaged Highlander Badger Bagpiper.
Stock #17-2116,
1 unpackaged Highlander Badger Chieftain.
Stock #17-2117,
Lots of extras, including a die roller, round out this package.
(For Windows only. Sorry, Mac fans.)
CD in DVD case.
Stock #5403,
ISBN 1-55634-699-9.
From his beginnings as a Corsican soldier, through his rise to power as the Emperor of France, to his final defeat at Waterloo, Napoleon Bonaparte built an empire . . . and a legend. Napoleon was that rarest of men -- one whose life defined the age in which he lived. Now that age comes alive for your roleplaying game.
GURPS Age of Napoleon is a comprehensive guide to the life and times of Napoleon Bonaparte. It contains:
It was an age when heroes were made, an age when history was a blank book waiting to be written. It was the Age of Napoleon.
128 pages.
Stock #6539,
ISBN 1-55634-451-1.
GURPS Psionics
Spies and police who can read your thoughts. New Age mysticism merged with ultra-technology. Psychic vampires. Mass minds of terrible power. Telepathic computers. Gifted children killed or kidnapped by a power-mad government. This is the world of GURPS Psionics.
Psionics is the ultimate sourcebook for psi powers. It includes a complete world background – and the GM can use it as a resource for campaigns in any background.
In Psionics you'll find:
128 pages.
Stock #6040,
ISBN 1-55634-196-2.
Ogre Macrotures Paneuropean Galahad GEV
Macrotures are 1/60 scale versions of the 1/285 scale pieces found in Deluxe Ogre. A Macrotures game is the most dramatic kind of miniatures combat there is. You'll need a BIG floor . . . or take it outside. And be ready for spectators. The Galahad, our first macroture, is over 4 inches long and stands 2 1/2 inches tall - and it's one of the small ones!
The Galahad GEV is the mainstay of the Paneuropean army. Its speed and maneuverability have earned it a place in nearly every battle of the Last War. It is only fitting that the workhorse of the Ogre world be the first official Macroture.
This figure was sculpted by Philip Miller, based on the 1/285 scale model designed by Winchell Chung, sculpted by Randy Hoffa, and modified by Dave Summers.
This is a single unpackaged, unpainted, unassembled metal and resin macroture.
1 unpackaged Galahad GEV Macroture.
Stock #10-6001,
In the far future, mankind has scattered to many worlds and divided into many races . . . and some are very alien, despite their Human ancestry. GURPS Traveller: Humaniti describes 16 Human-descended races from the far reaches of the Imperium and beyond, including the technologically advanced Darrians (with their sun-smashing Star Trigger), the carnivorous Dynchia, the dour warrior Azhanti, and the aggressive Itharans. Compiled by Loren Wiseman, this book is a valuable resource for any Traveller campaign.
144 pages.
Stock #6623,
ISBN 1-55634-521-6.
Welcome to the world of Blue Planet.
Blue Planet was a groundbreaking, critically acclaimed RPG when it was first released, and it is still a thought-provoking science-fiction classic today. Now, Blue Planet comes to GURPS! Jon Zeigler (GURPS Traveller Line Editor) and William Stoddard (GURPS Steampunk, Steam-Tech, and Low-Tech) combine on this faithful adaptation of one of the most original roleplaying worlds of the last few years to one of the strongest systems ever.
144 pages.
Stock #6721,
ISBN 1-55634-588-7.
144 pages.
Stock #8019,
ISBN 1-55634-661-1.
GURPS Ultra-Tech
128 pages.
Stock #6032,
ISBN 1-55634-315-9.
The purpose of <
It can also be used as a neophyte's stand-alone introduction to roleplaying . . . but it is really designed as a tool to let the experienced player bring his friends into the game.
And it's available free, both in PDF form and direct from <
32 pages.
Stock #6094,
ISBN 1-55634-443-0.
Chez Geek
Just remember, when your roommate and his S.O. keep you up all night: You can't throw them out. They live here.
110 cards in a tuck box.
Stock #1329,
ISBN 1-55634.
Chez Geek 3 – Block Party
56 cards in "apartment" box.
Stock #1336,
ISBN 1-55634-562-3.
