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J A N U A R Y   2 0 1 4 

Shipped January 27, 2014

Munchkin Apocalypse: Mars Attacks!

Mars Attacks!, the hit trading card series from Topps, is invading the world of Munchkin Apocalypse! In this 15-card mini-expansion, you'll battle Monster Bugs and the Heat Ray Saucer on your way to Level 10, with the help of new goodies like the Martian Zap Rifle and Giant Spiky Feet. But watch out for the new Seals -- you could end the world with Reality TV! (It makes total sense to us.)

Finseal pack containing 15 cards. Stock #4236, UPC 837654321904. $5.95.
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Shipped January 13, 2014

Zombie Dice Deluxe

Eat brains. Don't get shotgunned.

You are a zombie. You want braaains. More brains than any of your zombie buddies.

Zombie Dice is a quick game for any zombie fan (or the whole zombie family). The 13 custom dice are your victims. Push your luck to eat their brains, but stop before the shotgun blasts end your turn!

Play it at lunch (braaiiins!) or while you're in line for a zombie movie . . . !

This deluxe version includes a score pad and the plastic Zombie Dice Brain Case.

Play Zombie Dice on your iPhone, iPod touch, iPad, or Windows 7 Phone . . . free! Visit for links.

13 custom dice, score pad, and rules in a plastic cup. Stock #131332, UPC 837654321911. $24.95.

W 2 3 

Shipped January 30, 2014

Uncle Albert's 2039 Catalog Update

He's Back . . .

Just when you thought you knew about every possible Car Wars weapon and gadget, Uncle Al brings you another assortment. Here are 91 of the hottest weapons for cars, boats, hovercraft, and personal pedestrian use: torpedoes, bumper spikes, beacon mines, jump jets, and more. With Uncle Albert's 2039 Catalog Update, you're not just driving in the year 2039 . . . you're racing into the future!

43-page PDF. Stock #30-7140, $4.00.
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Shipped January 23, 2014

Pyramid #3/63: Infinite Worlds II

Why Settle for the Whole World?

Don't settle for being stuck in the same old universe when there are infinite worlds to explore! This month's Pyramid -- the PDF magazine for roleplayers -- reports on what's new in realms beyond, with features that are sure to interest GURPS Infinite Worlds fans or others looking to broaden their horizons with new rules and possibilities. This senses-shattering issue includes:

  • "The Power of Sorcery," describing a new, advantage-based method of GURPS spellcasting from the grimoire of GURPS Thaumatology: Ritual Path Magic author Jason "PK" Levine. Get started with a sampling of 20 "spells" plus guidelines for making more.
  • "Lord of Your Own Domain," presenting a detailed GURPS system of traits and modifiers needed to manifest your own interdimensional pocket fiefdom, including a new GURPS Psionic Powers ability.
  • "Igor-1," this month's Eidetic Memory offering that depicts an alternate pulp timeline that's changing the course of World War II with weird science. David L. Pulver -- author of GURPS Reign of Steel -- gives you a new GURPS character lens and GURPS Spaceships stats for two vehicles.
  • "The Infinite Aisles," supplying adventurers with a means to get unusual gear or (unreliable!) travel between dimensions. Delve into the mystery of a humble multi-timeline chain of stores with Phil Masters, author of GURPS Infinite Worlds: Britannica-6.
  • "Patchwork," positing what might happen in a world filled with diversity and a lack of war, as revealed by GURPS Locations: St. George's Cathedral author Michele Armellini. Two possible destinations (with GURPS City Stats notes) are included.
  • "Stormbomb-1," considering the effects of harnessing the impossible power of the Banestorm. What price is the world's only superpower willing to pay to retain its place among the nations?

This Pyramid also offers a Random Thought Table that unleashes the power of a leaky mind, while Odds and Ends reveals a few other secrets the cosmos can barely contain. Leave your troubles behind like never before; this month's Pyramid is out of this world!

40-page PDF. Stock #37-2663, $9.00.
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Shipped January 16, 2014


Courage Under Fire

From small-town crisis units to the FBI's Hostage Rescue Team, from the urban sprawl of Berlin to the mountainous wilds of Idaho, GURPS SWAT covers the dangerous world of tactical police operations. Serve a warrant on a meth lab, protect a judge whose life is threatened, rescue hostages from international terrorists, or take down a barricaded suspect before they kill again! Establish perimeters and begin hostage negotiations. Perform a stealth entry if you can, or blow down the door in a swift dynamic assault!

GURPS SWAT provides:

  • A look into the formation of tactical teams, including the original LAPD SWAT.
  • Details on SWAT around the world, including major United States cities, federal teams, and tactical teams.
  • An overview of SWAT operations, from high-risk warrant service to hostage rescue.
  • A look at the weapons and equipment of the modern-day SWAT team.
  • Tips for running realistic or cinematic SWAT, Cops, or crossover campaigns.

The lives of innocent hostages are at stake. Do you have what it takes to be the best of the best? Put on your armor, grab your weapon, and find out . . .

(This is an e23 reprint of a GURPS Third Edition product.)

67-page PDF. Stock #30-6064, $4.00.
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Shipped January 9, 2014

Transhuman Space: Wings of the Rising Sun

Make a Difference Saving Lives!

The NKKC (Japan Emergency Rescue Agency) is renowned as the "Wings of the Rising Sun" -- first-responders dedicated to saving lives anywhere, from Earth to Luna. When disaster strikes, these heroes deploy from fixed bases and orbital drop ships to provide aid to any country that will accept their help. Transhuman Space: Wings of the Rising Sun lets you step into the shoes of these hazard-hardened humanitarians in a campaign packed with action, drama, and surprises.

  • Learn all about the NKKC: its history, philosophy, staff, and organization; how it relates to Japan and the rest of the world; and why its memetics division is as top-rate as its rescue squads.
  • Create your own rescuers using templates for ghost/infomorph, bioroid, and human/parahuman operatives -- or dial it back a bit as a researcher or memeticist.
  • Explore the Agency's offices: on Earth, the "rabbit hutch" on Luna, and the 47 Hakenshitsu satellites in LEO, with full GURPS Spaceships stats for the latter and their drop ships.
  • Save lives with specialized NKKC technology -- Rodasha and Xenocop bioroids; Aibo, Kikko, and Tenryu cybershells; and custom microbot swarms -- or drop it into your existing Transhuman Space campaign.
  • Use the campaign advice and adventure seeds to throw operatives into a range of disasters, from wildfires on Earth to explosive hull failures in space.

In 2100, there are countless people taking, ruining, and exploiting lives . . . but if you want to be the group saving lives, Transhuman Space: Wings of the Rising Sun is ready to jump in and help. Join the NKKC and understand why their motto is "Even One More."

27-page PDF. Stock #37-6714, $7.00.
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F E B R U A R Y   2 0 1 4 

Shipped February 24, 2014

R E P R I N T S 

Shipped February 24, 2014

Munchkin (Reprint)

Go down in the dungeon. Kill everything you meet. Backstab your friends and steal their stuff. Grab the treasure and run.

Admit it. You love it.

Munchkin is the mega-hit card game about dungeon adventure . . . with none of that stupid roleplaying stuff. You and your friends compete to kill monsters and grab magic items. And what magic items! Don the Horny Helmet and the Boots of Butt-Kicking. Wield the Staff of Napalm . . . or maybe the Chainsaw of Bloody Dismemberment. Start by slaughtering the Potted Plant and the Drooling Slime, and work your way up to the Plutonium Dragon . . .

And it's illustrated by John Kovalic!

Fast-playing and silly, Munchkin can reduce any roleplaying group to hysteria. And, while they're laughing, you can steal their stuff.

168 cards, one six-sided die, and a rulesheet. Stock #1408, UPC 837654320310. $24.95.

W 2 3 

Shipped February 27, 2014

Pyramid #3/64: Pirates and Swashbucklers

All That's Missing Is a Parrot!

Set sail for adventure upon the seven seas . . . or above the spectacular skies, or among sword-and-sorcery associates! This month's Pyramid -- the PDF magazine for roleplayers -- hoists the Jolly Roger and swings from a chandelier to find maritime muses in unlikely ports. This issue's buried treasure includes:

  • "Swords Against Evil," Sean Punch's expansion of swashbuckling selections for GURPS Dungeon Fantasy. Get four new template options, over a dozen weapons that'll give them an "edge," and insight into power-up possibilities.
  • "Scurvy-Dog Sorcery," a new magical style from Jason "PK" Levine. See how these sea-dogs' spell lists help them find favor among the waves, and unleash three new GURPS secret spells.
  • "The Spanish Prisoner," this month's Eidetic Memory offering from David Pulver, the island explorer responsible for GURPS Banestorm: Abydos. Gather a crew and explore the Caribbean in this history-hued adventure (complete with GURPS stats for the folks with whom you'll cross paths -- and swords).
  • "The Qanat Pirates of Old Than," an incredible campaign framework from Matt Riggsby (of GURPS Locations: Hellsgate and other exotic ports). Take your seafaring underground in this exciting magical realm . . . and use the included deck plans and map to keep your tales on track!
  • "Sailing the Open Skies," an expansion for GURPS Spaceships that shows that, for a good captain, the sky's the limit! Build your air-sailing vessels using the provided options, or take one of the four prebuilt versions to feel the wind in your face faster than ever.

This month's Pyramid also has a Random Thought Table that shows how you can be a likable nefarious pirate, plus larger player-suitable handouts of the airship maps. With this issue, you'll need time at a tavern to figure out how you're going to use all this wondrous booty!

39-page PDF. Stock #37-2664, $9.00.
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Shipped February 18, 2014

Munchkin Icon Patch

It's a Munchkin patch for the minimalist crowd!

Official Rules

1. The Munchkin Patch must be sewn to a visible article of clothing you are wearing. Just having the patch confers no bonus!

2. Once per game, when another player uses a Curse, Trap, or Disaster on you, you may reflect it back at him by saying "No, don't throw me into that ol' Munchkin Patch!" You must brandish your Munchkin Patch at him as you say this.

3. If you have different styles of Munchkin Patch, you can use each patch once. Multiple copies of the same patch do not give you extra uses!

One embroidered patch. Stock #9315, $5.00.

Shipped February 13, 2014

Car Wars Expansion Set 10 – Deluxe Wheelie

Get Behind the Wheel!

This set contains the Car Wars Deluxe Wheelie, plus all the counters from Dueltrack and from Car Wars Expansion Sets 3, 4, 5, 7, and 8 -- over 170 counters!

This handy device keeps track of your speed and Handling Class -- and it has a complete Control Table as well. No more little markers to lose or get blown around by random sneezes!

This downloadable edition of the Deluxe Wheelie includes two versions: the original 1986 release, and an updated model that includes revisions from Car Wars Classic and the Second Edition of Car Wars Compendium.

13-page PDF. Stock #30-7125, $4.00.
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Shipped February 6, 2014

GURPS Social Engineering: Pulling Rank

Show Them Who's Boss

While the Rank advantage looks wonderful on paper, it doesn't do much as written. To make an organization work for you, you need to buy it as a Patron. Even then, the benefits of a Patron are only slightly better defined than those of Rank – and unlike Rank, Patrons come in just four levels (6 or less through 15 or less), making it hard to represent fine-grained hierarchies where seniority brings "pull." Wouldn't it be nice to get the best of all worlds . . . not to mention more detail?

