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Based on the immensely popular card game, Munchkin comes to comics! Munchkin takes place in a very flexible mashup of genres. Originally a satire of fantasy roleplaying, it has since then taken on non-fantasy and non-gaming elements, and the new comic series is a direct reflection of that. Munchkin #1 features four stories set in and around the world of the game, featuring Spyke, Flower, and all the other characters, monsters, and settings players have come to love. Every first-printing copy contains an exclusive card for the game.
The first printing of this issue includes the Spyke Leads the Chargepromo card.
1 Comic.
Stock #BOOM01,
Chez Geek: Slack to the Future
Technology hasn't made us any more productive. In fact, it's made slacking off easier than it's ever been! Slack to the Future celebrates the bleeding edge of carefree, codependent laziness with 56 new cards of activities, people, jobs, food, and other stuff from the digital revolution.
56 cards and a rule sheet in a blister pack.
Stock #1381,
UPC 837654322260.
Here's a little something for that special munchkin in your life! More monsters to slay, more treasures to steal, more curses to dodge . . . all in the name of True Love. (Love of loot and levels, that is!)
15 cards in a finseal pack.
Stock #4247,
UPC 837654322376.
Buy Now!
Sure, you can say that being a hero means trying to do the right thing in bad situations. But the truth is, sometimes you're doing it for the loot. This month's Pyramid -- the PDF magazine for roleplayers -- looks at rewards, gifts, and stuff that heroes can use . . . whether they're in the past, present, or future! This vault of awesomeness includes:
This issue also offers a Random Thought Table that takes its inimitable look at the whats and wherefores of heroic compensation. Whether you're a GM seeking fresh rewards, or player looking for what you didn't know you couldn't live without, this issue of Pyramid is a treasure trove of unseen amazement!
38-page PDF.
Stock #37-2675,
Buy Now!
Munchkin Tavern Pint Glass – Design 2
Did you miss the Munchkin Tavern at Gen Con 2014? We've got you covered! Sip your favorite drink from this pint glass from the Munchkin Tavern!
1 pint glass.
Stock #5565,
Munchkin Tavern 2014 Shot Glass
A wee cup for a wee dram. Did you miss the Munchkin Tavern at Gen Con 2014? Now you can buy this shot glass, fill it with your favorite beverage, and pretend you were there!
One 1.5 oz shot glass
Stock #5578,
Munchkin Tavern 2014 Pint Glass
Did you miss the Munchkin Tavern at Gen Con 2014? We've got you covered! Sip your favorite drink from this pint glass from the Munchkin Tavern!
One Pint glass.
Stock #5579,
Want to convince everyone you were at the Munchkin Tavern? Buy this notebook and fill it with your notes on the event! Or you could use it for other writing too. We won't tell.
1 spiral bound notebook.
Stock #5583,
Munchkin Tavern 2014 Retail Shirt
Walk around like a 2014 Munchkin Tavern staffer with this impressive shirt! Comes with a free dwarf (on the shirt)!
1 t-shirt.
Stock #9181,
Transhuman Space: Bioroid Bazaar
In the year 2100, humanity is remaking itself using mature biotechnology -- and creating new kinds of living things. Transhuman Space gamers have the option to play genetically edited human upgrades, enhanced or specialized parahumans, or completely synthetic bioroids. Even if they don't decide to tamper with genetics, they'll encounter plenty of modified beings walking down the street or flying spaceships.
Transhuman Space: Bioroid Bazaar completes the job started in Transhuman Space: Changing Times of updating relevant game templates from earlier Transhuman Space supplements to GURPS Fourth Edition, this time covering the setting's genetic marvels and half-human monstrosities. It also gathers a couple of Fourth Edition templates from other supplements, and features a few new designs, including the disturbing Leonardo and Bīngmǎyǒng bioroids and the tragic J7-S53 "upgrade." In all, Bioroid Bazaar delivers:
From the ocean depths to the Arctic wastes, and outward from there to the "Flying Dome" of Luna City and comet herder ships in the Outer System, biotechnology is changing what it means to be human -- or more (or less) than human. Come, see what's on the market in the Bioroid Bazaar!
33-page PDF.
Stock #37-6715,
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All Hail King Torg!
A kobold has a harsh life. But at least there are babies to eat . . . until King Torg (All Hail King Torg!) swipes the plumpest and juiciest for his table. Good thing the humans keep making more of them . . .
Munchkin Kobolds Ate My Baby is based on the RPG of the same name by 9th Level Games and Dork Storm Press!
15 new Munchkin cards based on the Kobolds Ate My Baby RPG!
Stock #4246,
UPC 837654322369.
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Munchkin Temporary Tattoos
Each package includes:
Official Tournament Rules
You may use these tattoos in any game of Munchkin or its sequels. You must be wearing the tattoo* and show it to the other players to use it. During combat, use one of the enclosed tattoos to get the bonus printed on that tattoo for your side, for that combat only. You may only use one tattoo (of any kind) per game unless you change sex. If you change sex you may use a second tattoo. You may not use more than two in a game, no matter what.
* On your skin.
2 each of 5 Munchkin Temporary tattoos which provide a bonus during play.
Stock #5503,
Munchkin Deluxe
What makes this edition "deluxe"? It's got a big gameboard to keep your cards in place, and six pawns with plastic stands that you move on the gameboard as you level up! Plus a card to go with each pawn, to make it easy to remember who is what color and whose sex has changed!
Go down in the dungeon. Kill everything you meet. Backstab your friends and steal their stuff. Grab the treasure and run.
Admit it. You love it.
Munchkin is the mega-hit card game about dungeon adventure . . . with none of that stupid roleplaying stuff. You and your friends compete to kill monsters and grab magic items. And what magic items! Don the Horny Helmet and the Boots of Butt-Kicking. Wield the Staff of Napalm . . . or maybe the Chainsaw of Bloody Dismemberment. Start by slaughtering the Potted Plant and the Drooling Slime, and work your way up to the Plutonium Dragon . . .
And it's illustrated (in full color!) by John Kovalic!
Fast-playing and silly, Munchkin can reduce any roleplaying group to hysteria. And, while they're laughing, you can steal their stuff.
A 10.5”x10.5” box with 168 full-color cards, one six-sided die, 12 pawns with plastic stands, a 20”x10” mounted gameboard, and a rulesheet.
Stock #1483,
UPC 837654320976.
Munchkin Temporary Tattoos
Each package includes:
Official Tournament Rules
You may use these tattoos in any game of Munchkin or its sequels. You must be wearing the tattoo* and show it to the other players to use it. During combat, use one of the enclosed tattoos to get the bonus printed on that tattoo for your side, for that combat only. You may only use one tattoo (of any kind) per game unless you change sex. If you change sex you may use a second tattoo. You may not use more than two in a game, no matter what.
* On your skin.
2 each of 5 Munchkin Temporary tattoos which provide a bonus during play.