GURPS Fantasy Bestiary
This extensively researched book, based on authentic folklore and legends from all over the world, is a perfect resource for the GM of any fantasy campaign. It includes more than 250 fantasy animals and plants, ranging from interesting nuisances to monstrous menaces. Each is covered in detail, with a physical description, likes and dislikes, attitude toward mankind, and means of attack.
The main section is organized alphabetically, with creatures ranging from the voratious Afanc to the noxious undead rodents that men know as Zombie Gerbils.
These rules and creatures are written for use with the GURPS Basic Set, Third Edition but can be used with any fantasy system. Some of this material was previously published in the GURPS Bestiary but the majority is new. All of the older beast descriptions have been reworked and brought up to Third Edition standards.
The GURPS Fantasy Bestiary also includes:
128 pages.
Stock #6504,
ISBN 1-55634-184-9.
Ogre Miniatures: Combine Laser Tower
The Laser Tower is the tallest of the Combine's military structures. Hold your ground with this powerful structure. The huge laser tower (3" tall!) will provide a deadly umbrella over your base area. This finely detailed miniature includes both resin and metal parts.
This figure stands 76mm tall and the base has a footprint of 26mm square. This is the same miniature that was briefly available in Combine Set 9, which is now out of print.
1 unpackaged Combine Laser Turret.
Stock #10-0306,
Ogre Miniatures: Combine Laser Turret
Laser weapons are the ultimate in anti-missile technology. The Laser Turret is the basic version. The laser turret provides a deadly umbrella over your base area and adds 12 points to your army.
This figure stands 22mm tall and the base has a footprint 22mm square. This is the same miniature that was briefly available in Combine Set 9, which is now out of print.
1 unpackaged Combine Laser Turret.
Stock #10-0305,
CD-ROM in DVD case.
Stock #5401,
ISBN 1-55634-024-9.
Moon-linked curses. Shape-stealing aliens. Strange gifts and genetic quirks passed down through your bloodline. Ancestral curses. Cute little critters that gladly turn into the latest technotoy and back again. Chameleonic spies. Body-morphing symbionts. Doppelgängers.
They're all shapeshifters . . .
In GURPS Shapeshifters, GMs and players will find all they need to build creatures that change their bodies as easily as most people change their clothes. Character-creation rules, campaign guidelines, and sample shifters of every shape and size -- they're all here. Drop a Cinematic Werewolf into your game, or craft a mysterious alien species that is far more than it seems.
Also included are suggestions on incorporating shapeshifting creatures into a new or existing campaign and examples of fully fleshed-out shifters -- races and individuals, cursed and gifted.
Your campaign will never look the same again!
128 pages.
Stock #6533,
ISBN 1-55634-452-X.
Transhuman Space: High Frontier
In the year 2100, Earth-Lunar space is the most densely populated area of the solar system outside Earth itself. Come visit:
144 pages.
Stock #6704,
ISBN 1-55634-709-X.
"I'm a Ninja with the Dragon Tooth Katana!"
"I'm a Monk with the Sai of Spleen-Mangling. Fear my Drunken Monkey Kung Fu!"
"I'm a Yakuza with a gun. Run away!"
The Munchkins are back! Now the game is chop-socky Hong Kong action. The characters are Samurai, Ninja, Yakuza, and Monks. The foes are mooks, demons, and assorted bad guys from all the worst martial arts films you've ever seen. Collect treasures and learn new styles to build up your character's powers. Kill the monsters, take their stuff, and be the first one to 10th level!
Created by Steve Jackson. <
Boxed game with 168 cards, rules, and die.
Stock #1412,
ISBN 1-55634-677-8.
Chez Geek 2 – Slack Attack
56-card boxed supplement.
Stock #1333,
ISBN 1-55634-450-3.
Unnatural Axe Shirt
They aren't just stylish fashion statements -- they're also part of the game! Available with the Super Munchkin from the original game, or his female counterpart, the Munchkin Babe from Unnatural Axe, these shirts give special powers to their wearers during a game of looting, pillaging and backstabbing.
It is NOT an official tournament rule, but if you wish to make a house rule that a "Lose Your Armor" card requires you to remove your shirt(s), we cannot stop you.