Such is the mission of GURPS Social Engineering: Pulling Rank. It expands on the Pulling Rank rules first seen in GURPS Action 1: Heroes, adds the more nuanced reading of Rank found in GURPS Social Engineering, and delivers a system that lets you know the odds of using your Rank to summon a specific kind of assistance. Highlights include:

  • Instructions for replacing organizational Patrons with Rank and associated advantages and Duties.
  • Rules for using Rank to make things happen, taking into account story, situation, and personal abilities.
  • Examples of specific aid – from invitations to the ball, through being sprung from prison, to fire support.
  • Thoughts on Rank in the campaign: what kinds exist, how many levels PCs can buy, what it means for NPCs, supernatural varieties, and more.

If you've always craved a campaign where the heroes work within the system, seeking believable social position rather than bigger and badder combat abilities, then GURPS Social Engineering: Pulling Rank is for you. Nothing makes promotion quite as attractive as knowing that it brings real power!

21-page PDF. Stock #37-1667, $7.00.
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M A R C H   2 0 1 4 

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Shipped March 27, 2014

AADA Road Atlas V2: The West Coast

Go West, Young Duellist

For nearly 200 years, the West Coast has lured the young and adventurous with many promises and beautiful locales. But the West Coast is not paradise. Danger lurks behind every corner, a threat behind every wheel. How can a visitor know where the beauty ends and the beast begins? Consult . . . The AADA Road Atlas and Survival Guide, Volume Two: The West Coast.

The West Coast is the second volume (following the popular East Coast edition) of an ambitious project by your American Autoduel Association. The AADA Road Atlas and Survival Guide will tell you everything you need to know about each region, including the roads, political situations, police procedures, tourist attractions, and even the best restaurants and truck stops.

Find out the real story behind:

  • Los Angeles's Civic Senate: Is it democracy at its finest, or anarchy at its worst?
  • Kreegan's Edge, a land/sea bandit gang terrorizing Northwest shipping.
  • The Orange County Agricultural Enclave.
  • Aqua Sueve, the most enigmatic screen star ever.
  • and more . . .

But The AADA Road Atlas and Survival Guide is more than just an atlas of the West Coast. It also contains the following valuable material for fans of GURPS Autoduel and Car Wars:

  • A complete description of the Scout Commando Corps, including their organization, activities, ranks, and even merit badges!
  • Campaign guidelines for GURPS Autoduel GMs, with advice for setting an adventure in any part of the West Coast.
  • Mini-adventures for GURPS or Car Wars, each set in a different part of the region.
  • "Flash of Steel," a complete adventure for GURPS Autoduel. Harry Coppola's latest budget-busting epic could be the biggest money-maker in Hollywood history -- or the biggest flop. When the only copy of the final edit is stolen by one of the nastiest cycle gangs in Los Angeles, are you tough enough to get it back?

(This is a digital reprint of a supplement designed for Car Wars and GURPS Third Edition.)

67-page PDF. Stock #30-6302, $4.00.

Shipped March 20, 2014

Pyramid #3/65: Alternate GURPS III

New Tools for Tinkerers

You can do anything with GURPS . . . but sometimes, you want to push the envelope even more. This month's Pyramid -- the PDF magazine for roleplayers -- offers new GURPS character-creation options, rules you can use, and ways to work together like never before. This game-tweaking issue includes:

  • "Bucket of Points," GURPS Line Editor Sean Punch's innovative new way to look at character creation that lets the GM have balance and versatility.
  • "Team Up!", new rules that will have your heroes working together and combining abilities like never before.
  • "Alternate Guns Specialties and Techniques," a way to overhaul the existing categorizations of the Guns skill that makes shootists simpler and more realistic.
  • "Social Points," this month's Eidetic Memory installment from GURPS Basic Set co-author David L. Pulver that shows what happened when David offered more options for social characters . . . including a fully statted character from that campaign.
  • "Natural Weapons," presenting a new advantage that can model unusual inborn abilities -- plus 11 samples from the unnatural world!
  • "Everyman Tasks," a look at activities that everyone should be able to do without much difficulty, from the mind of GURPS Social Engineering author William H. Stoddard.
  • "By Default," an alternate method for solving the problem of heroes with sky-high attributes and not much else, presented by GURPS Martial Arts: Technical Grappling author Douglas Cole.
  • "A Full Complement," another Sean Punch-penned article that provides new ways to help out others through complementary skill use.

This month's Pyramid also features a Random Thought Table where you know what you're getting, plus an Odds and Ends that includes an option for GURPS Powers: Divine Favor, as revealed by that tome's scribe, Jason "PK" Levine. Whether you're making characters, making friends, or making a trip to the shooting range, you're sure to find something here that will make life more interesting!

37-page PDF. Stock #37-2665, $9.00.
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Shipped March 13, 2014

Uncle Albert's 2038 Catalog Update

Make 2038 Feel Like the Future!

Uncle Albert's 2035 Catalog rocked the autoduelling world. For the first time, Uncle Al's amazing array of autoduelling accessories was available by mail-order to the general public. But Al didn't stop there! Time marched on, and so did technology. Uncle Albert's 2036 Catalog Update kept the duelling public in touch with all the latest advances.

And now, two years later, Al's done it again! The Duellist's Pal has collected over 70 more weapons, gadgets, and accessories into Uncle Albert's 2038 Catalog Update. Duellists across North America already know the value of Uncle Al's fine products, and here you'll get dozens of options for offense, defense, munitions, accessories, and personal items. Drive offensively into the future . . . today!

43-page PDF. Stock #30-7130, $4.00.
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Shipped March 6, 2014

GURPS Magical Styles: Dungeon Magic

Stylish Spell-Slingers

Some traditional fantasy wizards learn their art as apprentices to archmages, some attend formal academies, and still others are guided by philosophies rather than teachers. This influences what spells and tricks of the trade the magic-user learns, and what guild, brotherhood, or order he eventually joins. Two equally talented mages might master specialties so different that they have little more in common with each other than with non-wizardly spellcasters such as clerics and shamans.

GURPS Magical Styles: Dungeon Magic aims to bring such depth to GURPS Dungeon Fantasy. It applies the rules and guidelines in GURPS Thaumatology: Magical Styles to cook up seven sorcerous societies that suit any dungeon-delving campaign:

  • The Fluidists, easygoing philosophers who seamlessly merge air, water, and movement magic into a unified "flow."
  • The Guild of Iron Mages, conservative guildsmen whose magic complements skill at forging and wielding weapons of war.
  • The Old School, secretive traditionalists adept at curses, necromancy, and other black magic.
  • The Order of the Sun, masters of big-bore magical devastation . . . meaning anything that burns or explodes!
  • The Sisters and Brothers of Echoes, peaceful idealists who use magic to promote the arts and brotherhood.
  • The Tower of Pentacles, wisdom-seeking thaumatologists with the thankless job of maintaining the magical balance.
  • The Wizards of the Mirrored Gaze, enchantresses and illusionists out to bend society to their power-hungry will.

Each group comes with a magical style, unique spells and materials, and design notes explaining everything. But that's not all! You also get a great deal of additional color (views, alliances and rivalries, regalia and armaments, and more) and a character template suitable for use in GURPS Dungeon Fantasy or any high-powered fantasy. Just the thing for gamers who want to avoid "cookie-cutter" wizards, add wizardly politics to their adventures, or run an all-wizards campaign!

44-page PDF. Stock #37-1655, $9.00.
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A P R I L   2 0 1 4 

Shipped April 21, 2014

Munchkin Triple Play Set 1

Three mini-expansions to spice up your Munchkin sets!

  • Naughty & Nice: Add some holiday spirit to your Munchkin game!
  • Skullkickers: The hit Image comic comes to Munchkin!
  • Fish & Ships: More Ships and more Sharks for Munchkin Booty!

These are expansions for Munchkin. They are not stand-alone games. The packs inside are neither collectible nor randomized.

45 cards, rulesheet. Stock #4241, UPC 837654322086. $15.95.

Munchkin Triple Play Set 2

Three mini-expansions to spice up your Munchkin sets!

  • Easter Eggs: Bunnies and chocolate and monsters and treasure!
  • Penny Arcade: The hit webcomic comes to Munchkin!
  • Space Ships: Just what every Star Munchkin needs: Ships!

These are expansions for Munchkin. They are not stand-alone games. The packs inside are neither collectible nor randomized.

45 cards and rulesheet. Stock #4242, UPC 837654322093. $15.95.

Shipped April 7, 2014

Munchkin Zombies 4 – Spare Parts

Once More Unto The Brain, Dear Friends

The undead munchkins return once more in this 56-card expansion for Munchkin Zombies, with a bunch of new ways to get those pesky survivors and eat their braaaaaaaiiiins! Take on a new Power, Solo, and show the other zombies on the block who's boss. Pick up the Spare Parts and Bowling Gloves and take on Your Ex-Roommate! Get Your Second Wind so you can defeat the formidable Surgeon General, but make sure you don't get hit with Curse: Dead Heat!

This is an expansion for Munchkin Zombies. It is not a stand-alone game.

56 cards in a tuckbox. Stock #1493, UPC 837654321966. $10.95.

+6 Bag o' Munchkin Zombies

Show off your brain-eating munchkinosity in style! Use these six Munchkin zombie pawns in your Munchkin games . . . or in any game! Use them to mark your place, and get some special munchkiny benefits while you're at it. Based on the Munchkin Zombies illustrations by John Kovalic.

Six plastic Munchkin Zombies pawns in six different colors and two cards, polybagged with a punched header card. Stock #5568, UPC 837654321980. $6.95.

Munchkin Journal Pack 1

Chronicle all your adventures, secret plots, and laundry lists in the Munchkin Journals! Three pocket journals, one each with covers from Munchkin, Star Munchkin, and Munchkin Cthulhu. Plus a new Munchkin card!

Three 48-page pocket journals, one new Munchkin card. Stock #5573, UPC 837654322062. $9.95.

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Shipped April 21, 2014

Munchkin Zombies Kill-O-Meter (Reprint)

The best Munchkin fights are the ones where everyone plays cards to keep the levels bouncing up and down! But it can be hard to keep track. Now you'll never have to stop and recount again!

With the Munchkin Zombies Kill-O-Meter, whenever a card hits the table, you turn the dials to keep track of your new total. No braaaaaiiins required.

The Munchkin Zombies Kill-O-Meter comes with two special Munchkin Zombies bonus cards . . . and since the dials can be read from either side, we put the zombie munchkins on one side and their foes on the other.

One two-sided combat counter and two Munchkin Zombies cards. Stock #5524, UPC 837654321102. $6.95.

W 2 3 

Shipped April 24, 2014

AADA Road Atlas V4: Australia

G'Day, Duel Mate!

The economic superpower of 2038, Australia has triumphed during the crises that have ruined a world. Aussies eat "real" (non-algae) food, drive petrol-guzzling cars, and support national and regional duel circuits. But how can visitors to the Land Down-Under know what perils await? Consult . . . The AADA Road Atlas and Survival Guide, Volume Four: Australia.

Australia is the fourth volume -- following The East Coast, The West Coast, and The South editions -- of an ambitious project by your American Autoduel Association. The AADA Road Atlas and Survival Guide will tell you everything you need to know about this continent-sized nation, including roads, politics, police, quarantine regulations, and which truck stops are overpriced.

Learn the truth behind:

  • Anarchy in New South Wales. Do cycle gangs control the countryside? Do they "broker" travel arrangements?
  • Forced-labour gangs in Queensland. Are the Asian refugees really "slaves" in the cane fields?
  • Premier Harrington, the autocrat of Victoria. Where will martial-arts training for poor city youth lead?
  • Triad and the Khmer Noir. Does a refugee-liberation organization really exist? Has an Oriental crime syndicate penetrated Australian society?
  • More! The AADA's first guide to Antarctica! A dictionary of Aussie slang! The Contents of Stomach form -- no tourist should be without this!
  • Plus even more.