Stock #5503,
Pyramid #3/76: Dungeon Fantasy IV
The teeming tombs of vile creatures are chittering with excitement and they're dying for you to visit! This month's Pyramid -- the PDF magazine for roleplayers -- returns for a fourth time to the realm of GURPS Dungeon Fantasy, with a trove of articles sure to interest players and GMs alike. This issue includes:
This issue also offers a Random Thought Table that looks for dungeon-crawling inspiration in unusual places, plus an Odds and Ends that features a hard-hitting Murphy's Rule and a look at how to handle info the heroes have that the players don't. Mages, mentalists, martial artists, monsters: Rejoice! This Pyramid has more than enough to enhance your armory!
36-page PDF.
Stock #37-2676,
Buy Now!
Special abilities come in many flavors. But if you don't notice the enemy sneaking up on you, you can't attack or protect yourself. If you don't notice tiny clues, you can't solve mysteries. Improved senses can solve your problems -- or save your life!
GURPS Powers: Enhanced Senses is your guide to sensory powers. Use it in a wide range of campaigns, from biologically realistic science fiction to four-color supers. Five power frameworks let you play a brilliant detective or enlightened sage; an animal or cyborg; or a full-fledged superhuman. Choose from over 70 abilities, many with two or more variants, to design exactly the super-senses your adventurer needs. Infrasonic hearing, inner awareness, super-balance, and more could be yours!
And you'll find more than powers in these pages. Enhanced Senses brings together game mechanics from many previous supplements, clarifies them, and extends them. You'll learn how to apply existing modifiers more broadly, and you'll discover newly defined modifiers and new variants of familiar advantages. You'll also gain more details on existing Sense rolls. Want to know how much light a candle or a crescent moon gives you, how hard it is to read an eye chart, how much hearing damage is caused by a rock concert, or how fast you can read Braille? The rules are here.
Based on recent human and animal research -- from bat sonar to mole noses -- Enhanced Senses shows you how to describe realistic sensory powers, or set realism aside for the amazing abilities of comic-book heroes. Taking your GURPS game to new levels of insight has never made more sense!
36-page PDF.
Stock #37-0150,
Buy Now!
Grab your laser sword. Fight every cyborg and alien you meet. Stab your rivals in the back and steal their stuff. Take the loot and run!
Star Munchkin Deluxe is the Star Munchkin you know and love, but with a board and standees for even better door-kicking action!
Star Munchkin, with a board and standees!
Stock #1502,
UPC 837654322413.
Car Wars Classic
He triggered the rear guns once more. A direct hit! The blue car skidded as the driver lost control – then flipped and caught fire.
That would teach him not to tailgate . . .
Drive the freeways of the future -- where the right of way goes to the biggest guns. Players choose their vehicles -- complete with weapons, armor, power plants, suspension, and even body style. Then they take them out on the road . . . to come home as "aces," or to crash and burn. If a driver survives, his abilities improve, and he can earn money to buy bigger and better cars. Advanced rules let players design their own customized cars, trucks, and cycles.
Playing time 30 minutes and up, for players 10 and older. Any number can play . . . games with 2 to 8 are best.
Game components include:
64-page saddle-stitched instruction booklet, 8.5"×5.5" record sheet, 103 die-cut counters, four 12mm six-sided dice, a two-sided map, and a turning key, in a 6"×9" box.
Stock #1400,
UPC 837654320044.
Munchkin 2 – Unnatural Axe
112 more cards for the game of killing monsters and taking their stuff. Play a new race: Orcs! Face foes like the Hydrant and the Tentacle Demon. Equip yourself with dread armor like the Spiked Codpiece. Recruit allies like the Shoulder Dragon. Wield mighty weapons like Druid Fluid, the Slug Thrower and, of course, the terrifying Unnatural Axe . . . and show them who's the greatest munchkin of all.
Munchkin 2 -- Unnatural Axe is a supplement to Munchkin; you will need the original game to play. Or you could add it to any of the other Munchkin game sets instead. It'll work, and it'll be silly, and that's what we all want here.
112 cards in a tuckbox.
Stock #1410,
UPC 837654320457.
Munchkin 3 – Clerical Errors
Another 112 cards for the best-selling game of killing monsters and taking their stuff. Play a new Race: Gnomes! Try on the Bard Class. Face the Tequila Mockingbird, the Bad Ass, and the dreaded Auntie Paladin! Equip yourself with amazing items like the Chainmail Bikini and the Stab-A-Matic . . . and show them who's the mightiest, munchkinest dungeon delver of them all.
And this set has a special treat. We asked five of our favorite Comic Guys to do one card each. Inside you'll find:
112 cards in a tuckbox.
Stock #1416,
UPC 837654320488.
Munchkin 4 – The Need For Steed
Munchkin 4 -- The Need for Steed is an expansion for the original Munchkin -- 112 more cards for killing monsters, stealing treasure, and backstabbing your fellow players. This set introduces Steeds, the trusty mounts of legend . . . Oh, wait -- this is Munchkin! So these Steeds include not just the Dragon and the Tiger, but the Giant Mutant Gerbil (drawn by guest artist Shaenon K. Garrity of Skin Horse), the Chicken, and Big Joe, who might be a Steed or might be a Hireling. It's hard to tell.
Hireling? Yes indeed, The Need for Steed has lots and lots of Hirelings! Add these valuable characters to your retinue, use their special abilities, and sacrifice them to save your own skin!
Feel the need . . . The Need for Steed! (Now with full-color art!)
112 cards and rulesheet in a tuckbox.
Stock #1444,
UPC 837654320631.
Munchkin Level Playing Field
Track everyone's levels at once with the Munchkin Level Playing Field! Includes male/female tokens in six colors, and matching colored tokens with special in-game benefits for each player! This set also includes four new Munchkin cards!
Bonus! The Level Playing Field has a second side, with Levels 1-20 for Epic Munchkin!
One two-sided game board, four cards, and 12 tokens.
Stock #5559,
UPC 837654321812.
One of the joys of RPGs is the ability to solve a whole range of problems with good old-fashioned battle. This month's Pyramid -- the PDF magazine for roleplayers -- looks at matters great and small, past and present in relation to GURPS combat. This action-packed issue includes:
This issue also presents a Random Thought Table with tips for speeding up combat, plus Odds and Ends featuring a Murphy's Rule whose aim is true. Whether you're a Bronze Age general, a modern-day sharpshooter, or a designer of deadly dungeons, this Pyramid helps you fight the good fight like never before!
39-page PDF.
Stock #37-2677,
Buy Now!
From street gangs to armies, through political and religious groups, to businesses all the way up to multinational corporations, organizations feature prominently in many adventures. They can be tough to get a handle on, though. Juggling lots of people and resources can leave you feeling like "GM" stands for "General Manager," not "Game Master"!
GURPS Boardroom and Curia comes to the rescue with a simple-but-effective framework for defining organizations for use in adventures. Its stats block offers a way to write up a group in much the same way you would a city (compare GURPS City Stats), an army (see GURPS Mass Combat), or a spaceship (as in GURPS Spaceships). At a glance, you'll know just how powerful they are and how quickly they can respond, and have a concrete idea of what that means in terms of skill levels, point values, or dollars.