*On your torso. Right side out.
Stock #9121,
Munchkin Shirt
They aren't just stylish fashion statements -- they're also part of the game! Available with the Super Munchkin from the original game, or his female counterpart from Unnatural Axe, these shirts give special powers to their wearers during a game of looting, pillaging and backstabbing.
It is NOT an official tournament rule, but if you wish to make a house rule that a "Lose Your Armor" card requires you to remove your shirt(s), we cannot stop you.
*On your torso. Right side out.
Stock #9122,
Twenty blank Munchkin Fu cards - 10 each of Alley and Treasure - to make up your own cards for the game.
20 cards.
Stock #1417,
Unnatural Axe Shirt
They aren't just stylish fashion statements -- they're also part of the game! Available with the Super Munchkin from the original game, or his female counterpart, the Munchkin Babe from Unnatural Axe, these shirts give special powers to their wearers during a game of looting, pillaging and backstabbing.
It is NOT an official tournament rule, but if you wish to make a house rule that a "Lose Your Armor" card requires you to remove your shirt(s), we cannot stop you.
*On your torso. Right side out.
Stock #9121,
Munchkin Shirt
They aren't just stylish fashion statements -- they're also part of the game! Available with the Super Munchkin from the original game, or his female counterpart from Unnatural Axe, these shirts give special powers to their wearers during a game of looting, pillaging and backstabbing.
It is NOT an official tournament rule, but if you wish to make a house rule that a "Lose Your Armor" card requires you to remove your shirt(s), we cannot stop you.
*On your torso. Right side out.
Stock #9122,
High-quality white T-shirts with the Yakuza-Samurai Super Munchkin from the Munchkin Fu cover. Includes special rules to give the wearer a munchkinly bonus in tournament play!
It is NOT an official tournament rule, but if you wish to make a house rule that a "Lose Your Armor" card requires you to remove your shirt(s), we cannot stop you.
*On your torso. Right side out.
Stock #9129,
Ogre Miniatures: Combine Jammer
Jammers, or jamscreens, emit a wide variety of signals which spoof every detector a cruise missile can use to orient itself. Buildings in Ogre do not generally have point costs, except as determined by the scenario.
This figure stands 45mm tall. The base is 30mm wide.
1 unpackaged Combine Jammer.
Stock #10-0303,
Developed by Steve Jackson and illustrated by Phil Foglio (Girl Genius, <
Boxed game with 112 cards, rules, warrior stand-ups and bases, game map, counters, and one die.
Stock #1360,
ISBN 1-55634-707-3.
The Galactics have wealth, power, and incredible technology. The people of Earth have guts, originality and a handful of allies . . . and they won't give up.
This is the universe created by David Brin for his award-winning "Uplift" series. <
This new edition has been updated to cover the races and developments of the "Uplift Storm" trilogy!
176 pages.
Stock #6035,
ISBN 1-55634-427-9.
Boxed set of six 28mm miniatures.
Stock #13-0600,
ISBN 1-55634-609-3.
Cardboard Heroes Bases
These plastic bases add weight and stability to your Cardboard Heroes figures, and the colors will help distinguish between figures at a glance. Each pack contains 10 bases and is available in one of three colors: Red, Green, and Clear.
Included are some assorted slimes, on Cardboard Heroes Dungeon Floors background . . . cut them out and put them where they'll do the most good!
10 plastic bases.
Stock #5104,
ISBN 1-55634-500-3.
HeroQuest (formerly announced as the second edition of Hero Wars) has been completely revised, re-edited, and laid out in a new format. It includes complete rules for roleplaying in Glorantha, including beginner-friendly Character Creation, simplified Contest resolution, new rules for Hero Bands and Guardians, and streamlined Magic systems. New scenarios, a new heroquest, several hero bands, and a narrative example written by Greg Stafford breathe life into the rules for players and narrators alike. HeroQuest was written by award-winning designers Robin D. Laws and Greg Stafford.
288 pages.
Stock #ISS1001,
ISBN 1-929052-12-X.
HeroQuest Limited Edition Hardcover
This is a deluxe, limited hardcover edition.