The AADA Road Atlas and Survival Guide: Australia is more than just an Australian atlas. Perceptive duellists should check out these features perfect for aficionados of GURPS Autoduel and Car Wars:

  • Complete fuel rules for petrol (for GURPS Autoduel) and ethanol.
  • Guidelines for campaigning down-under, including a guide to Australia's native organizations.
  • Mini-adventures for GURPS or Car Wars, including a native Aussie sport: test autoduel.
  • "2,000 Metres, Straight Down," a complete adventure for GURPS Autoduel. As a member of a duelling team in the nationally televised Death Duel Sunday, can you outwit the forces that seek to control you?

From the pyramids of Sydney to the oil fields of Antarctica, you can't find a better reference work than The AADA Road Atlas and Survival Guide, Volume Four: Australia.

(This is a digital reprint of a supplement designed for Car Wars and GURPS Third Edition.)

68-page PDF. Stock #30-6304, $4.00.

Shipped April 17, 2014

Pyramid #3/66: The Laws of Magic

The Laws of the Universe Are Magical!

Mystic circles, arcane pacts, and fundamental forces you don't want to defy -- such are oft the ways of magic. This month's Pyramid -- the PDF magazine for roleplayers -- presents a look at magic where doing the impossible means following the rules . . . and sometimes bending them, if you can get away with it. This spellbinding issue includes:

  • "Alternative Ritual Path Magic," an incredibly meaty supplement of optional possibilities for GURPS Thaumatology: Ritual Path Magic. Learn how to combine Ritual Path magic with other GURPS systems, including Book magic, Divine Favor, effect shaping, realms, symbols, and much more. This supplement-sized feature is sure to offer untold opportunities for practitioners of Ritual Path Magic!
  • "Ritual Path Specialists," new rules that make Ritual Path Magic magicians specialists in their arcane arts . . . written by that supplement's author (and GURPS guru), Jason "PK" Levine.
  • "The Azure Dragon," this month's Eidetic Memory installment from GURPS Banestorm: Abydos author David L. Pulver that details the history and powers of a tome designed to bring celestial enlightenment. For those who dare unravel its secrets, it also describes the occult artifact's GURPS Thaumatology Book magic abilities.
  • "Thoroughly Modern Magic," an update of the magical mass-production rules from GURPS Technomancer to GURPS Fourth Edition. Any sufficiently advanced magic is indistinguishable from technology!
  • "The Material Difference," an optional overhaul of the GURPS item-enchantment process that will have your heroes building magical goodies like never before. These daring ideas -- including a list of sample materials -- were assembled at great risk by the driving force behind GURPS Dungeon Fantasy, Sean Punch.

This month's Pyramid also features a Random Thought Table with ideas on how to make and break laws, plus an Odds and Ends that reveals options and mysteries thought long-buried. It may be a law that magicians never reveal their secrets, but this issue of Pyramid is all about pushing the limits of those laws!

40-page PDF. Stock #37-2666, $9.00.
Buy Now!

Shipped April 10, 2014

AADA Road Atlas V3: The South

The South Will Rise Again

History has not been kind to the southern United States, but through it all, the South has fought back with fierce pride and determination. Visitors will find much to admire in the South, but there is much to fear as well. How does the traveler know which way to turn? Consult . . . The AADA Road Atlas and Survival Guide, Volume Three: The South.

The South is the third volume (following the popular editions on The East Coast and The West Coast) of an ambitious project by your American Autoduel Association. The AADA Road Atlas and Survival Guide will tell you everything you need to know about each region, including the roads, politics, police, tourist attractions, and even the best restaurants and truck stops.

Find out the real story behind:

  • The Confederate Commando Corps, an Arkansas-based group dedicated to the return of the "glory days" of the South.
  • South Carolina's Governor-For-Life Charles Jordan. Is he a hated tyrant, or the region's last hope for stability?
  • The Goremongers, a cycle gang that controls a large chunk of Alabama.
  • Los Disneys, the new capital of Florida.
  • and more . . .

But The AADA Road Atlas and Survival Guide: The South is more than just an atlas of the South. It also features the following valuable material for fans of GURPS Autoduel and Car Wars:

  • A complete rundown on criminal gangs of every type, from rag-tag street gangs to disciplined cycle marauders, and even the Mafia!
  • Campaign guidelines for GURPS Autoduel GMs, with advice for setting an adventure in any part of the South.
  • Mini-adventures for GURPS or Car Wars, each set in a different part of the region.
  • "Intrigue in Los Disneys," a complete adventure for GURPS Autoduel. Florida Governor Bart Lesion fiddles while Rome burns; his people live in squalor while he uses their tax money to expand his fine art collection. When you are recruited to end the governor's reign "with extreme prejudice," are you saving thousands of lives, or are you just a pawn in a bigger, deadlier game?

(This is a digital reprint of a supplement designed for Car Wars and GURPS Third Edition.)

68-page PDF. Stock #30-6303, $4.00.

Shipped April 3, 2014

GURPS Template Toolkit 1: Characters

A Template for Your Templates

Character templates eliminate a lot of the fuss and headache of character design for new GURPS players, and provide even veterans with inspiration that can help them get over writer's block. The catch? Templates shift much of this load onto the GM, who might suffer from headaches and writer's block of his own!

GURPS Template Toolkit 1: Characters comes to the rescue with practical, step-by-step advice on how to create good character templates customized to your campaign. After a quick refresher on what templates are and what they're good for, this primer launches into extensive guidelines on designing templates individually and in sets. Topics include niche protection, player choice, point-cost optimization, lenses, and template notation.

But that's not all! Players will also find this supplement useful, even in a campaign that won't use templates. Its detailed advice on template design doubles as a guide to designing efficient characters who can fill solid roles.

48-page PDF. Stock #37-0147, $11.00.
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M A Y   2 0 1 4 

Shipped May 5, 2014

Zombie Dice 3 – School Bus

The living call it the School Bus. The zombies call it a lunch wagon.

Add the School Bus die to your Zombie Dice game for all sorts of craziness! The School Bus is full of tasty brains, but those kids are packing shotguns, too. You might find yourself chowing down on a brain buffet, chasing runners off the bus, getting run over, or getting double-shotgunned!

This is an expansion for Zombie Dice. It is not a stand-alone game.

A 12-sided school bus die, 14 brain and shotgun counters, rulesheet. Stock #131334, UPC 837654322017. $8.95.

Munchkin Apocalypse 2 – Sheep Impact

It's The End Of The World . . . Again

Have even more fun bringing about the End Times with 106 new cards for Munchkin Apocalypse! Arm your hardened survivor with the Patriot Axe and Ketchup Gas to take on the The Thawed Reich! Protect yourself with the Bomb Suit and Survival Manual, or the Antisocial Media will end you prematurely! Watch out for Disaster! Velocirapture! and terrifying new Seals like The Singularity! Play a new Class, the Daredevil, and thumb your nose at apocalyptic peril!

Sheep Impact is an expansion set; you will need Munchkin Apocalypse to play.

106 new cards for Munchkin Apocalypse. Stock #1504, UPC 837654322024. $19.95.

Munchkin Apocalypse Kill-O-Meter

The best Munchkin fights are the ones where everyone plays cards to keep the levels bouncing up and down! But it can be hard to keep track. Now you'll never have to stop and recount again!

With the Munchkin Apocalypse Kill-O-Meter, whenever a card hits the table, you turn the dials to keep track of your new total. You don't have time to stop and count when the world is coming to an end . . .

The Munchkin Apocalypse Kill-O-Meter comes with two special Munchkin Apocalypse bonus cards -- and since the dials can be read from either side, we put the munchkin survivors on one side and their foes on the other.

One two-sided combat counter and two Munchkin Apocalypse cards. Stock #5572, UPC 837654322048. $6.95.

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Shipped May 19, 2014

Mini Car Wars (Reprint)

Mini Car Wars is the easy-to-learn game of freeway combat in a future America.

Everything you need to play (except dice) is provided in this set – full-color paper playing pieces, road sections, markers for smokescreens, record sheets, and complete rules.

Game design by Jim Gould and Steve Jackson, based on the original Car Wars Pocket Box game.

Single sheet pamphlet. Stock #1314, UPC 837654322109. $2.50.
Buy Now!

W 2 3 

Shipped May 31, 2014

Munchkin Tavern 2014 Tote Bag

It's a real problem: you've bought a bunch of Munchkin Tavern swag, and now you have no way to carry it! Well, that's what this stylish tote bag is here for.

1 Eco-friendly non-woven tote bag. Dimensions: 16" W x 12" H x 6" D Stock #5584, $5.00.

Shipped May 29, 2014

AADA Road Atlas V7: Mountain West

Rocky Mountain Highways

The Mountain West is the seventh volume of an ambitious project by your American Autoduel Association. The AADA Road Atlas and Survival Guide will tell you everything you need to know about each region, including the roads, politics, police, tourist attractions, and even the best restaurants and truck stops.

Find out the real story behind:

  • The Japanese daimyos' control over Montana.
  • Big League Unlimited Duelling (BLUD) -- Bruised but not broken, these brawlers beat the backroads of the Mountain West for vehicular battles.
  • Deseret, a dream-come-true homeland for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.

The AADA Road Atlas and Survival Guide is more than just an atlas of the Mountain West. It also features the following valuable material for fans of GURPS Autoduel and Car Wars:

  • Vacation America. Now that the highways are safer, tourist attractions are becoming popular and profitable again.
  • Campaign guidelines for GURPS Autoduel GMs, with advice for setting an adventure in any part of the Mountain West.
  • Mini-adventures for Car Wars or GURPS, each set in a different part of the region.
  • "BLUD Money," a complete adventure for GURPS Autoduel. The duel of a lifetime -- BLUD's World Championship -- is interrupted by Arnie's All Stars, who kidnap BLUD hero Hamilton Burgess and steal the prize money. Is Burgess the victim or the mastermind behind the caper? Who is the Duellist in Gray? And can the PCs pull off their mission despite the BLUD Fiends?

(This is a digital reprint of a supplement designed for Car Wars and GURPS Third Edition.)

67-page PDF. Stock #30-6307, $4.00.

Shipped May 22, 2014

Pyramid #3/67: Tools of the Trade – Villains

Bad Guys Need Great Goodies

A grim determination to make the world a more subjugated place isn't always enough. Whether you're a fantasy monarch, a superspy mastermind, or a Nazi officer, sometimes you need an extra edge . . . something those foolish heroes will never be able to overcome. This month's Pyramid -- the PDF magazine for roleplayers -- looks at resources that villains can use to bring their goals to fruition. This sinister installment includes:

  • "You and What Army?," a collection of tactical fantasy forces for GURPS Mass Combat, written by GURPS Locations: St. George's Cathedral author Michele Armellini. Learn each of these five groups' tactics, their leaders' motivations, and their Mass Combat stats.
  • "How Very Tempting," a GURPS guide to selling your soul for power and profit. Gain an understanding of what souls are worth, what you can get, and what happens when it's time to collect.
  • "Villain's Residence," this month's Eidetic Memory offering from GURPS Psi-Tech author David L. Pulver. Drop this mansion -- along with its blueprints -- into any modern-day setting, and then let the heroes try to break in . . . or out, if need be.
  • "Tigerphobia," a guide to one of the most-feared German tanks in all of World War II. GURPS High-Tech co-author Hans-Christian Vortisch offers GURPS stats for the tank and its armaments, Mass Combat details for a typical German Tiger company, and other secrets.
  • "The Compleat Jumpsuit," a guide to the faceless minions who keep your operations running. Written by Matt Riggsby (of GURPS Fantasy-Tech 1: The Edge of Reality fame), it features seven GURPS templates that cover a popular assortment of modern-day henchmen.
  • "Designer's Notes: GURPS Zombies," Sean Punch's insider look at the ultimate GURPS guide to the restless dead. It provides three new GURPS zombies, a campaign idea, and much more.