Boardroom and Curia also includes a full chapter on how to use these stats when the PCs work for or against an organization -- or decide to found one! Rounding it out are seven detailed examples suited to a variety of tech levels and genres: three real-world groups (the Medici bank, the Provisional IRA, and Médecins Sans Frontières), two that support existing GURPS settings (Biotech Euphrates for Transhuman Space and the Raiders of the Black Void for GURPS Cabal), the sinister Cold War conspiracy of Dr. Zynfami, and a superhero alliance (the Mid-City Defenders).
Stop being confused. Start getting organized!
31-page PDF.
Stock #37-0151,
Buy Now!
20 blank cards — 10 Doors and 10 Treasures — for your Munchkin game. Make up your own evil additions!
10 Blank Doors and 10 Blank Treasures.
Stock #1414,
Need someone to take the blame when you stab your buddy in the back?
Look no further! The new Munchkin Vinyl Figure from Funko will keep all the orcs at bay, ruin miniatures gaming, and probably won't spontaneously combust! Huzzah!
Includes a new exclusive Munchkin card!
One Munchkin figure in box and one card.
Stock #5051,
UPC 849803050511.
Munchkin Zombies Deluxe
What makes this edition "deluxe"? It's got a big gameboard to keep your cards in place, and colored standies (in both male and female designs) that you move on the gameboard as you level up!
It's the sickest, silliest Munchkin yet! You are zombies, kicking down doors and eating brains. The "monsters" you're attacking are people, some helpless and some hazardous, with a few rogue zombies thrown in. The armor is whatever you've blundered across during your lurching search for brains. So bravely you'll go forth, with mousetraps on your feet and a bowling trophy protecting your poor rotting head . . . to level up, or to die.
A 10.5” x 10.5” box with 168 full-color cards, one six-sided die, 12 standies, a 20” x 10” mounted gameboard, and a rulesheet.
Stock #1495,
UPC 837654322000 .
Munchkin Boxes of Holding
Have you been going through half a dozen game boxes to dig out all your Munchkin cards? How about getting it down to two special card boxes? The Munchkin Boxes of Holding are sturdy cardboard, sized to hold 500 Munchkin cards apiece! One is labeled Doors, and one is for Treasures.
Bonus: The set includes two extra Munchkin cards!
Two fold-up sturdy cardboard boxes and two cards.
Stock #5518,
UPC 837654320730.
Munchkin Polo Shirt
Sometimes, even a munchkin gets caught in a situation just a little too formal for a T-shirt. For those dressy occasions, we recommend the Munchkin Polo Shirt!
1. If you are wearing an official Munchkin shirt*, you may draw one extra card from either deck when you start play or when you come back from the dead.
2. You may treat your Munchkin Polo Shirt as a Steed, granting you a +2 combat bonus. (If you do not have the Steed rules, treat the Polo Shirt as a Big item that does not fill the Big item "slot.")
3. The autograph of Steve Jackson, Andrew Hackard, or John Kovalic on the shirt gives you an extra +1 combat bonus per autograph, to a maximum bonus of +5.
4. Wearing two or more Munchkin shirts does NOT give you both bonuses. The one on the outside rules.
5. Use of the Cheat! card overrides Rule 4 and lets you benefit from two different shirts. (It doesn't matter which one is outside.)
6. But under no circumstance is there any bonus for MORE than two shirts at once, and players may never benefit from more than two shirts per game.
It is NOT an official tournament rule, but if you wish to make a house rule that a "Lose Your Armor" card requires you to remove your shirt(s), we cannot stop you.
*On your torso. Right side out.
One polo shirt.
Stock #9163,
Show your support for autoduelling with this red patch featuring the Car Wars Arenas logo in black and white!
One Car Wars Arenas patch.
Stock #9316A,
Shout out to other gamers with this unique embroidered patch proudly displaying the AADA logo!
One AADA patch.
Stock #9316B,
Munchkin Polo Shirt
Sometimes, even a munchkin gets caught in a situation just a little too formal for a T-shirt. For those dressy occasions, we recommend the Munchkin Polo Shirt!
1. If you are wearing an official Munchkin shirt*, you may draw one extra card from either deck when you start play or when you come back from the dead.
2. You may treat your Munchkin Polo Shirt as a Steed, granting you a +2 combat bonus. (If you do not have the Steed rules, treat the Polo Shirt as a Big item that does not fill the Big item "slot.")
3. The autograph of Steve Jackson, Andrew Hackard, or John Kovalic on the shirt gives you an extra +1 combat bonus per autograph, to a maximum bonus of +5.
4. Wearing two or more Munchkin shirts does NOT give you both bonuses. The one on the outside rules.
5. Use of the Cheat! card overrides Rule 4 and lets you benefit from two different shirts. (It doesn't matter which one is outside.)
6. But under no circumstance is there any bonus for MORE than two shirts at once, and players may never benefit from more than two shirts per game.
It is NOT an official tournament rule, but if you wish to make a house rule that a "Lose Your Armor" card requires you to remove your shirt(s), we cannot stop you.
*On your torso. Right side out.
One polo shirt.
Stock #9163,
Pyramid #3/78: Unleash Your Soul
Heroes and villains are often made of sterner stuff than the rest of humanity. They've got fortitude. They've got style. Most of all, they've got spirit! This month's Pyramid -- the PDF magazine for roleplayers -- looks at the power of the spirit, and how it can be used for good or nefarious purposes. Our soulful selections include:
This issue also unleashes a Random Thought Table that looks at maintaining and controlling the unbelievable, plus Odds and Ends featuring a Murphy's Rule that's too cruel to be kind. Regardless of how you harness the power or peril of the spirit, this Pyramid will give you a faith lift!
38-page PDF.
Stock #37-2678,
Buy Now!
Do you need more counters for Car Wars Classic? How about an extra turning key? We've got you covered!
One sheet of counters and one turning key for Car Wars Classic.
Stock #7129,
Buy Now!
Show your enthusiasm for the American Autoduel Association and Car Wars as you imbibe your favorite drink! This handsome black shot glass sports the AADA logo in gold ink.
One black shot glass with a gold AADA logo.
Stock #9027,
Buy Now!
Do you love vehicular mayhem? Of course you do! Display your enthusiasm for the sport of the future with this t-shirt; it has the cover art for Car Wars Arenas emblazoned on the front!
One black t-shirt with the Car Wars Arenas cover art on it.
Stock #9192,
Zombie geeks love to argue about runners vs. shamblers, and whether zombies are defined by mindless behavior or strictly by flesh-eating, infectiousness, and undeath. The topic is nuanced enough that you could tell a new zombie story each day. The catch is that gamers expect a campaign to last a bit longer than that. Which is where GURPS Zombies: Day One comes in.
Day One sketches out eight zombie scenarios in broad strokes, looking at genre, backdrop, theme, scope, and power level -- and of course zombie type. In each case, it recommends what parts of GURPS Zombies are worth keeping and what's best discarded for a coherent story. The result is an octet of densely packed campaign seeds:
No matter what kinds of zombies you prefer or how mighty you like your heroes to be, there's something here for everyone!