HeroQuest (formerly announced as the second edition of Hero Wars) has been completely revised, re-edited, and laid out in a new format. It includes complete rules for roleplaying in Glorantha, including beginner-friendly Character Creation, simplified Contest resolution, new rules for Hero Bands and Guardians, and streamlined Magic systems. New scenarios, a new heroquest, several hero bands, and a narrative example written by Greg Stafford breathe life into the rules for players and narrators alike. HeroQuest was written by award-winning designers Robin D. Laws and Greg Stafford.
Each copy of the limited edition hardcover will be signed by Greg Stafford, numbered, and have a rune of the customer's choice printed on the cover. More than 400 runes are available, some of them never before revealed to the public.
Hardcover, 288 pages.
Stock #ISS1001H,
HeroQuest Limited Edition Hardcover
This is a deluxe, limited hardcover edition.
HeroQuest (formerly announced as the second edition of Hero Wars) has been completely revised, re-edited, and laid out in a new format. It includes complete rules for roleplaying in Glorantha, including beginner-friendly Character Creation, simplified Contest resolution, new rules for Hero Bands and Guardians, and streamlined Magic systems. New scenarios, a new heroquest, several hero bands, and a narrative example written by Greg Stafford breathe life into the rules for players and narrators alike. HeroQuest was written by award-winning designers Robin D. Laws and Greg Stafford.
Each copy of the limited edition hardcover will be signed by Greg Stafford, numbered, and have a rune of the customer's choice printed on the cover. More than 400 runes are available, some of them never before revealed to the public.
Hardcover, 288 pages.
Stock #ISS1001H,
Ogre Miniatures: Combine Radar
Radars are used for both communication and detection. Normally, a radar structure is merely a target in a scenario, but it can also function as an optional army enhancer. Buildings in Ogre do not generally have point costs, except as determined by the scenario.
This figure stands 34mm tall. The base is 30mm at its widest.
1 unpackaged Combine Radar.
Stock #10-0304,
Officers in the Ottermen Empire are highly trained in the finer points of tactics and warfare. Many spend hundreds of hours honing their skill with boardgames designed to simulate battles. On the field of combat, they stay on the move, directing their troops from the midst of the fray. Their chain armor and swords keep them nimble and combat-effective.
Off The Wall Armies is a new collection of old figures, improbable and hilarious. Sculpted in 28mm scale, each set features anthropomorphic animal figures - sometimes known as "furries" - with weapons and gear from different historical periods. They’re great as the foundation of a "furry" campaign, as high-tech bioroids, or just as weird new encounters for adventurers from any time or place.
The Otterman are based on the Canadian river otter, with a culture from the 14th thru 17th century Ottoman Turks.
1 unpackaged Otterman Infantry Officer.
Stock #17-2140,
Archery is held in high regard in the Ottermen Empire, a fact this warrior takes pride in. In training or friendly battles, he uses blunt arrows and targets the body for non-lethal hits. In serious combat, he often aims for unarmored limbs, and is capable of making trick shots.
Off The Wall Armies is a new collection of old figures, improbable and hilarious. Sculpted in 28mm scale, each set features anthropomorphic animal figures - sometimes known as "furries" - with weapons and gear from different historical periods. They’re great as the foundation of a "furry" campaign, as high-tech bioroids, or just as weird new encounters for adventurers from any time or place.
The Otterman are based on the Canadian river otter, with a culture from the 14th thru 17th century Ottoman Turks.
1 unpackaged Otterman Infantry Bowman.
Stock #17-2141,
While the stereotype of an Otter is quick and lithe, this race does produce its share of bruisers. The Heavy Infantryman is one such fighter, covering his body with heavy scales and swinging a vicious war axe.
Off The Wall Armies is a new collection of old figures, improbable and hilarious. Sculpted in 28mm scale, each set features anthropomorphic animal figures - sometimes known as "furries" - with weapons and gear from different historical periods. They’re great as the foundation of a "furry" campaign, as high-tech bioroids, or just as weird new encounters for adventurers from any time or place.
The Otterman are based on the Canadian river otter, with a culture from the 14th thru 17th century Ottoman Turks.