This month's Pyramid also includes a Random Thought Table that asks what happens if the heroes end up with this stuff. Whether you're looking to overthrow the nearby fantasy realm with some walking dead or just need a place to relax between super-spy schemes, this issue of Pyramid is a must-have for masterminds everywhere!

40-page PDF. Stock #37-2667, $9.00.
Buy Now!

Shipped May 19, 2014

Mini Car Wars (Reprint)

Mini Car Wars is the easy-to-learn game of freeway combat in a future America.

Everything you need to play (except dice) is provided in this set – full-color paper playing pieces, road sections, markers for smokescreens, record sheets, and complete rules.

Game design by Jim Gould and Steve Jackson, based on the original Car Wars Pocket Box game.

Single sheet pamphlet. Stock #1314, UPC 837654322109. $2.50.
Buy Now!

Shipped May 15, 2014

AADA Road Atlas V6: The Free Oil States

Bayous, Beef, and Black Gold

The Free Oil States is the sixth volume of an ambitious project by your American Autoduel Association. The AADA Road Atlas and Survival Guide will tell you everything you need to know about each republic, including the roads, politics, police, duelling arenas, tourist attractions, and truck stops.

Find out the real story behind:

  • The Second Civil War and how Texas used its nuclear arms to win the U.S. "Gulf or Bust" campaign.
  • The Brotherhood, the embodiment of a code of highway ethics that gives help and information to all truckers.
  • Gary Stevenson, the charismatic TV evangelist and former Louisiana "President for Life" who led his republic out of the Bad Years by means of an iron-fisted theocracy.
  • and more . . .

The AADA Road Atlas and Survival Guide is more than just an atlas of the Free Oil States. It also features the following valuable material for fans of GURPS Autoduel and Car Wars:

  • A complete rundown of the criminal gangs in the Free Oil States, including "Howlin' Jack" Houma and his Bayou Rats, the Oklahoma People's Front, and the Gulf Pirates.
  • Campaign guidelines for GURPS Autoduel GMs, with advice for setting an adventure in any part of the Free Oil States.
  • Mini-adventures featuring an attack by river pirates, a revolt against the jefes, and the incident that might spark the border tension between Texas and Louisiana into a full-scale war.
  • "Thirty Seconds Over New Orleans," a complete adventure for GURPS Autoduel. The hunt for a missing friend takes you from an Oklahoma oil-town full of religious fanatics, to the Texas highways, to a blimp high over the capital of Louisiana, in a desperate effort to find the mind-control secrets of a renegade reverend . . . before all the Free Oil States fall under his sway.

(This is a digital reprint of a supplement designed for Car Wars and GURPS Third Edition.)

68-page PDF. Stock #30-6306, $4.00.

Shipped May 8, 2014

AADA Road Atlas V5: The Midwest

For a Fistful of Grain . . .

The Midwest is the fifth volume of an ambitious project by your American Autoduel Association. The AADA Road Atlas and Survival Guide will tell you everything you need to know about each region, including the roads, politics, police, tourist attractions, AADA advisories, as well as the best restaurants and truck stops.

Find out the real story behind:

  • The Church of America and its charismatic leader, Donald LaMothe
  • KC-1's ruthless civic ordinances
  • The Grain Blight
  • Cattle drives of the 21st century
  • Corporate feuds of Detroit
  • and more . . .

The AADA Road Atlas and Survival Guide is more than just an atlas of the Midwest. It also features the following valuable material for fans of GURPS Autoduel and Car Wars:

  • A complete description of the three types of Fortress Towns that protect citizens from marauding gangs.
  • Campaign guidelines for GURPS Autoduel GMs, with advice for setting an adventure in any part of the Midwest.
  • Mini-adventures for Car Wars or GURPS, each set in a different part of the region.
  • "Murphys' Law," a complete adventure for GURPS Autoduel. The Murphys have struck a blow for human freedom against the accursed machines of KC-1. You are caught in the middle, and the only way to buy your own personal freedom lies in a chase across the Midwest. Can you stop the Murphys before they produce a bigger bang than they bargained for?

(This is a digital reprint of a supplement designed for Car Wars and GURPS Third Edition.)

68-page PDF. Stock #30-6305, $4.00.

Shipped May 1, 2014

GURPS Power-Ups 6: Quirks

Small Problems, Big Fun

With GURPS characters, as in life, it's often the little things that matter most. Take quirks, for instance. At just -1 point apiece, you might think they don't count for much. That's one way of looking at things . . . but not the only way, and certainly not the most fun way!

GURPS Power-Ups 6: Quirks shows you just how much color a few quirks can add to your characters. It collects all the formally defined quirks published up to February 2013 and adds a bunch of totally new ones, many inspired by NPCs from GURPS supplements dating back as far as 1986. The result is nearly 200 quirks -- most of them highly customizable, many with numerous examples.

This volume also explores and expands the role of quirks. Ever wonder about what effects make a "fair" quirk? What can and can't be a quirk? The five-quirk limit? Graceful ways to handle adding, removing, or changing quirks? Here are your answers!

Whether you're looking for ready-to-go quirks, ideas you can quickly adapt, or just a little inspiration, GURPS Power-Ups 6: Quirks has what you need to populate your game worlds with interesting people.

37-page PDF. Stock #37-0145, $9.00.
Buy Now!

J U N E   2 0 1 4 

Shipped June 16, 2014

Ogre Pocket Edition

The giant tank rumbles toward its target . . . its guns are destroyed, its movement crippled, but only a few defenders are left. Will they stop the robot juggernaut, or will it crush the Command Post beneath its gigantic treads?

Ogre was Steve Jackson's first game. First released in 1977, it set a new standard for fast, exciting boardgame play. Over 25 years after its release, Ogre earned a spot in James Lowder's popular book Hobby Games: The 100 Best.

In 2012, Steve Jackson Games launched the "Designer's Edition" of Ogre on Kickstarter. . . a 24-pound box with giant maps and several hundred counters, retailing for $100.

Now Ogre Pocket Edition takes the game back to its roots. A small rulebook, 140 counters, and the same bare-bones map Steve drew himself for the very first printing. And the price is the same as it was in 1977: $2.95. ($2.95 in 1977 dollars translates to be over $10 today when adjusted for inflation; this is Steve's way of saying 'thank you' for your support for Ogre over the last three decades.)

Despite its "pocket" size, Ogre Pocket Edition will have more than enough counters to play all five of the "Ogre vs. Command Post" scenarios. It includes two different conventional forces (a Black force and a White force), with a whopping eight White Howitzers! That's a whole lot of gameplay for $2.95.

A 20-page rulebook, 8.5" x 14" map, and 140 diecut counters, in a plastic bag with header card. Stock #1112, UPC 837654321737. $2.95.

Shipped June 2, 2014

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Shipped June 26, 2014

Epic Munchkin (Reprint)

Does your Munchkin adventure end too soon? There you are, multi-raced and multi-classed, with three hands full of killer items, buffed up with sidekicks and Steeds and Powers . . . and the game's over. Rejoice, for Epic Munchkin is here. You will find gathered in this one set the Epic rules for all Munchkin core sets and supplements published by Steve Jackson Games through September 2015.

16-page PDF. Stock #37-2011, $FREE.
Buy Now!

Shipped June 2, 2014

Munchkin Legends (Reprint)

Become a Munchkin of Myth!

Prepare to fight the creatures of legend . . . and take their stuff!

In Munchkin Legends, you'll face mythical monsters and collect legendary treasures. Challenge the Boogie Man to a dance-off . . . and cheat by wearing Achilles' Heels. Hide from the spells of the Wicked Witch of the Midwest in your Bermuda Shorts of Invulnerability. And if you think you're up to it . . . release the Kraken!

Munchkin Legends is a stand-alone set . . . or combine it with the original Munchkin for a legendarily wacky game!

168 new Munchkin cards, a custom die, and a rulesheet. Stock #1490, UPC 837654321782. $24.95.

W 2 3 

Shipped June 26, 2014

Epic Munchkin (Reprint)

Does your Munchkin adventure end too soon? There you are, multi-raced and multi-classed, with three hands full of killer items, buffed up with sidekicks and Steeds and Powers . . . and the game's over. Rejoice, for Epic Munchkin is here. You will find gathered in this one set the Epic rules for all Munchkin core sets and supplements published by Steve Jackson Games through September 2015.

16-page PDF. Stock #37-2011, $FREE.
Buy Now!

Shipped June 19, 2014

Munchkin Zipper Pull

Official Munchkin Rule

You may reroll a die once per game per zipper pull attached to a bag or item of clothing you are wearing. You can only reroll each roll once. You must actually zip (or unzip) that zipper to reroll the die, so please consider your zipper pull placement carefully!

Five rubber Munchkin zipper pulls in a small plastic bag. Stock #5575, ISBN none - W23 only. $5.00.

Shipped June 19, 2014

Munchkin Metal Pin

Official Munchkin Rule

Each Munchkin Pin you are wearing gives you a +1 bonus in combat. After each fight you are in, win or lose, roll a d6. If you roll equal to or less than the number of Munchkin Pins you are currently wearing, remove one pin. You may not wear more than one pin of each color during any game.

One 1.5x2 inch brushed-metal Munchkin pin. Stock #5576, $5.00.

Shipped June 19, 2014

Pyramid #3/68: Natural Magic

Nature Is Magic!

Arcane forces can be pretty wild . . . and the wilderness can be pretty arcane! This month's Pyramid -- the PDF magazine for roleplayers -- looks at how the natural and supernatural collide . . . for good and ill. This preternatural publication presents:

  • "The Magic Desert," a sandy site to explore (or escape). Written by GURPS Fantasy-Tech 1: The Edge of Reality author Matt Riggsby, it includes detailed information on this location's landscape, flora, and fauna -- including GURPS stats for a half-dozen threats for fantasy heroes to encounter.
  • "Magic of the Shaded Woodlands," a new GURPS magical style for the dark elves of GURPS Banestorm (or any tree-tending terrors). It provides new spells, full GURPS stats for one such practitioner, and more.
  • "Ars Metallica," an expansion of GURPS alchemical ideas from GURPS Thaumatology: Chinese Elemental Powers author William H. Stoddard. Tap the potential of mercury, tin, lead, and other metals, with 40 new effects.
  • "Dark of the Woods," this month's Eidetic Memory offering from GURPS Banestorm: Abydos author David L. Pulver. This systemless adventure outline has the heroes involved in the intrigues of a wealthy merchant's daughter and a nature-worshipping cult.
  • "Green Power," a collection of 14 forest-themed abilities using the GURPS Powers framework, from Locations: St. George's Cathedral author Michele Armellini.
  • "Designer's Notes: Wilderness Adventures," Sean Punch's behind-the-scenes look at GURPS Dungeon Fantasy 16: Wilderness Adventures. This feature describes new Dungeon Fantasy lenses for the elemental druid, high druid, and life-force wizard, plus lots of other breathtaking bits.

This month's Pyramid also offers a Random Thought Table that looks at how to ramp up the power of nature-minded mages, plus an Odds and Ends that reveals ways for keeping them under control. The natural world can be a magical place, and with this issue of Pyramid, you'll see the forest for the trees like never before!

38-page PDF. Stock #37-2668, $9.00.
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Shipped June 12, 2014

GURPS Classic: Ultra-Tech

Welcome to the Future!