56-page PDF.
Stock #37-1683,
Buy Now!
Munchkin Adventure Time 2 – It's a Dungeon Crawl!
Your quest for victory in the Land of Ooo just turned into a dungeon crawl complete with new monsters, treasures, curses, and special portals. Munchkin Adventure Time 2 -- It's a Dungeon Crawl! adds 90 cards and 12 special oversized Dungeon cards to the original Munchkin Adventure Time.
*Munchkin Adventure Time 2 -- It's a Dungeon Crawl! is not a stand-alone game. Munchkin Adventure Time is required to play.
90 cards and 12 oversized dungeon cards in a tuckbox.
Stock #MU085-412-001,
ISBN 700304046673.
If you've got a spaceship, you likely want to leave our solar system and travel to new worlds. This month's Pyramid -- the PDF magazine for roleplayers -- can help by providing new planets to explore and ways to get there! This passport to the unknown includes:
This month's Pyramid also delivers a Random Thought Table that looks at building interplanetary mysteries, plus an Odds and Ends with more goodness we couldn't fit elsewhere in the issue. With this issue of Pyramid, the gate to the heavens is open!
39-page PDF.
Stock #37-2679,
Buy Now!
Chez Geek: Slack to the Future T-Shirt
Do you like to slack off? Do you like to wear shirts while you slack off? Wear this shirt! It displays very unambiguously what you are doing, while also being a nod to everyone's favorite game about slacking off, Chez Geek!
One Chez Geek t-shirt.
Stock #9183,
GURPS Monster Hunters 5: Applied Xenology
Until now, GURPS Monster Hunters has focused on the paranormal: Champions, often empowered by magical and mystical abilities, face supernatural monsters from myth and legend. GURPS Monster Hunters 5: Applied Xenology is here to prove that horror meshes with science, too!
Applied Xenology offers choices for your Monster Hunters campaign. Are the heroes masters of tech, the supernatural, or both? If magic exists, does it rely on willpower and Hermetic knowledge, or on properly programmed computers? Do the monsters the hunters face hail from our world, the third level of Hell, another planet, or all of the above? Applied Xenology will help you find answers:
Applied Xenology provides more options -- for your champions, settings, and bad guys -- so that you can run the game you want. We've given you the tools . . . now go save the world!
51-page PDF.
Stock #37-0328,
Buy Now!
Mars Attacks: Ten-Minute Takedown
Destroy the Earthling cities!
Mars Attacks: Ten-Minute Takedown is a fast-playing dexterity game of Martian aggression and global destruction. Flick the custom die from your flying saucer at the Earthling cities, and claim their points as you destroy them.
A fast-playing dexterity game based on Mars Attacks!
Stock #1523,
UPC 837654322390.
Munchkin 3 – Clerical Errors
Another 112 cards for the best-selling game of killing monsters and taking their stuff. Play a new Race: Gnomes! Try on the Bard Class. Face the Tequila Mockingbird, the Bad Ass, and the dreaded Auntie Paladin! Equip yourself with amazing items like the Chainmail Bikini and the Stab-A-Matic . . . and show them who's the mightiest, munchkinest dungeon delver of them all.
And this set has a special treat. We asked five of our favorite Comic Guys to do one card each. Inside you'll find:
112 cards in a tuckbox.
Stock #1416,
UPC 837654320488.
Pyramid #3/80: Fantasy Threats
Danger comes in all different kinds in medieval magical worlds. Fortunately, there are heroes to deal with this plethora of perilous problems. This month's Pyramid -- the PDF magazine for roleplayers -- looks at fantasy threats, from crypt-crawling creatures to personal problems to kingdom-claiming connivers. Its phenomenal features include:
This issue also provides a Random Thought Table that ramps up the danger of the unknown, plus an Odds and Ends featuring a new Murphy's Rules that's unexpectedly out of trouble. For fantasy heroes, this might be our most dangerously different issue of Pyramid ever!
39-page PDF.
Stock #37-2680,
Buy Now!
GURPS Dungeon Fantasy Monsters 2: Icky Goo
When you think of Dungeon Fantasy, three sorts of monsters come readily to mind: serious bosses, like liches and dragons; in-between threats, like trolls and dire animals; and hordes of lesser foes, like orcs and zombies. But another very old, very basic category of enemy lurks in every dungeon, and that's goo -- squidgy, nasty, quivering blobs of stuff.
GURPS Dungeon Fantasy Monsters 2: Icky Goo explores the moist, disgusting world of monsters that don't so much eat you as dissolve you. Seven classic archetypes appear, each with many unpleasant varieties:
The sheer randomness and variety is sure to frustrate even players who've read this supplement, while the GM gets handy advice on creative uses and abuses to ensure that's the case.
22-page PDF.
Stock #37-0329,
Buy Now!
Star Munchkin 3 – Diplomatic Impunity
More Sci-Fi Hijinks!
After far too long, your favorite space-faring munchkins are BACK! This expansion includes Ships your characters can use to explore the cosmos; a new Class, Ambassador, that can commandeer Ships from other players; and a new Race, Veggie, because even munchkins need fiber. Plus plenty of new monsters, Traps, and Treasures. (Yes, of course there are more Lasers. PEW PEW!)
Star Munchkin 3 – Diplomatic Impunity . . . in space, no one can hear you squee!
Ships, loot, and a new Race for Star Munchkin!
Stock #1506,
UPC 837654322451.
Star Munchkin Deluxe
Grab your laser sword. Fight every cyborg and alien you meet. Stab your rivals in the back and steal their stuff. Take the loot and run!
Star Munchkin Deluxe is the Star Munchkin you know and love, but with a board and standies for even better door-kicking action!
Star Munchkin, with a board and standies!
Stock #1502,
UPC 837654322413.
The Awful Green Things from Outer Space
The crew of the exploration ship Znutar just wanted to cruise around the Galaxy, discovering strange new worlds and playing pool. But then their ship was invaded by the Awful Green Things . . . and suddenly they were fighting for their lives!
In this wacky two-player game, one player controls the Awful Green Things. They grow and multiply every turn – especially if they can gobble up a crew member! The other player commands the crew, frantically trying weapon after weapon (pool sticks, fire extinguishers, cans of Zgwortz) to find something that kills the monsters.
This classic game by Tom Wham first appeared in Dragon Magazine in 1980, and has been a fan favorite ever since! This edition includes Tom's "Outside the Znutar" rules and counters, for going out the airlocks and fighting on the surface of the ship, and upgraded components: a mounted gameboard, heavy die-cut counters, and a full-color rulebook!
Boxed, with mounted gameboard, rulebook, die-cut counters, and five GREEN dice!
Stock #1335,
UPC 837654321003.
Star Munchkin: Space Ships
Munchkin Booty introduced Ships to the world of Munchkin. You guys immediately asked why we didn't have Ships for Star Munchkin as well. So now we do!
Star Munchkin: Space Ships lets you ride in -- or on -- the Horsefly, the Starfurry, or the USS Secondprize. You can buff your ships with a Quad-Mounted Laser or a Bridge. And you can let your new Sidekick, Otto, do the flying for you.