1 unpackaged Otterman Heavy Infantry.
Stock #17-2142,
While the standard archer is an effective warrior on his own, when the bowman is mounted, his mobility threatens even more targets. Not only does the bizarre saddle keeps the rider steady when the giant maned weasel-mouse is stationary, but it makes firing during a charge possible.
Off The Wall Armies is a new collection of old figures, improbable and hilarious. Sculpted in 28mm scale, each set features anthropomorphic animal figures - sometimes known as "furries" - with weapons and gear from different historical periods. They’re great as the foundation of a "furry" campaign, as high-tech bioroids, or just as weird new encounters for adventurers from any time or place.
The Otterman are based on the Canadian river otter, with a culture from the 14th thru 17th century Ottoman Turks.
1 unpackaged Otterman Light Cavalry Bowman.
Stock #17-2143,
For heavy-hitting fast strikes, the Ottermen have the Heavy Cavalry. Although the extra layers of armor slow the weasel-mouse down, their "poinging" gait allows the Heavy Cavalry to wade into the thickest battle. The Heavy Cavalry rely on maces and the sheer mass of their armored mounts to break through an enemy's defensive line.
Off The Wall Armies is a new collection of old figures, improbable and hilarious. Sculpted in 28mm scale, each set features anthropomorphic animal figures - sometimes known as "furries" - with weapons and gear from different historical periods. They’re great as the foundation of a "furry" campaign, as high-tech bioroids, or just as weird new encounters for adventurers from any time or place.
The Otterman are based on the Canadian river otter, with a culture from the 14th thru 17th century Ottoman Turks.
1 unpackaged Otterman Heavy Cavalry.
Stock #17-2144,
The Ottermen place a high value on archery. Even the most heavily armored cavalry units include some archers. Sporting heavy armor on both the rider and mount, the Heavy Cavalry Bowman works close to the front lines of the battle, alternating between his bow and his sword.
Off The Wall Armies is a new collection of old figures, improbable and hilarious. Sculpted in 28mm scale, each set features anthropomorphic animal figures - sometimes known as "furries" - with weapons and gear from different historical periods. They’re great as the foundation of a "furry" campaign, as high-tech bioroids, or just as weird new encounters for adventurers from any time or place.
The Otterman are based on the Canadian river otter, with a culture from the 14th thru 17th century Ottoman Turks.
1 unpackaged Otterman Cavalry Bowman.
Stock #17-2145,
Starships also features a much more detailed version of the starship design rules in <
It also includes complete designs for a selection of starships and smaller vessels -- the traders, lab
ships, yachts and prospectors likely to be crewed by PCs. Each ship has its
own detailed writeup and deck plans. These include:
144 pages.
Stock #6613,
ISBN 1-55634-475-9.
Transhuman Space: Under Pressure
This book also includes new character templates -- including new parahumans, bioroids, cybershells, and uplifted animals designed for aquatic existence -- and modular design rules for aquatic vehicles, compatible with the system in <
160 pages.
Stock #6709,
ISBN 1-55634-678-6.
A dark, detailed world from a master worldbuilder . . . waiting for you in <
128 pages.
Stock #6716,
ISBN 1-55634-472-4.
John Kovalic's great characters are now 28mm metal miniatures. The stars of the wildly popular Dork Tower comic book are brought to life by legendary sculptor Tom Meier. They're dressed up in their best adventuring gear, and ready to tackle any challenge, even the dread Turbonium Dragon! (Dragon not included . . .)
In the <
One look, and you'll know what Igor means when he says, "It must be mine!"
Boxed set of six 28mm miniatures.
Stock #14-0102,
ISBN 1-55634-715-4.
And this set has a special treat. We asked five of our favorite Comic Guys to do one card each. So in this set you'll find:
112 cards.
Stock #1416,
ISBN 1-55634-713-8.
Munchkin 3.5 – Clerical Errata
When we announced the reason for delay, though, some people said "Treasures with Door backs? Cool. Don't throw them away!
Yeah, right. Collector items! No, guys, these are MISPRINTS. Embarrassing misprints.
Well, all right . . . We are munchkins. We have no shame. If you want them, you can have them.