GURPS Ultra-Tech is a sourcebook for science-fiction technology, from the near future to the farthest reaches of imagination. Ultra-Tech is an invaluable companion for GURPS Space or any GURPS campaign that needs incredible technological equipment. Used with GURPS Supers, it provides gadgets for heroes and villains. Inserted into a GURPS Horror campaign, Ultra-Tech technology can demonstrate that not all terror comes from the supernatural. It can also equip any mad scientist of the 1930s for GURPS Cliffhangers. Whatever the setting, Ultra-Tech has the tools to do the job.

Ultra-Tech covers personal equipment from TL8 (the near future) to TL16 (super-science and beyond), including:

  • Personal Weapons -- From caseless assault carbines and monomolecular-edged swords to plasma rifles and tachyonic disruptors.
  • Personal Protection -- How do you stop a gamma-ray laser rifle? Try a military cybersuit with thermal superconducting armor and a personal force screen.
  • Heavy Weapons -- Hunter missiles, strobe mines, and laser-guided grenades offer ultra lethality.
  • Medicine -- Super-science can heal, rebuild, and even improve on nature. Death itself can become a temporary inconvenience.

And still more gadgets! Living biosuits, computer implants, holographic projectors, energy webs, psionic amplifiers, neutrino communicators, robot factories, chameleon cloaks, intelligent starships . . . there's something for every crisis at every tech level.

GURPS Ultra-Tech is designed for use with the GURPS Basic Set, Third Edition, Revised. It is a valuable resource for any science-fiction roleplayer or Game Master using any game system.

131-page PDF. Stock #30-6032, $9.00.

Shipped June 5, 2014

Illuminated Hipster T-Shirt

Is this shirt certified organic? No? Then never mind. Go buy Hipster Dice instead. Or not. Whatever.

One T-shirt. Stock #9185, $25.00.

Shipped June 5, 2014

GURPS Dungeon Fantasy 16: Wilderness Adventures

Back to Nature

Is a dungeon absolutely essential to killing things and taking their stuff? Not really! Every fantasy hero spends at least as much time trekking through the wilds as skulking underground -- and of course the great outdoors is big, which spells opportunity. So don't let the "Dungeon" in GURPS Dungeon Fantasy 16: Wilderness Adventures fool you. This weighty work gives you the tools you need to show Nature who's boss:

  • Adventurers. Learn which fantasy professions are wilderness-ready, how to whip pasty city boys and tunnel-crawlers into shape, and what Allies and henchmen to bring on the trip.
  • Equipment. Buy new wilderness gear -- including boats, carts, and other vehicles -- and find out what old stuff is worth its place in your pack.
  • Tasks and feats. Exploit detailed rules for camping, foraging, travel, and mapping . . . wilderness stunts and movement . . . scouting and tracking . . . and of course outdoor combat!
  • Challenges and dangers. Know your surroundings, from purely static terrain and weather, through dynamic hazards like avalanches and tornadoes, to deliberate traps and ambushes.
  • The big picture. Discover how to work all this into an existing campaign or a new one -- with practical advice on matters of setting and scale.
  • And more! Getting lost, aerial scouting, mounted combat, making stone axes, despoiling nature, being shipwrecked, druidic abilities in the wild . . . if it's wilderness-themed, it's here.

Whatever your outdoor needs might be, GURPS Dungeon Fantasy 16: Wilderness Adventures is sure to help you dig your GURPS Dungeon Fantasy campaign out of a hole!

60-page PDF. Stock #37-0327, $11.00.
Buy Now!

J U L Y   2 0 1 4 

Shipped July 28, 2014

Munchkin Pathfinder Deluxe

The award-winning game of killing monsters and taking their stuff meets the award-winning universe of the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game in Munchkin Pathfinder Deluxe!

Try out new classes like Alchemist and Witch. Join a faction to become an Eagle Knight or a Red Mantis Assassin. Arm yourself with the T-Bone Stake and the Armor of Insults. You’ll need them to defeat the Ghoul Friday, the Whispering Tyrant, and especially Lamashtu, the Mother of Monsters. But first you’ll have to fight your way through all those goblins . . . and kill them and take their stuff.

Boxed game with 168 cards, rules, gameboard, character standies, and die. Stock #1498, UPC 837654322185. $29.95.

Shipped July 21, 2014
Shipped July 14, 2014

Munchkin Messenger Bag

Our Munchkin Messenger Bag is the perfect accessory for a Munchkin gamer on the go! It's designed to store over a thousand cards—two core sets and two Munchkin Boxes of Holding—and still leave you room for accessories, water bottles, pencils, and dice!

Of course, we're also including some awesome swag with it: four unique Munchkin cards (two Doors, two Treasures) and one custom, never-before-seen 25mm d6! And like all other Munchkin accessories, the bag comes with its own special rule!

One messenger bag, one custom d6, and four cards. Stock #5570, UPC 837654322116. $74.95.

Munchkin Board of Health

It's a gameboard for Munchkin Cthulhu and Munchkin Zombies -- a dungeon room for every level and spaces for the decks and discards, so you can see who's surging ahead and who's hanging back to eat your brains. Includes two sets of male/female tokens in six colors, and matching colored markers with special in-game bonuses for each player! And you get eight brand-new cards, four for Munchkin Cthulhu and four for Munchkin Zombies!

One two-sided game board, twenty-four tokens, eight cards. Stock #5577, UPC 837654322154. $19.95.

Shipped July 7, 2014

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Shipped July 21, 2014

Munchkin Impossible (Reprint)

Now the Munchkins are spies . . . eliminating the opposition, playing with self-destructing gadgets, and changing loyalties even faster than they change Headgear.

Be a Playboy, Tourist, or Assassin. Report to the Americans, Russians, British, or Chinese (it'll change!). Wield gadgets from the subtle Cigarette Dart Gun to the amazingly unsubtle Bazooka with Incendiary Ammo. Eliminate foes, from the pathetic Defective Defector, through the Interro-Gator and the Not So Secret Police, up to the mighty Super Spy himself. And (all together now) . . . Take Their Stuff!

You can play Munchkin Impossible by itself, or combine it with any number of other Munchkin games for more shameless silliness.

Boxed game with 168 cards, rules, and die. Stock #1446, UPC 837654320969. $24.95.

Shipped July 7, 2014

Munchkin Fu (Reprint)

If you loved Munchkin . . . look out. Here they come again.

"I'm a Ninja with the Dragon Tooth Katana!"
"I'm a Monk with the Sai of Spleen Mangling. Fear my Drunken Monkey Kung Fu!"
"I'm a Yakuza with a gun. Run away!"

The Munchkins are back! Now the game is chop-socky Hong Kong action. The characters are Samurai, Ninja, Yakuza, and Monks. The foes are mooks, demons, and assorted bad guys from all the worst martial arts films you've ever seen. Collect treasures and learn new styles to build up your character's powers. Kill the monsters, take their stuff, and be the first one to 10th level!

Created by Steve Jackson. Munchkin Fu is completely compatible with the entire Munchkin line.

Boxed game with 168 cards, rules, and die. Stock #1412, UPC 837654320587. $24.95.

Shipped July 7, 2014

Munchkin Quest (Reprint)

Kill the monster, grab the treasure, stab your buddy. That's what it's all about. Now, Munchkin comes to the boardgame.

You'll build your dungeon, a room at a time, from 24 heavy, double-sided tiles. Each shows a different room . . . some are good for certain characters, some are bad. Populate it with monster standies and let your munchkins run amok!

Cooperate with the whole group, adventure with a partner, or strike out on your own. You don't know what's behind a door until you open it . . . then another room is added to the dungeon. Battle monsters for power and treasure, or send them after your friends. Reach Level 10, and then get out alive if you can . . .

Designed by Steve Jackson and illustrated by John Kovalic, this boardgame doesn't take itself seriously. Except for the loot -- munchkins are always serious about the loot!

11.75" x 11.75" x 3.5" box, with two dozen 3.5" square heavy cardstock room tiles, dozens of link connectors, 200 full-color cards, over three dozen monster standies, dice, rulesheet, and enough tokens, level counters, and sculpted plastic pawns for four players. Stock #1470, UPC 837654320693. $59.95.

W 2 3 

Shipped July 24, 2014

Pyramid #3/69: Psionics II

Over-Mind Matter!

You can move mountains if you put your mind to it . . . sometimes literally! This month's Pyramid -- the PDF magazine for roleplayers -- looks at the power of the mind. This consciousness-expanding installment includes:

  • "A Little Bit Psychic," a meaty mini-supplement from GURPS mastermind Sean Punch. Add dozens of new perks and minor abilities to campaigns where psionics are not the focus, but would still be fun as a little spice.
  • "Mind and Body," a collection of new GURPS Martial Arts styles, martial-minded abilities in the style of GURPS Psionic Powers, new perks, and more!
  • "The Overmind Institute," this month's Eidetic Memory offering from GURPS Psi-Tech author David L. Pulver. Learn more about this shadowy organization whose clues have been sprinkled throughout the pages of Psi-Tech (and other supplements). Add this group as a significant threat to any mental-minded modern-day campaign (including GURPS Monster Hunters). Discover the Institute's history, various shadowy programs it's involved with, and GURPS stats for a typical Overmind Institute scientist.
  • "The Pyramid Farm," an excellent (systemless) adversary whose secrets and deceptions bury a truth that perhaps should have remained sealed away . . .
  • "Expanded Psi for Sandmen," supplemental ideas for GURPS Horror: The Madness Dossier. Augment that terrifying setting's possibilities with new psionic abilities, options, and template changes, as presented by Psionic Powers author Jason "PK" Levine.

This month's Pyramid also offers a Random Thought Table that's thinking outside the brain, plus an Odds and Ends that includes bits that didn't mind if we squeezed them in there. With powers, possibilities, and perils never before seen, it's a no-brainer decision to pick up this month's Pyramid!

39-page PDF. Stock #37-2669, $9.00.
Buy Now!

Shipped July 21, 2014

Munchkin Apocalypse 2 Journal

Write down your thoughts in style with this compact journal, emblazoned with art from Munchkin Apocalypse 2 -- Sheep Impact! This journal is blank inside, and has a pocket where you can keep your smaller treasures!

48-page pocket journal. Stock #5580, $3.00.

Shipped July 21, 2014

Munchkin Treasure Hunt Journal

Write down your thoughts in style with this compact journal, emblazoned with great Munchkin art! This journal is blank inside, and has a pocket where you can keep your smaller treasures!

48-page pocket journal. Stock #5581, $3.00.

Shipped July 21, 2014

Chez Geek Journal

Write down your thoughts in style with this compact journal, emblazoned with art from Chez Geek! This journal is blank inside, and has a pocket where you can keep a card!

48-page pocket journal. Stock #5915, $3.00.

Shipped July 21, 2014

Illuminati Journal

Write down your thoughts in style with this compact journal, emblazoned with art from Illuminati! This journal is blank inside, and has a pocket where you can keep YOU'RE NOT CLEARED FOR THAT!

48-page pocket journal. Stock #5916, $3.00.

Shipped July 21, 2014

Eye in the Pyramid Journal

Write down your thoughts in style with this compact journal, emblazoned with the classic Steve Jackson Games logo! This journal is blank inside, and has a pocket where you can keep a card!

48-page pocket journal. Stock #5917, $3.00.

Shipped July 17, 2014

GURPS Classic: High-Tech

From Blunderbuss to Bazooka . . . and Beyond!

GURPS High-Tech is a sourcebook for the technology that extends man's mind and hands. On the battlefields of 14th-century Europe or in the lonely alleys of 20th-century America, adventurers need the best equipment. Whether the problem is navigating the trackless seas or stopping the monster cold in his tracks, GURPS High-Tech has the gadget for the job.

This book details the period from the ascendance of gunpowder (Tech Level 4) through the modern era (Tech Level 7).