Live long and prosper and kill monsters!
Note: This is an expansion for Star Munchkin, not a stand-alone set. Space Ships is not collectible or randomized; every pack is the same as every other.
Blister pack containing 15 cards.
Stock #4214,
UPC 837654322499.
Pyramid #3/81: Horrific Creations
Ghoulish things come in small packages. They can also emerge from vats . . . or lurk at crossroads, awaiting the curious. This month's Pyramid -- the PDF magazine for roleplayers -- checks out the tangibly terrifying, for a suitably scary assortment of situations. Its frightening features include:
This issue also provides a Random Thought Table that explores how to make your own horrific creations. No matter whether you seek a taste of terror to add to an otherwise normal campaign, or you're running a full-fledged fright-fest, you'll get more than you bargained for with this Pyramid!
39-page PDF.
Stock #37-2681,
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GURPS Social Engineering: Back to School
GURPS is one of the rare few RPGs that lets characters improve between adventures as well as from them. The challenge is in making study interesting -- perhaps even an adventure in itself. GURPS Social Engineering: Back to School is the ideal textbook for gamers who want to learn how.
Drama geeks will like the advice on making school-based stories exciting. Nerds will appreciate the new rules for learning and teaching. Popular kids will enjoy the discussion of social success at school -- and how that translates to the community at large. Even jocks get a few words -- not many, and mostly small ones -- on body training and steroids.
And for the teachers out there, here's a summary in bullet points:
Read up . . . it'll all be on the test!
43-page PDF.
Stock #37-1668,
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In Atlas Games' award-winning Gloom, the players compete to ruin their characters' lives. Unique transparent cards stack up on each character, making things worse and worse . . . and worse yet! Now there's a Munchkin-themed Gloom. Your hapless heroes can delve too deep, lose their loot, plummet down pits, and be backstabbed by buddies. It may sound tragic, but in Gloom that's a winning hand. For 2-5 players.
110 poker-sized, transparent playing cards and a rule sheet.
Stock #AG1333,
ISBN 978-1-58978-155-9.
Munchkin Zombies: The Walking Dead
Based on the hit comic book series, this 56-card expansion to Munchkin Zombies lets you show your favorite Walking Dead characters who's really in charge. The undead rule!
Do battle with deadly living foes like Rick, Michonne, and Negan. Whack them with a deadly Katana or the brutal Lucille . . . take their stuff and shamble toward victory! Level up to become the most badass undead of all. Show the living that the world belongs to The Walking Dead.
56 cards and rules in a tuckbox.
Stock #MU095-379,
ISBN 700304046901.
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Welcome to the sport of the future -- autoduelling! Killer cars battle with machine guns, missiles, autocannons, and flamethrowers. You're behind the wheel . . . and the last survivor wins.
This fast, fun game, based on Steve Jackson Games' award-winning Car Wars, includes six full-color car cards, 150 full-color playing cards, and short, easy rules.
A card game based on Car Wars!
Stock #1401,
UPC 837654322581.
Munchkin Bites!
It's the World of Dorkness!
The Munchkins are now vampires . . . and werewolves . . . and changelings. Bash through the haunted house and slay the monsters. The OTHER monsters. You can't slay your fellow munchkins, but you can curse them, send foes at them, and take their stuff. Of course . . .
This is a stand-alone game, which (of course) can be combined with other Munchkin games. And it's illustrated by John Kovalic. OF COURSE. See Igor, Gilly, and all the other Dork Tower characters in their munchkin-vampire finery . . .
So bring along your Coffin (+3!) and wield The Sword Of Beheading People Just Like In That Movie. Face foes like the Banshee, the Heck Hounds, and the dreaded Were-Muskrat. Smite them all, and be the first to Level 10 . . .
Boxed game with 168 cards, rules, and die.
Stock #1419,
UPC 837654320464.
Munchkin Apocalypse
It's the end of the world!
In Munchkin Apocalypse, every possible natural (and unnatural) disaster has happened . . . or will happen during the game. You are a rugged survivor in a world full of people -- and things -- that want to kill you and take your stuff. So do it to them first!
This set introduces four new classes and a new, yet eerily familiar, card type: Disasters!
And what's with all these seals running around? Don't they know the world's about to end? You should really keep an eye on that seventh one in particular . . .
Boxed game with 168 cards, 12 seals, rules, and die.
Stock #1503,
UPC 837654321560.
Car Wars Classic
He triggered the rear guns once more. A direct hit! The blue car skidded as the driver lost control – then flipped and caught fire.
That would teach him not to tailgate . . .
Drive the freeways of the future -- where the right of way goes to the biggest guns. Players choose their vehicles -- complete with weapons, armor, power plants, suspension, and even body style. Then they take them out on the road . . . to come home as "aces," or to crash and burn. If a driver survives, his abilities improve, and he can earn money to buy bigger and better cars. Advanced rules let players design their own customized cars, trucks, and cycles.
Playing time 30 minutes and up, for players 10 and older. Any number can play . . . games with 2 to 8 are best.
Game components include:
64-page saddle-stitched instruction booklet, 8.5"×5.5" record sheet, 103 die-cut counters, four 12mm six-sided dice, a two-sided map, and a turning key, in a 6"×9" box.
Stock #1400,
UPC 837654320044.
Munchkin Dragons
Dragons are fearsome! Dragons are cool! Dragons have LOTS of treasure for munchkins to loot! Munchkin Dragons has 15 new cards. The treasures are wondrous indeed . . . but first, you've got some dragons to slay. Good luck.
This is an expansion for Munchkin. It is not a stand-alone game. This is NOT a collectible or randomized set. Every Munchkin Dragons pack is the same as every other.
Blister pack containing 15 cards.
Stock #4235,
UPC 837654321805.
Pyramid #3/82: Magical Creations
Relics! Potions! Charms and more! All of these and other magical enticements have been created for you in this month's Pyramid, the PDF magazine for roleplayers. This issue's spellbinding summonings include:
This issue also provides a Random Thought Table that explores fertile new ground for creating unusual items, plus an Odds and Ends that has more magic and mayhem. Regardless of when, where, or how you access the arcane, the wonders within this volume will infuse your game with scads of scintillating new creations!
38-page PDF.
Stock #37-2682,
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GURPS often treats spells as skills, balancing stronger magic not with point costs but by requiring more time, risk, energy, or all three. Yet wizards in some settings can conduct rituals -- even powerful ones -- quickly, safely, and repeatedly. These magic-users wield a kind of innate magic known as sorcery.
GURPS Thaumatology: Sorcery treats magic as a power and builds spells as modified advantages. This gives you the flexibility to create and cast any spell you can imagine, along with the confidence that it will follow clear and consistent rules. And because sorcery is limited only by point cost, its strength scales directly with the campaign's power level.
This tome contains everything you need to start down the path to enlightenment:
GURPS Thaumatology: Sorcery puts you in complete control, giving you a potentially unlimited grimoire and as much power as you can afford. What will you do with it?
36-page PDF.