We are going to package up 1,200 of the bad deck, along with a few rules that actually make the cards PLAYABLE with the wrong back. Only 1,200; we'll throw away the rest. Why 1,200? Because if that many of you WANT this silly thing, we'll break even on what we spent to reprint all the bad decks.
This will be available only in Warehouse 23.
One deck of 56 cards, with rules.
Stock #1423,
Boxed game.
Stock #1305,
ISBN 1-55634-384-1.
And now, Richard Kerr has created the first set of miniatures for this exciting roleplaying line! <
Add the third dimension to Transhuman Space – with <
6 miniatures in video box packaging.
Stock #13-0300,
ISBN 1-55634-701-4.
Witching Hour: The Art of Larry MacDougall
Hardcover, 64 full-color pages.
Stock #60-1010,
ISBN 1-55634-630-1.
You don't have to outrun the monsters . . . if you can outrun your friends.
In this fast-moving game, you play your cards by matching numbers and suits. The first player to empty his hand wins . . . and the spooks get everybody else! Each suit (Spiders, Spooks, Goblins, Bones, and Bats) has a special rule, and the top card in each suit has a special power . . . so you don't know who will be first to escape the haunted house until the final card is played. Spooks is a great quick party game . . . kids will enjoy it, too!
56 full-color cards in a small tuck box.
Stock #1425,
ISBN 1-55634-717-0.
They lie, steal, kidnap, maim, and kill -- and we put them in our children's nurseries. They are the Fair Folk . . . the Little People . . . the Faeries.
You may think they only appear in tales, but they are everywhere: in the shadows, behind the trees, beneath the hills – and yes, even under the bed. They have lived beside us since the very beginning. Some are pretty and delicate, with gossamer wings . . . others are 10 feet tall with a taste for human flesh, or wizened killers with blue skin and iron claws. This book lets you incorporate them all into your GURPS game.
GURPS Faerie contains:
Keep cold iron and Scripture close to hand, believe the opposite of what you hear, and don't trust anything you see. And, whatever you do, don't eat their food.
128 pages.
Stock #6043,
ISBN 1-55634-632-8.
Assassins, saboteurs, and terrorists have been with us all through history. Sometimes their deeds have changed the course of empires. If you want to change history -- or stop those who would -- then GURPS Covert Ops is the book you're looking for.
GURPS Covert Ops features:
GURPS Covert Ops can be used in any roleplaying game that involves assassins, saboteurs, or terrorists, either as the heroes - or the enemy. Come play in the shadows . . .
128 pages.
Stock #6549,
ISBN 1-55634-658-1.
Illuminati Y2K
This expansion set includes 26 new Specials, 76 new groups, 5 blanks to let you create your own groups – and two Illuminati, Shangri-La and the Church of the SubGenius! Party like it's 1999 with <
109 cards.
Stock #1325,
ISBN 1-55634-374-4.
Designed especially for new players, Hero's Book is a 64-page book that presents the basic rules for HeroQuest in a streamlined manner. Additional tips and examples help players get the most out of HeroQuest. Hero's Book also contains two sample cultures, each with six sample heroes and a hero band to help players get started right away. Hero's Book is by Mark Galeotti.
64 pages.
Stock #ISS1002,
ISBN 1-929052-13-8.
A high-quality black T-shirt displaying the IOU school logo, specific to the College of Obscure and Unheathly Professions, in gold. Available in Medium through 3XL.
1 T-shirt.
Stock #9130,
The twisted minds that brought you Chez Geek and Munchkin are back. Based on the popular website at, this hilarious card game, designed by Steve Jackson, pits you against your fellow trainees in a new Ninja Burger store. Learn the secrets of stealth, swordsmanship, and customer service. Fight for honor, respect, big tips, and that coveted promotion . . .
It's fast-moving. It's fun. You get to be a ninja. What more can you ask from a game?
No matter how secure your office,
how deep your bunker,
how dedicated your guards . . .
we deliver your burger in 30 minutes or less.
Boxed game: 144 oversized cards, three dice, and a rulesheet.
Stock #1430,
ISBN 1-55634-610-7.