High-Tech covers:

  • Personal Weapons -- From the matchlock musket to the assault rifle, with rules for loading, firing, malfunctions, and special weapon and ammo characteristics. There are complete descriptions and game stats for more than 100 small arms, including a few military weapons that won't be issued in this decade!
  • Personal Armor -- The development of gunpowder made body armor obsolete . . . or did it? High-Tech details many varieties of personal armor, including today's (and tomorrow's) high-protection combat vests.
  • Heavy Weapons -- From the muzzle-loading cannon to the homing missile . . . along with rules for weapon crews, forward observers, and tacticians. There are complete descriptions and game stats for more than 50 heavy weapons.
  • Explosives -- Complete rules for determining the explosive force of anything from a firecracker to an H-bomb, both in real-world terms (tons of TNT) and game terms (dice of damage).
  • Communication and Vehicles -- High-Tech traces the development of trade and transport, from heliograph to cellular phone, ox cart to space shuttle, in enough detail to let players and GMs know what is available or feasible in any period.
  • Medicine -- A concise survey of medical techniques and capabilities for each period.
  • Tools -- The "don't leave home without them" devices of every period, from flint and steel to the transistor radio.

GURPS High-Tech is designed for use with the GURPS Basic Set, Third Edition. However, aside from specific game stats, this sourcebook will be valuable to any roleplayer or Game Master. Descriptions have been made as detailed and informative as possible, for easy conversion to any game system.

131-page PDF. Stock #30-6018, $9.00.

Shipped July 10, 2014

GURPS Horror: The Madness Dossier

Can You Handle The Truth?

History is a lie. The truth is that the godlike Anunnakku enslaved mankind, co-opted language to program us, and established the superhuman šedu as our overseers. And that would have been The End if reality-warping disaster hadn't overturned everything in 535 A.D., leaving the true past forgotten but not gone, shoved from human memory by a collective delusion. Now the irruptors – servants of the Anunnakku, dimly remembered as monsters of myth – gnaw at the edges of our world, seeking to return their masters to power and history to the way it was.

Most humans are clueless about all this. Worse, those who discover snippets of the truth tend to worship the Anunnakku or irruptors as gods or turn the power of language and symbols to misguided ends, making the situation worse. Fortunately, a stalwart few are moved to defend our reality from forces that would rewrite it. Welcome to Project SANDMAN!

GURPS Horror: The Madness Dossier gives you everything you need to run a campaign featuring Project SANDMAN and its human, inhuman, and superhuman rivals:

  • The Truth. Discover the real history of the world, how it fractured from what we see today, and the dangers we face if everything old becomes new again – and learn about the origins of Project SANDMAN and the battle they fight for our reality, whether we like it or not.
  • The Warriors. Create high-end heroes using the eight included character templates, a unique martial art, and powerful mental disciplines for rapidly absorbing new skills, resisting mind control, and even swapping personalities.
  • The Tools. Gear up with specialized equipment, from the technological (drugs, surgical brain-hacking gear, and implants) to "reality shards" with amazing powers that defy explanation.
  • The Enemy. Battle an entire bestiary of powerful irruptors . . . not to mention human and more-than-human traitors.
  • The Weirdness. Dabble in the mind-bending words, memes, and potent symbols used by all sides of the secret war for reality.

In GURPS Horror: The Madness Dossier, the stakes are nothing less than losing your mind, your reality, and everything you believe to be true. Being an elite warrior means only that you know what the world stands to lose, and you willingly expose yourself to dangers far beyond your abilities. Who says that "scary" and "high-powered" don't mix?

65-page PDF. Stock #37-1682, $12.00.
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Shipped July 7, 2014

Ogre German Translation

The giant tank rumbles toward its target . . . its guns are destroyed, its movement slowed, but only a few defenders are left. Will they stop the robot juggernaut, or will it crush the Command Post beneath its cruel treads?

Ogre was Steve Jackson's first game. Originally published in 1977, it became a hit as the first "Microgame," and is now considered a classic. Over 25 years after its release, it earned a spot in James Lowder's popular book "Hobby Games: The 100 Best."

Now the Ogre is is back. . . in German! This download includes the full Ogre Designer's Edition rules and scenario booklets, translated into German, ready for you to print and play with your copy of Ogre Designer's Edition!

24-page PDF, 12-page PDF, 2-page PDF. Stock #37-5020, $FREE.
Buy Now!

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Shipped August 25, 2014

Munchkin Princesses

Princess Power!

Join the ranks of royalty . . . then go right back to killing monsters and taking their stuff. In style. We're putting the rage in peerage! Munchkin Princesses: all the noblesse, none of the oblige.

This is an expansion for Munchkin. It is not a stand-alone game. This is NOT a collectible or randomized set. Every Munchkin Princesses pack is the same as every other.

15 cards. Stock #4243, UPC 837654322277. $4.95.

Shipped August 11, 2014

Munchkin Adventure Time

Reaching level 10 is TRULY mathematical!

Join Jake, Finn, and the rest of the Adventure Time gang in Munchkin Adventure Time! Battle to ward off foes, avoid magical curses, and fight monsters in an attempt to reach level 10 and win the game! Plus, now in a Munchkin FIRST, play as one of your 8 favorite characters with new custom character cards, each possessing a power that stays with you throughout the game (gender switches still included). Play Munchkin Adventure Time on its own, or jam-mash it with other Munchkin games.

May only be shipped to addresses in the US, Canada, and Mexico.


If ordering from Warehouse 23: This product may only be shipped to addresses in the US, Canada, and Mexico.

168 cards, 8 character mats, custom die, and a rulebook. Stock #MU085-359, ISBN 7-00304-04519-5. $24.95.

Shipped August 4, 2014

Munchkin Legends 2 – Faun and Games

Did You Myth Us?

Faun and Games adds 56 more cards to the Munchkin mythology. You can use the Spear of Density to fight J.R.R. Trollkin, or fend off the Wendigo with your Hell Toupee. Play a new Race, the Faun, and caper out of danger . . . or into it!

56 cards and a rulesheet in a tuckbox. Stock #1496, UPC 837654322079. $10.95.
Buy Now!

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Shipped August 4, 2014

Munchkin Fu 2 – Monky Business (Reprint)

Munchkin Fu won the Origins "Gamer's Choice Award" for the Best Card Game of 2003. How do you follow something like that? With more mooks, more mayhem, more monsters, more munchkins, more monks – especially more monks – in Munchkin Fu 2 – Monky Business!

Learn new styles like Kong Fu, Fee Fi Fo Fu, Sna Fu, and the ever-perilous Stomach Fu! Pick up dangerous new weapons like the Auspicious Ivory Gutting Hook and the Tofu Tonfa. Garb yourself in the Hong Kong Sarong. Slay foes like the Sex Gaki, Clamera, and Genghis Cong . . . and take their stuff!

The team of Origins-Award-winning designer Steve Jackson and mad cartoonist Greg Hyland (Ninja Burger, Munchkin Fu) are back again for Monky Business. It's got 110 evil and overpowered cards, plus two blanks to create your own. And of course, like all Munchkin sets, it's completely compatible with the original Munchkin and all its supplements and spinoffs, including Star Munchkin, Munchkin Bites!, and Munchkin Cthulhu.

112 cards and a rulesheet, in a box. Stock #1441, UPC 837654320440. $19.95.

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Shipped August 28, 2014

GURPS Power-Ups 7: Wildcard Skills

Heroes Gone Wild!

A great thing about GURPS is that its skill list covers not only classic adventuring tasks like combat, covert ops, and unsafe driving, but also social interactions, sciences, parrot-training, basket-weaving . . . And now, thanks to this new supplement, GURPS comes with options that can enhance certain action-oriented playing styles: wildcard skills that modify character sheets by replacing many standard skills.

GURPS Power-Ups 7: Wildcard Skills greatly amplifies on the few words in the GURPS Basic Set, giving you all of the "official" wildcard skills published up to November 2013 (more than 65 of them), plus:

  • Answers to questions about how wildcard skills interact with such fundamental concepts as bonuses, controlling attributes, defaults, and techniques.
  • Advice on defining new wildcard skills in terms of high concept, skill count, and skill breadth, with extra detail on those that simplify character templates, martial-arts styles, and supernatural abilities.
  • Optional rules for wildcard skills to relax penalties, combine multiple wildcards, grant bonuses that reach beyond skill rolls, enhance critical successes, and even bend the story itself!
  • Discussion of how to use wildcard skills in your campaign, ranging from "no wildcards" all the way up to "wildcards only."
  • Wild speculation, such as wildcard techniques and wildcard advantages.

If you enjoy cinematic, streamlined gaming without massive skill lists, then get GURPS Power-Ups 7: Wildcard Skills and see a whole new side of GURPS: the wild side!

39-page PDF. Stock #37-0146, $9.00.
Buy Now!

Shipped August 21, 2014

Exclusive Warehouse 23 Munchkin Booster 2014

This set is out of print now, but you can find these cards in Munchkin Hidden Treasures.

For the fifth year in a row, we've produced some extra, never-before-seen cards* you can add to your Munchkin games. This year, we have a staggering 22 cards -- that's two goblin dozens! (Goblins aren't so good at math.) From our secret storage facility to your game, we present:

* Truth in advertising compels us to mention that Miss Moneybags also appeared in the 2013 booster. The reason is complicated and involves space-time warps, an especially blurry night at the government lab, and absolutely no errors** on our end whatsoever. If she's worth killing once, she's definitely worth killing twice, right?

** Would this face lie to you?

22 Cards in a zip locked bag. Stock #4245, $6.00.

Shipped August 21, 2014

Pyramid #3/70: Fourth Edition Festival

A Decade of Greatness? Go, Fourth!

It was August 2004 when the GURPS Basic Set for GURPS Fourth Edition made its debut. This month's Pyramid -- the PDF magazine for roleplayers -- celebrates the first 10 years of the Fourth Edition. Many of the authors who've brought the Fourth Edition to life are here, revisiting classic supplements with new options and material. This star-studded installment includes:

This month's Pyramid also offers a Random Thought Table that goes beyond imagination, plus an Odds and Ends with GURPS City Stats for 1720's Paris and some other secrets. Celebrate the first 10 years of the Fourth Edition with this Pyramid . . . and get ready for years of GURPS gaming goodness to come!

38-page PDF. Stock #37-2670, $9.00.
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Shipped August 18, 2014

Zombie Dice Pint Glass

Wait, you can't drink brains!

Well, okay, you can if you have a blender big enough and the time to prepare, but now we're just splitting hairs. But what you can do with this lovely Zombie Dice Pint Glass, without even needing a blender, is enjoy your favorite beverage while supporting the pro-zombie agenda.

Actually, maybe your favorite beverage is something that requires a blender. We don't know.

One Pint Glass with Zombie Dice Logo. Stock #9019, $10.00.
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Shipped August 14, 2014

GURPS Classic: Warriors

Strong of Arm and Steely of Eye

Mighty barbarians hacking away with massive broadswords and battle-weary grunts with cordite-stung eyes come to life! GURPS Warriors expands upon the template system introduced by GURPS guru Sean "Dr. Kromm" Punch in GURPS Wizards so you can get on with the game!

Inside you'll find 29 warrior archetypes, along with templates and design advice allowing you to quickly and efficiently recruit your new warrior.

Templates include . . .

  • Soldiers from all time periods -- past, present, and future -- such as the aviator, cavalryman, commando, heavy foot soldier, marine, and rifleman . . .
  • Warriors from the pages of history and literature, including the barbarian, berserker, gunslinger, holy warrior, martial artist, and swordsman . . .
  • Specialist warriors like the archer, engineer, guard, guerrilla, sharpshooter, and scout . . .
  • Highly trained operators of weapons of war, such as artillerist, aviator, mecha pilot, and naval crewman.