Stock #37-1656,
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Smash Up is the hit game where each player smashes two weird factions together and tries to crush all the others. The factions in this set feature the incredibly popular races and classes from Munchkin, including: Orcs, Warriors, Halflings, Clerics, Dwarves, and more! All the factions have different powers and every team up is different! This set is fully playable alone or can be combined with any existing Smash Up sets!
160 Minion and Action cards, 20 Monster cards, 22 Treasure cards, 16 Base cards, 10 dividers, 1 token sheet, and a rulebook.
Stock #AEG5508,
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Now You've Done It!
You stirred up the nest and now Dragons are everywhere! Big ones, tiny ones, even undead ones. Munchkin Dragon's Trike has 15 new cards. Kill enough Dragons and you might even be able to start your own treasure hoard . . .
This is an expansion for Munchkin. It is not a stand-alone game. This is NOT a collectible or randomized set. Every Munchkin Dragon's Trike pack is the same as every other.
Blister pack containing 15 cards.
Stock #4251,
UPC 837654322604.
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Munchkin The Nightmare Before Christmas
You got your wish -- it's Munchkin The Nightmare Before Christmas!
It's a ghoulish new twist on the classic game of Munchkin! Arm yourself with a Vampire Teddy, Mayor's Badge, and Bat Hat, and charge into battle on Santa's Sleigh. Become a citizen of Halloween Town, Christmas Town, Thanksgiving Town, or Easter Town. Try to banish foes such as Oogie Boogie, Doctor Finkelstein, and Lock, Shock, & Barrel from Halloween Town once and for al!
You can play Munchkin The Nightmare Before Christmas on its own, or add it to other Munchkin games for more monster-mashing, treasure-grabbing action!
168-cards, 1 die, rules.
Stock #MU004-261,
ISBN 700304047090.
Munchkin Treasure Hunt
Explore the Dungeon!
Be careful, though. Monsters live here, and they don't want you taking their stuff. Fool the dragon, grab treasure, and flee! Will you risk your treasure for MORE TREASURE? Be a legendary hero and escape with the most moolah!
Munchkin Treasure Hunt is a fun, fast-playing game for kids and families. It's a great introduction to other Munchkin zaniness, and it even teaches valuable math skills!
Gameboard, 100 cards, 2 14mm dice, 6 standies, Rule Sheet.
Stock #1521,
UPC 837654322161.
Munchkin Marked for Death
Munchkin Marked for Death is a double-duty booster set! This pack contains 17 all-new cards, including Anvil, Recalculate Your XP, and the horrifying effervescence of the Soap Golem. And they’re balanced to let you use them as a quick rigged demo for your friends, to get them into the madness that is Munchkin!
Note: This is NOT a collectible or randomized set. Every Marked for Death pack is the same as every other.
17 cards and a rulesheet, in a blister pack.
Stock #4210,
UPC 837654320525.
Zombie Dice
Eat brains. Don't get shotgunned.
You are a zombie. You want braaains. More brains than any of your zombie buddies.
Zombie Dice is fun for any zombie fan (or the whole zombie family). The 13 custom dice are your victims. Push your luck to eat their brains, but stop before the shotgun blasts end your turn!
It's a great quick game. Play it at lunch (braaiiiiiins!) or while you're in line for a zombie movie . . . !
Two or more can play. Each game takes 10 to 20 minutes, and can be taught in a single round.
13 custom dice, dice cup, and rules.
Stock #131313,
UPC 837654320419.
Pyramid #3/83: Alternate GURPS IV
The possibilities are endless with GURPS, and in the latest Pyramid -- the PDF magazine for roleplayers -- we push the limits of how much awesomeness mortal minds can comprehend! Innovative optional rules, fresh possibilities for making characters, and daring system tweaks can all be found within these pages. Its scintillating selections include:
This issue also provides a Random Thought Table that loads the dice in new and interesting ways, plus an Odds and Ends with even more randomness. Regardless of whether you like your GURPS with minor add-ons or major overhauls, you're sure to find something to enhance the envelope-pushing prospects with this issue!
38-page PDF.
Stock #37-2683,
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GURPS Dungeon Fantasy Denizens: Barbarians
Orderly farms and towns can provide you with ale, but they also create structure that crushes the spirit, replacing righteous rage and self-reliance with ridiculous manners and clothing that'll get you killed in the real world. Come the next dark age, when dragons darken the skies, demons wander the frozen wastes, and the cities are in ruins, those fancy bards and elf princes will look to the folk they called "barbarians" to defend them. And maybe you'll help -- if they saved you the last of the ale!
GURPS Dungeon Fantasy Denizens: Barbarians is the first in a series of GURPS Dungeon Fantasy Denizens guides to the delving professions. It details the crude, angry, oversized, and surprisingly complex world of barbarians, including:
When fast-talking cityfolk, dishonorable magic-users, and cowards in shining armor make you want to snap off a stalactite and pound some enemies into the ground, GURPS Dungeon Fantasy Denizens: Barbarians is your go-to guide!
31-page PDF.
Stock #37-0330,
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The Monsters are Back . . . From the Dead!
It just doesn't feel like a dungeon worth exploring without hordes of undead! Munchkin Undead adds 15 new monsters, curses and items all dealing with the formerly living. Get your pointy sticks and your chainsaws ready because it's time to kill them all over again!
Blister pack containing 15 cards.
Stock #1499,
UPC 837654322697.
Star Munchkin Cosmic Demo is a double-duty mini-expansion set! This pack contains 17 cards, balanced to let you use them as a quick rigged demo to get your friends into the space madness that is Star Munchkin!
This is an expansion for Star Munchkin. It is not a stand-alone game. This is NOT a collectible or randomized set. Every Star Munchkin Cosmic Demo pack is the same as every other.
17 cards in a blister pack.
Stock #4252,
UPC 837654322680.
Ho Ho Hoard!
Reward all the good little munchkins in your life with a pack of Munchkin Stocking Stuffers! Each pack contains four new holiday-themed Munchkin cards plus a brief explanation of the game. Stocking Stuffers also includes five Munchkin-themed gift tags for your non-Munchkin presents.
Five packs of Munchkin cards to give out as stocking stuffers!
Stock #5588,
UPC 837654322383.
You can't clear thousands of dungeons without making a few Frenemies . . . so that's what we did! As long as your Imaginary Frenemies are safely stored inside their blister, they help you in combat . . . but if you release them to get at the cards inside, you can't use their rule anymore. Oh, temptation!
Special Rule
As long as this package remains unopened, you may keep your Imaginary Frenemies in front of you as a +2 combat bonus. It cannot be lost to Curses, Bad Stuff, or theft, and stays with you even if you die.
At any time, you may open the package, releasing your Frenemies, and draw as many Treasures as there are players in your game. Keep one of the Treasures for yourself and give each other player one each.
Sign the two Door cards inside (Yes! With a REAL pen! In permanent ink!) and put them in your hand as well. When you play a card that you have signed, it has double effect. Save this card so you remember this rule in the future!
2 Cards
Stock #5593,
UPC 837654322659.