The Munchkin Master's Screen contains everything you might need to run a Munchkin game while hiding your true plans from your players. It's got Munchkin Cardboard Heroes miniature figures. It has Jeff Tidball's brilliant adventure, The Village of Omelet: A Space Odyssey. And it has tables . . . lots of tables. All the tables you could ever hope to use . . . and probably a couple you hope not to.
This is the accessory you never knew you needed . . . until now!
Special note to players: Buying the Munchkin Master's Screen for your DM earns you 10,000 XP. Really. It says so inside.
The Munchkin Master's Screen requires at least one copy of every Munchkin book for use. Even the ones we haven't thought of yet. And the card games, too. It's just that good.
Four-panel cardboard screen, with Cardboard Heroes sheet and 16-page adventure.
Stock #3406,
ISBN 1-55634-718-9.
Now you can play John Kovalic's Dork Tower characters . . . as they play their characters . . . in a magical quest for glory. Adventure through the land of Aurora, smiting monsters and growing in power, until you are strong enough to challenge the evil wizard in his tower. Slay him and you win . . . fail, and be cast from the heights . . . Dork Tower is a fast-moving game for 3 to 6 players. It features a full-color game map with a 3-D central tower, over 100 monster and character disks, pretty dice, spell cards, rules, and character sheets . . . all illustrated, of course, by John Kovalic!
Boxed game, with 56 cards (not illustrated), over 100 monster and character disks, game map with 3-D central tower, rules, character sheets, and two dice.
Stock #1370,
ISBN 1-55634-714-6.
From small-town crisis units to the FBI's Hostage Rescue Team, from the urban sprawl of Berlin to the mountainous wilds of Idaho, GURPS SWAT covers the dangerous world of tactical police operations. Serve a warrant on a meth lab, protect a judge whose life is threatened, rescue hostages from international terrorists, or take down a barricaded suspect before they kill again! Establish perimeters and begin hostage negotiations. Perform a stealth entry if you can, or blow down the door in a swift dynamic assault!
GURPS SWAT provides:
The lives of innocent hostages are at stake. Do you have what it takes to be the best of the best? Put on your armor, grab your weapon, and find out . . .
64 pages.
Stock #6064,
ISBN 1-55634-721-9.
Transhuman Space: Broken Dreams
On Earth in 2100, some are reaching for the stars . . . but others struggle just to survive. Much of the home world remains mired in war and intrigue, as powerful corporations and high-tech armies fight over resources, markets, and ideas. Cities on the edge of chaos are battlegrounds for covert operations and high-stakes diplomacy, and the developing nations see themselves falling farther and farther behind.
Nations trapped in poverty, environmental disaster areas, and hellholes run by insane dictators . . . high-tech terrorism, rebellion, and crime, and rules for creating biological and chemical weapons . . .dangerous genetic designs, obsolete cybertechnology, and police state software . . . all part of daily life in <
144 pages.
Stock #6707,
ISBN 1-55634-650-6.
Primal Darkness: The Gothic and Horror Art of Bob Eggleton
Primal Darkness: The Gothic and Horror Art of Bob Eggleton features -- for the first time anywhere -- the complete collection of Necroscope covers, introduced by Lumley himself. Primal Darkness also includes Eggleton's Lovecraft-inspired Cthulhu pieces, as well as other monster, horrors, and things that go bump in the night.
64-page full-color hardback book.
Stock #60-1008,
ISBN 1-55634-624-7.
Murphy's Rules
Ever since the days of the old Space Gamer, and now in Pyramid, one thing strikes fear into the hearts (and laughter into the twisted minds) of publishers everywhere. Some game rules are good, some are bad, and some are Murphy's! This is the cartoon feature that takes those rules and skewers them, bleeding, for everyone to mock. (Us? Attitude? It's all right; we pick on our own stuff, too.) The strip has featured a great roster of artists over the years, including multiple-Origins Award-winner John Kovalic and Pulitzer Prize-winner Ben Sargent!
The first time we published a Murphy's compilation was in 1988. This book includes everything from that edition, and all the Murphys that came out in the next ten years . . . and more!
80 pages.
Stock #9006,
ISBN 1-55634-363-9.