Warriors also provides many templates suitable for use by the GM as is to represent NPC soldiers, mercenaries, or guards.

Each template comes with four original characters, drawn from a wide range of settings, giving you 116 ready-to-use sample characters as well as historical background and information on the technology and tactics that helped shape many of these professions, to help you better detail these characters.

(This is a digital reprint of a GURPS Third Edition product.)

131-page PDF. Stock #30-6085, $9.00.

Shipped August 7, 2014

How to Be a GURPS GM

The Student's Guide to Ultimate Power

GURPS! A game with infinite possibilities. Even those familiar with this award-winning system may not feel they've mastered the fundamentals . . . and those just starting with this game may feel lost amid the possibilities. You want help. You could use a guide. You need How to Be a GURPS GM.

For the player, this supplement offers insight into how to create the perfect character to fit your vision, plus three examples of character creation and two new fantasy templates. The chapter dedicated to customizing combat and using various options can be particularly helpful for new and veteran players in making aggressive altercations even more exciting.

For the Game Master, the supplement discusses everything needed to run a campaign: how to prepare the game setting, assist the players with the creation of their heroes, create challenging and engaging encounters, and design and run the first adventure. The included overview of the Fourth Edition line, plus recommended resource lists for eight popular genres, can help the GM decide which supplements will be most helpful to craft his newest campaign.

This supplement also provides canonical insight from Sean "Dr. Kromm" Punch, who draws on years of experience answering questions and providing clarifications as the GURPS Line Editor. Throughout, it follows a group of example players new to GURPS, from when their GM first opens the Basic Set through the starting session of their inaugural adventure. How to Be a GURPS GM is an invaluable aid for getting started with GURPS, bridging the previously perilous step between reading the Basic Set and participating in your first game.

Half of power is knowing how to use it. With How to Be a GURPS GM, you'll be on your way to unleashing the full potential of GURPS like never before!

73-page PDF. Stock #37-0034, $12.00.
Buy Now!

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Shipped September 22, 2014

Munchkin Halloween Pack

Rather than rot the teeth of your trick-or-treaters this year, why not rot their minds with a Munchkin Halloween Pack? Each of the twenty packs contains four Munchkin cards and a quick explanation of the game. And no one has to have a bellyache in the morning!

Includes twenty identical card packs!

20 identical packs of four Munchkin cards each in one package. Stock #1513, UPC 837654322284. $4.95.

Munchkin Treasure Hunt

Explore the Dungeon!

Move around the dungeon, fighting monsters and collecting treasures!

Munchkin Treasure Hunt is a fun boardgame for up to six players, ages 6 and up -- now everyone in the family can be a Munchkin! (Don't worry . . . you don't need to know how to play any other Munchkin game to enjoy Treasure Hunt.) Treasure Hunt comes with a board, two custom six-sided dice, 96 colorful cards, four blank cards (so you can write your own!), six character standies, and a rulesheet.

The munchkins (that's you!), move around the board. If you land on a monster, use the Monster cards to find out how tough it is, then roll a dice and use your Treasures (like Protective Kittens or a Broccoli Smoothie -- EEEUUWW, YUCK) to beat it.

When you run out of Treasure cards, whoever has the most gold in their hand wins the game!

Munchkin Treasure Hunt
2-6 players
Ages 6 and up
Playing time 1 hour

A 10.5"x 10.5" box with 100 full-color cards, two six-sided die, 6 pawns with plastic stands, a 16"x16" gameboard, and rulesheet. Stock #1521, UPC 837654322161. $29.95.

Munchkin Panic

The Munchkin Monsters have invaded the Castle Panic Towers and are on the rampage! Anne-Marie De Witt has designed a crazy, clever, and addictive new game based on designs by Justin De Witt (Castle Panic) and Steve Jackson (Munchkin) in what is a semi-cooperative game of all-for-one meets all-for-me!

Players combine cards to hit Monsters before they destroy the Castle. Each defeated Monster becomes a Trophy and gives up its Treasure to the victor. If players work together to defeat the Monsters, they up their chances of survival and the player with the highest point count becomes the Master Munchkin. However, if players get too greedy, the Monsters will stomp the Castle to the ground while players are busy fighting over Treasure!

Two worlds collide in this game of hopeful, desperate, and addictive twists featuring the iconic Munchkin art by John Kovalic and the innovative play design of Fireside Games and Steve Jackson Games.

Boxed game includes gameboard, Rulebook, 118 cards , dice bag, 6 walls, 6 towers, 3 tokens, and 1 Munchkin d6. Stock #FSD1004, UPC 850680002050. $39.95.
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Shipped September 25, 2014

AADA Road Atlas V1: The East Coast

Civilization Is A Relative Term

The East Coast is easily the tamest, safest, most fully recovered region in the United States. There are even a few areas where weapons aren't necessary!

But the region is still dangerous, perhaps more so because of the sense of false security that is so easily developed. How can you tell the safe stretches of highway from the ambushes? Consult . . . The AADA Road Atlas and Survival Guide, Volume One: The East Coast.

The East Coast is the first volume of an ambitious project by your American Autoduel Association. The AADA Road Atlas and Survival Guide will tell you everything you need to know about each region, from the roads and the police to the best attractions and even food.

Find out the real story behind:

  • The Hill Clans of Massachussetts.
  • The Mild Ones, the most polite (and efficient) cycle gang around.
  • Drang Nach Iowa; what it was and why it failed.
  • The Newark Police.
  • The Pennsylvania Highway Authority.
  • and more . . .

But The AADA Road Atlas and Survival Guide is more than just an atlas of the East Coast. It also contains the following useful material for fans of GURPS Autoduel and Car Wars:

  • A complete rundown on EDSEL, the Eastern Driving Safety Enforcement League. Includes their philosophy, organization, equipment, tactics, and a state-by-state list of EDSEL chapters -- complete with information on relative popularity, strength, and each chapter's leader.
  • Campaign guidelines for GURPS Autoduel GMs, with advice for setting an adventure in any part of the East Coast.
  • Complete helicopter rules for GURPS.
  • Ten mini-adventures for GURPS or Car Wars, each set in a different part of the region.
  • "Escape from Poughkeepsie," a complete adventure for GURPS Autoduel. Can you survive the bombed-out ruins, radioactive hot spots, and the "Townies" long enough to recover a disk lost for 25 years?

(This is a digital reprint of a supplement designed for Car Wars and GURPS Third Edition.)

67-page PDF. Stock #30-6301, $4.00.

Shipped September 18, 2014

Pyramid #3/71: Spaceships II

The Ship of Things to Come!

If we're ever to dwell among the stars, the odds are good we'll be using spaceships. Fortunately, this month's Pyramid will help ensure you're not caught empty-handed and star-struck! This armada of adventure includes:

  • "Reign of Steel: Deep Space," where GURPS Reign of Steel author David L. Pulver takes that setting nearly two decades into the future . . . and deeper into space. Learn about spaceships (in GURPS Spaceships format) from the various robot factions and get an extensive look at the desperate world of 2064.
  • "Smugglers' Blues," a look at moving high-risk, high-profit items from Point A to Point B, with insights into how the art of smuggling might change at future tech levels.
  • "Strange Objects at Rest," a collection of four systemless sleeper ships and generational spacecraft, which prove that sometimes it's best to let sleeping pods lie.
  • "Vehicle Imbuements," a system that expands the options of GURPS Power-Ups 1: Imbuements to the realm of transportation. Let your vessels dodge, speed, ram, or self-repair like never before!
  • "The Captain's Boat," an optional GURPS tweak that helps starting heroes afford expensive starships . . . by making them Patrons!

This month's Pyramid also beams aboard a Random Thought Table that sparks your customization creativity, plus an Odds and Ends that expands space-time options by allowing innovative players to design the look and feel of a campaign. With this issue of Pyramid, you'll be exploring the final frontier like never before!

37-page PDF. Stock #37-2671, $9.00.
Buy Now!

Shipped September 11, 2014

GURPS Ultra-Tech: Weapon Tables

Future Firepower Facts in a Flash!

While GURPS Ultra-Tech covers all aspects of sci-fi stuff, the most referenced section is always the weapons. Do I want the heavy X-ray laser pistol or the electrolaser carbine? What kind of range do the bad guys get with their EMP gun? What are the options for someone looking to spend $100 on hand grenades?

For these common questions, why flip through the entire book when you just want the weapon tables? That's why we created GURPS Ultra-Tech: Weapon Tables. It's all the raw data you need, in 20 easy-to-reference pages.

Note: This product is bundled with the PDF version of GURPS Ultra-Tech; if you have already purchased that product, you do not need to purchase this one.

20-page PDF. Stock #37-0207, $4.00.
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Shipped September 4, 2014

GURPS Classic: Rogues

It Takes a Thief . . .

When brute force won't get the job done, you need someone with . . . skills. A specialist. Preferably someone who doesn't let a lot of nagging concerns about law or morality get in the way.

Whether you're looking for just the right character to round out an adventuring party, or a dangerous NPC to challenge your players, GURPS Rogues has what you need -- 29 different templates, letting you quickly create the scoundrel that's right for the job.

Templates include . . .

  • Thieves who are only in it for the money, such as the armed robber, cat burglar, pirate, pickpocket, housebreaker, and forger.
  • Rogues who have other goals than mere material gain, like the spy, hacker, evil mastermind, mad scientist, and saboteur.
  • Charmers who work more with people's minds than with lockpicks and prybars . . . the con man, bard, fixer, gambler, prostitute, and street doctor.
  • Mysterious figures who work on the shadowy edges of society -- the tracker, poacher, assassin, master thief, smuggler, mobster, and black marketeer.

Each template comes with four complete characters, drawn from a wide range of settings. All told, you get 116 ready-to-use sample characters, as well as historical background and information on the technology and tactics that shaped their professions.

GURPS Rogues follows (stealthily) in the footsteps of GURPS Warriors and GURPS Wizards, our two previous books of characters and templates.

131-page PDF. Stock #30-6413, $9.00.

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Shipped October 20, 2014

Knightmare Chess

Knightmare Chess is chess played with cards!

The cards break the rules in wild and unpredictable ways. Some affect a single move, and some change the entire game. Knightmare Chess plays quickly out of the box, but it also includes variants, and it's easy for players to customize. The possibilities are endless, and so is the fun!

This new edition includes Knightmare Chess 2, for a total of 158 beautiful cards, each painted by Rogério Vilela. Bonus: two blank cards for those who want to create their own fiendish, clever rules.

Note: Knightmare Chess requires a working knowledge of chess and a chess set to play.

160 oversized (4-1/2"x2-1/2") full-color cards and a rulesheet in a 6"x9" box. Stock #1348, UPC 837654322123. $29.95.

Car Wars Classic

Drive Offensively!

He triggered the rear guns once more. A direct hit! The blue car skidded as the driver lost control – then flipped and caught fire.

That would teach him not to tailgate . . .

Drive the freeways of the future -- where the right of way goes to the biggest guns. Players choose their vehicles -- complete with weapons, armor, power plants, suspension, and even body style. Then they take them out on the road . . . to come home as "aces," or to crash and burn. If a driver survives, his abilities improve, and he can earn money to buy bigger and better cars. Advanced rules let players design their own customized cars, trucks, and cycles.

Playing time 30 minutes and up, for players 10 and older. Any number can play . . . games with 2 to 8 are best.

Game components include:

  • 103 full-color game counters and separate Turning Key.
  • 64-page rulebook, plus extra tables and record sheets.
  • 2-sided game map, with autoduel arena and raceway.