Grab your gears, put on your top hat, whack the monsters, and grab the treasure . . . with the power of SCIENCE! Munchkin Steampunk Deluxe brings the zaniness of Munchkin to the pseudo-Victorian steampunk era. Bully!
Munchkin Steampunk Deluxe comes with a board and standies for tracking your level, and is illustrated by Phil Foglio!
A Munchkin Deluxe set, with gears and steam!
Stock #1508,
UPC 837654322482.
Munchkin Steampunk Kill-O-Meter
The best Munchkin fights are the ones where everyone plays cards to keep the levels bouncing up and down! But it can be hard to keep track. Now you'll never have to stop and recount again!
With the Munchkin Steampunk Kill-O-Meter, whenever a card hits the table, you turn the dials to keep track of your new total. You don't have time to stop and count when you've got science to do . . .
The Munchkin Steampunk Kill-O-Meter comes with two special Munchkin Steampunk bonus cards -- and since the dials can be read from either side, we put the munchkins on one side and their foes on the other.
One two-sided combat counter and two Munchkin Steampunk cards.
Stock #5554,
UPC 837654322611.
Zombie Dice
Eat brains. Don't get shotgunned.
You are a zombie. You want braaains. More brains than any of your zombie buddies.
Zombie Dice is fun for any zombie fan (or the whole zombie family). The 13 custom dice are your victims. Push your luck to eat their brains, but stop before the shotgun blasts end your turn!
It's a great quick game. Play it at lunch (braaiiiiiins!) or while you're in line for a zombie movie . . . !
Two or more can play. Each game takes 10 to 20 minutes, and can be taught in a single round.
13 custom dice, dice cup, and rules.
Stock #131313,
UPC 837654320419.
Sometimes the most amazing thing you can do with your gaming is to look at things from a new angle, shake things up, and challenge your perspectives. This issue of Pyramid -- the PDF magazine for roleplayers -- is devoted to looking at things from a different point of view. Its senses-stretching articles include:
This issue also presents a Random Thought Table that offers more ideas for different perspectives, plus Odds and Ends that expand the options for the Elvey Institute and feature a behind-the-scenes look at the gorgeous Brandon Moore cover. Your campaign can always benefit from a new point of view, and this issue might be just what you need to look at things with fresh eyes!
38-page PDF.
Stock #37-2684,
Buy Now!
Yes, GURPS Action is back with a vengeance!
Action heroes might be stereotyped, but they rarely fit into nice, neat boxes. Studios spend big bucks making sure we all know exactly what's special about the hero of their latest blockbuster. While Action 1: Heroes and Action 3: Furious Fists are up to the challenge of creating characters who stand out, there are times when 250-point templates aren't quite the right tool for the job.
That's when you call in Action 4: Specialists. Its modular design system lets you pick and choose from over 100 areas of expertise to create exactly the right hero for the mission, while its systematic advice on filing off rough edges and filling in holes gives you a lean, mean action machine.
But that's not all!
This system is also useful for:
Because when the going gets tough, you send in the professionals!
36-page PDF.
Stock #37-0331,
Buy Now!
To Be The Best . . .
You've got to beat the best. And that means taking to the many different autoduelling arenas across the Car Wars world and testing yourself under all kinds of conditions.
Car Wars Classic Arenas gives hardcore autoduellists more exciting locations to showcase their skills and blow away their opponents. The boxed set contains five two-sided 22" x 34" arena maps and a booklet detailing the special features of each arena. The rules also cover revised versions of popular variants like the AADA pro circuit and more.
The arena designs originally appeared in various Car Wars supplements (including the Car Wars Arena Book and The AADA Duel Circuit: L'Outrance), but only as scaled-down maps. In this set, they'll come out of the box ready to play in full Car Wars Classic scale.
Have you got what it takes? Find out with Car Wars Classic Arenas.
A package of Car Wars Classic arena maps, in full Car Wars Classic Arenas scale!
Stock #7155,
UPC 837654322666.
Which clearly explains what happened to them. Cats may be cute, but they've got teeth, claws and siege weaponry? Munchkin Kittens has 30 new cards that some of you may be allergic to. Don't be fooled . . . they're adorable, but deadly!
This is an expansion for Munchkin. It is not a stand-alone game. This is NOT a collectible or randomized set. Every Kittens pack is the same as every other.
30 cards in a blister pack.
Stock #4215,
UPC 837654322673.
Munchkin Legends Deluxe
Become a Munchkin of Myth!
Prepare to fight the creatures of legend . . . and take their stuff!
In Munchkin Legends Deluxe, you'll face mythical monsters and collect legendary treasures. Challenge the Boogie Man to a dance-off and cheat by wearing Achilles' Heels. Hide from the spells of the Wicked Witch of the Midwest in your Bermuda Shorts of Invulnerability. And if you think you're up to it . . . release the Kraken!
Munchkin Legends Deluxe comes with everything you need to play: cards, a die, and the rules, plus a board and standies to track your levels.
168 new Munchkin cards, a custom die, a board, 12 standies and plastic stands, and a rulesheet.
Stock #1512,
UPC 837654322734.
Uncle Albert's Catalog from Hell
A complete listing of every weapon, ammo type and accessory available to the Car Wars, Car Wars Tanks, or Aeroduel duellist, all under one cover? Impossible!
Your old Uncle Al is back with a vengeance! This is the ultimate Uncle Al's, with the most up-to-the-minute versions of hundreds of state of the art weapons and accessories -- all at rock bottom prices!
Everything from the Car Wars Compendium 2nd Edition, everything from Boat Wars, everything from Aeroduel, everything from Car Wars Tanks! Plus loads of neat stuff from the earlier Uncle Al's Catalogs and issues of ADQ!
But Wait -- THERE'S MORE!!
You can't afford to pass up this catalog! Your survival on the roads of the 2040s depends on knowing what's out there -- and having the best, most modern equipment on your own vehicle!
Drive Offensively . . . with Uncle Al, the Duellist's Pal!
211-page PDF.
Stock #30-7150,
Star Munchkin Guest Artist T-Shirt
Let everyone know that you're a star with this Star Munchkin Guest Artist T-Shirt, illustrated by Len Peralta (Geek a Week, Ten State, Munchkin The Guild).
It is NOT an official tournament rule, but if you wish to make a house rule that a "Lose Your Armor" card requires you to remove your shirt(s), we cannot stop you.
* On your torso. Right side out.
1 T-Shirt.
Stock #9195,
Spyke isn't fooling around and he wants you to know it! Ian McGinty (Adventure Time and Munchkin comic books) drew the art for this Munchkin Guest Artist T-Shirt.
It is NOT an official tournament rule, but if you wish to make a house rule that a "Lose Your Armor" card requires you to remove your shirt(s), we cannot stop you.
* On your torso. Right side out.
1 T-Shirt.
Stock #9196,
Munchkin Cthulhu Guest Artist T-Shirt
Wear the Munchkin Cthulhu Guest Artist T-Shirt illustrated by Katie Cook (My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic, Munchkin Love Shark Baby) and show your love for all cute things, even Cthulhu!
It is NOT an official tournament rule, but if you wish to make a house rule that a "Lose Your Armor" card requires you to remove your shirt(s), we cannot stop you.
* On your torso. Right side out.
1 T-Shirt.
Stock #9197,
The future isn't some far-off wonderland; it encroaches on the present with every passing moment! This issue of Pyramid -- the PDF magazine for roleplayers -- checks out skills, ideas, and tech from the not-too-distant future, whether it's a transhuman tomorrow, a cyberpunk society, or something even stranger. This issue features:
This issue also presents a vignette by Matt Riggsby set in the new Car Wars universe, a Random Thought Table that examines the future through the prism of the past, plus an Odds and Ends that contemplates forgery and goes behind the scenes with the stunning Brandon Moore cover. The cutting edge of GURPS is here, and it's looking sharp!
38-page PDF.
Stock #37-2685,
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GURPS Dungeon Fantasy Treasures 1: Glittering Prizes
Any delver who has ever met a dishonest merchant can attest that it pays -- literally! -- to know exactly what you've dragged home from the dungeon. Sometimes it's good ol' gold and silver, but the world is older and stranger than even scholars and wizards admit. Canny treasure-hunters consult books before brokers, poring over tomes like GURPS Dungeon Fantasy Treasures 1: Glittering Prizes to decide what to keep and what to sell -- and for how much.
The Dungeon Fantasy Treasures series expands on the popular GURPS Dungeon Fantasy 8: Treasure Tables supplement. This first volume, Glittering Prizes, is your guide to identifying all the world's cash and separating what merely looks valuable from what will actually fetch a pretty penny in town. Learn all about:
Whether you're a GM looking to spice up a treasure chest or the player of a greedy adventurer, Glittering Prizes is the essential reference on the stuff worth keeping.
22-page PDF.
Stock #37-0332,
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Munchkin Apocalypse Blank Card Set
Prepare for the end of the world with blank cards for Munchkin Apocalypse! Each pack contains 10 Doors, 10 Treasures, and 10 Seals with Munchkin Apocalypse backs.
30 cards. 10 doors, 10 treasures, 10 seals.
Stock #1428,
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Munchkin Steampunk Blank Card Set
We removed the text on these Munchkin Steampunk cards with SCIENCE! so you can create your own jokes. Each pack contains 10 Doors and 10 Treasures with Munchkin Steampunk backs.
20 cards. 10 doors, 10 treasures.
Stock #1429,
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Transhuman Space: Bio-Tech 2100
In the future of Transhuman Space, no field has grown as much or had such a profound impact as biotechnology. The exploitation of new frontiers in space and underwater has pushed civilization's boundaries -- but only because biotech has delivered improved humans capable of living there, not to mention bioroids and uplifted animals to do much of the work. And behind these visible innovations is a great deal of change, both scientific and social.
Transhuman Space: Bio-Tech 2100 complements Transhuman Space: Bioroid Bazaar, taking a closer look at the practical details behind upgrades, parahumans, uplifts, bioroids, and bioshells. It delivers setting information and game mechanics valuable to gamers interested in playing champions or enemies of the biotech revolution -- friends or foes of the not-quite-human and nothing-like-human beings that now share the solar system. Contents include:
Whether your goal is to design a custom pet, pick farmyard stock for your Mars colony, or track down rogue bioroids, Bio-Tech 2100 is here with the facts and figures!
32-page PDF.
Stock #37-6716,
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Munchkin Steampunk SCIENCE! Dice
The wonderful thing about living in the glorious Age of Steam is the way that we can marry traditional randomizers, such as dice, with the new power of SCIENCE!
This set also includes four new cards for Munchkin Steampunk!
6 dice and 4 cards in a blister pack.
Stock #5591,
UPC 837654322628.
Munchkin Game Changers
Want more silly cards for your Munchkin game? Some cool level counters? Giant pink sparkly dice?! Here they are! This box combines four of our most popular Munchkin boosters into a single expansion:
As a bonus, we’ve included the cards from Munchkin Fairy Dust Dice and two big sparkly pink dice to go with them, plus four cards formerly only available directly from Steve Jackson Games! This set also includes Fairy Dust and Munchkinomicon-themed level counters!
68 cards, two level counters, two 19mm six-sided dice, and a rulesheet.
Stock #1489,
UPC 837654321188.
It's never been easier to spotlight organizations in your GURPS game, thanks to GURPS Boardroom and Curia and GURPS Dungeon Fantasy 17: Guilds. We're amping up our organizational efforts with this month's Pyramid -- the PDF magazine for roleplayers -- as we look at all things group-related. This issue features:
This issue also delivers a vignette by Matt Riggsby set in the new Car Wars universe, a Random Thought Table that looks at rules as a way to conjure great ideas, plus an Odds and Ends that lets you be a member of a group without knowing it, and gives more details on the amazing Brandon Moore cover. It's a great time to be a part of something bigger, thanks to GURPS and this month's Pyramid!
37-page PDF.
Stock #37-2686,
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GURPS Dungeon Fantasy 17: Guilds
Delvers need civilization in the sense that without it, selling loot, collecting rewards, buying better gear, and scoring lucrative quests would be difficult. On the other hand, paying taxes, obeying petty laws, and kowtowing to your "betters" . . . well, those aspects aren't so appealing. While even the toughest heroes rarely go it alone, savvy ones would sooner take their chances with crude, bloodthirsty, but well-armed peers than settle down and trust Somebody Else to deal with the monsters outside (and often inside) the city walls.
Yet clever adventurers also know it's foolish not to exploit every possible advantage in their pursuit of wealth, power, and glory. Organized society isn't always polite society, after all, and some organizations are downright useful to treasure-hunters and monster-slayers -- whether as sources of employment and gold or as providers of training, equipment, and supernatural support. Such groups are the subject of GURPS Dungeon Fantasy 17: Guilds, which covers:
Whether you're the GM of a Dungeon Fantasy campaign where society is more than an abstraction or the player of the next Grand Master of the Wizards' Guild, GURPS Dungeon Fantasy 17: Guilds has something to offer. Not every adventure ends when the heroes return to civilization!
31-page PDF.
Stock #37-0333,
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With their small size, deft hands, and keen senses, the sparrials are made to order for the GM in need of a race of alien thieves. And certainly, they have a predisposition toward that role. Yet as always with sparrials, there's a lot more going on than meets the eye . . .
A GURPS fixture since they popped up in Roleplayer #10 (May 1988), these furry aliens got a bit more detail in GURPS Classic: Aliens -- and now GURPS Aliens: Sparrials is here to give them their own dedicated supplement. The inaugural volume of the GURPS Aliens series covers sparrials in all their clever, chaotic glory. It includes a full racial template, of course, and much, much more:
GURPS Aliens: Sparrials is a wonderful resource whether you're a GM seeking aliens to populate your GURPS Space campaign or a player who wants the challenge of taking the role of a truly alien alien. It's also an inspiring source of fun for gamers using other game systems. Just remember to keep an eye on your stuff.
30-page PDF.
Stock #37-1684,
Buy Now!