64-page saddle-stitched instruction booklet, 8.5"×5.5" record sheet, 103 die-cut counters, four 12mm six-sided dice, a two-sided map, and a turning key, in a 6"×9" box. Stock #1400, UPC 837654320044. $19.95.

Shipped October 6, 2014

Munchkin Legends 3 – Myth Prints

See Ya Later Gladiator

For the third time, Munchkin ruins explores your favorite myths and legends! Munchkin Legends 3 -- Myth Prints introduces the Gladiator . . . they get tougher when their lives are at stake! This 56-card set has new monsters to fight, new Treasures to gain, and dozens of new jokes to enjoy! (Or groan at -- your choice.)

56 cards and a rulesheet, in a tuckbox. Stock #1505, UPC 837654322253. $10.95.

Revolution! Anarchy

The legitimate authorities have given way to mob rule . . . It's Anarchy!

  • Force the Warden to throw your enemies in Jail!
  • Blackmail the Heretic and take over the Asylum!
  • Bribe the Anarchist . . . his effects change every turn!

Revolution! Anarchy includes a new board overlay, new bidding boards, and two new sets of player components, allowing you to play with up to six people. This is not a stand-alone game; you need Revolution! to play.

Tuckbox containing 50 wooden cubes, four chipboard counters, six bidding boards, two screens, rulesheet, and a chipboard overlay for the gameboard. Stock #1908, UPC 837654322291. $24.95.

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Shipped October 22, 2014

Ogre Kickstarter Supporter T-Shirt (Reprint)

This T-shirt commemorates the day you helped make gaming history -- the Ogre 2012 Kickstarter was the highest funded board and card game project when it closed at almost a million dollars, signalling the dramatic return of the classic game in an epic-sized Designer's Edition.

For Kickstarter backers only -- thank you for your support!

One T-shirt. Stock #9180, $20.00.

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Shipped October 23, 2014

Pyramid #3/72: Alternate Dungeons

Dungeons, Only Different!

Everyone loves gathering friends for a good GURPS Dungeon Fantasy tomb-looting exploit. But sometimes you want to shake things up. Do things differently. Think "outside the dungeon." This issue of Pyramid -- the PDF magazine for roleplayers -- takes your Dungeon Fantasy game into unexpected realms.

This month's untraditional treasures include:

  • "Pointless Slaying and Looting," Dungeon Fantasy mastermind Sean Punch's guide to getting into the crypt-crawling game even faster by getting rid of character points. Design your heroes by picking from a few ready-made packages, and go go go!
  • "Dungeons of Mars," a meaty guide to bringing the action and excitement of dungeon fantasy to a whole new world, from Transhuman Space line editor Phil Masters. Discover how the tropes, themes, heroes, and threats of the Red Planet can come together for a different kind of Dungeon Fantasy experience.
  • "From the Bottom Up," a guide to playing as monsters in Dungeon Fantasy, from GURPS Dungeon Fantasy 8: Treasure Tables author Matt Riggsby! Use the included GURPS templates to become a dragon, lich, specter, and much more.
  • "Good Dungeons," this month's Eidetic Memory offering from GURPS Banestorm: Abydos scribe David L. Pulver. Learn why the forces of good might dwell in dungeons . . . and why even ethical heroes might loot these dwellings.
  • "Dungeon Fantasy Video Gaming," a guide to bringing computer RPGs to the tabletop, with a versatile new GURPS template -- the imitator -- plus rules and guidelines for bringing the pixelated experience to the players.

This month's Pyramid wraps up with a Random Thought Table that gives you some ideas to make your own alternate dungeons. Whether you're looking for a new twist on traditional dungeoneering or something radically different, this issue is treasure beyond measure!

40-page PDF. Stock #37-2672, $9.00.
Buy Now!

Shipped October 22, 2014

Ogre Endgame T-Shirt

Who wins the endgame? A lot depends on whose turn it is! Don't miss this stylish rendition of the classic black-and-white Ogre counters, in a board position Steve guarantees will worry whoever's turn it ISN'T!

One T-shirt. Stock #9168, $20.00.

Shipped October 22, 2014

Ogre Battlesuit T-Shirt

As tasteful geek T-shirts go, this stylish white-on-black Combine Battlesuit design is right up there. The "no words" graphic means it works at two levels – an attractive sci-fi shirt to the general public, or (to a select few) the little guys who go "crunch" in Ogre!

One T-shirt. Stock #9169, $20.00.

Shipped October 22, 2014

Ogre Blueprint T-Shirt

This shirt features graphics from the classic Ogre Mark V blueprint poster, reprinted in Ogre Designer's Edition. The best part is -- only gamers in the know will catch the reference!

One T-shirt. Stock #9170, $20.00.

Shipped October 22, 2014

Ogre T-Shirt (Green & Orange)

Steve himself likes this design (created many years ago by Richard Meaden) so much that he wore it in the original Kickstarter video that raised almost a million dollars! Fluorescent orange and green on black.

One T-shirt. Stock #9171, $25.00.

Shipped October 22, 2014

Kovalic Cartoon Ogre T-Shirt

"You call THAT a Duck of Doom?! I'll show you DOOM!!" This playful T-Shirt by legendary Munchkin artist John Kovalic shows what happens when our product lines meet! But -- what will happen once the Munchkins find their spellcaster?!?

Available in blue, black, and tan.

One T-shirt. Stock #9177, $20.00.

Shipped October 22, 2014

Ogre Kickstarter Supporter T-Shirt (Reprint)

This T-shirt commemorates the day you helped make gaming history -- the Ogre 2012 Kickstarter was the highest funded board and card game project when it closed at almost a million dollars, signalling the dramatic return of the classic game in an epic-sized Designer's Edition.

For Kickstarter backers only -- thank you for your support!

One T-shirt. Stock #9180, $20.00.

Shipped October 16, 2014

GURPS Classic: Deathwish

Are You Ready to Rock?

There's no business like show business, and Deathwish knows how to put on a show! The show has strobe lights, laser effects, smoke machines, and enough wattage to deafen even the most hardcore rockers. But strange things are starting to happen at Deathwish shows -- a shooting here, a stabbing there, and the occasional full-blown riot to make things interesting. Add to this mixture a sinister group of meta-villains whose tastes run more to museum robberies than to guitars and drums, and you've got a mystery on your hands!

Deathwish is an adventure for three or more 500-point supers. The investigation spans coast-to-coast with stops in Los Angeles, Denver, and several other cities across the U.S.

Deathwish includes:

  • Complete descriptions of the bands Deathwish and Sinister Drums (including a Deathwish Discography).
  • Detailed maps of concert sites, villain headquarters, and other important areas.
  • Several NPCs that can be used in an ongoing campaign.
  • Adventure seeds that make this a perfect sourcebook for continuing adventure even after the initial investigation is over.
  • And much, much more . . .

(This is a digital reprint of a supplement designed for GURPS Third Edition.)

35-page PDF. Stock #30-6112, $4.00.

Shipped October 9, 2014

Garbage Pail Kids: Super Snot Shots

Let's get snotty!

Fling your snot (dice!) at the Garbage Pail Kids! The more of them you hit with your boogers, the more points you score. But watch out! The other players are also Super Snot Shots and only the grossest player will win the game.

15 cards, four six-sided dice, and a rulesheet in a ziplock bag. Stock #1522, ISBN none - W23 only. $9.95.

Shipped October 9, 2014

Munchkin Pathfinder Goblin Minimate

Goblins are an intrinsic part of Munchkin® Pathfinder®, and this little guy is the cutest of them all! Look at him with his widdle sword and his lopsided grin. He's fully posable, and he can sit on your kitchen table as you play Munchkin® Pathfinder®.

Bonus: He even comes with a special Munchkin® Pathfinder® bookmark you can use in the game. Just don't tell him you're killing all his buddies for their loot!

A little goblin with a sword! Look how he smiles! Stock #14-2301, $5.00.

Shipped October 9, 2014

GURPS Classic: Voodoo

GURPS Voodoo: The Shadow War takes the myths of the mystical religions known as Voudoun and Santeria and gives them a twist, placing the believers and practitioners of Voodoo in the middle of a cosmic struggle. A new magic system replicates the way Voodoo priests and the shamans of many ancients cultures think it works.

The Shadow War is a conflict fought on many fronts. Voodoo Initiates contend with the Lodges, which consist of European magicians who have kept their occult power hidden and consider themselves the secret masters of the Western world. Beneath that struggle, some Initiates have begun to realize, lies a battle between Humankind and beings that have no use for power or wealth -- only destruction.

Unlike many "dark" RPGs, Voodoo is not about enduring horror, but fighting it. Human Spirit Warriors, monstrous In-Betweener renegades, and even ghosts can join forces and stop the manipulators and deceivers. The world of the Shadow War needs heroes, however frail or flawed they may be. Your characters may just be those heroes.

(This is a digital reprint of a supplement designed for GURPS Third Edition.)

131-page PDF. Stock #30-6071, $9.00.

Shipped October 2, 2014

Car Warriors Kill Stickers

Let the duelling world know exactly where you stand, with Car Warriors Kill Stickers! This PDF based on the original adhesive-backed vinyl stickers contains a variety of shapes -- trucks, cars, motorcycles, even pedestrians -- to go with your autoduelling record. (For less skilled duellists, we also include dog, cat, and bicycle silhouettes.)

Car Warriors Kill Stickers are also a useful safety feature on the duelling car of today. Hot-headed amateurs and no-class cycle gangs might think twice about taking you on if you display your record prominently -- and that could save on ammo costs (yours) and funeral expenses (theirs).

7-page PDF. Stock #30-7127, $FREE.

Shipped October 2, 2014

GURPS Magic: Death Spells

Power Of Life And Death

Tales of magic almost always include "death spells" among the abilities of sorcerers. These curses don't merely wound, control, immobilize, or incapacitate their victims -- they kill in one shot. GURPS Magic: Death Spells offers 48 genuine death spells spanning every college of magic. Each has its own strengths, weaknesses, peculiarities, and colorful effects, giving villainous NPCs and high-powered PCs alike their choice of wizardly firepower.

And because magic that plays for keeps isn't something to take lightly, the spells come with plenty of supporting material:

  • Introducing death spells into an existing campaign without upsetting game balance . . . or players.
  • Defenses against death magic, to protect beloved PCs and important NPCs from a premature demise.
  • Practicalities surrounding the aftermath: Is there a corpse? Does the death look natural? Can the victim be resurrected? Do a victim's possessions survive?
  • Advice on creating your own death spells, including class, college, difficulty, prerequisites, casting time, energy cost, and drawbacks -- and how the magic kills!
  • Thoughts on related topics: death-aspected mana, death as a magical college, death spells for clerics, and even magical suicide.

Let's face it, when the good guys need scaring and the bad guys need slaying, a fireball is clumsy, predictable, and just not deadly enough. Break out the forbidden lore of GURPS Magic: Death Spells and let the chills and kills commence!

24-page PDF. Stock #37-0148, $7.00.
Buy Now!

N O V E M B E R   2 0 1 4 

Shipped November 10, 2014

Munchkin Vinyl Figure

Need someone to take the blame when you stab your buddy in the back?

Look no further! The new Munchkin Vinyl Figure from Funko will keep all the orcs at bay, ruin miniatures gaming, and probably won't spontaneously combust! Huzzah!

Includes a new exclusive Munchkin card!

One Munchkin figure in box and one card. Stock #4817, UPC 849803048174. $12.99.

Shipped November 3, 2014

Mars Attacks: The Dice Game

Destroy the humans! Take their cities! Conquer Earth!

In Mars Attacks — The Dice Game, lead your team of Martian invaders to conquer Earth. Destroy cities, get your picture taken in front of famous monuments, and be the Martian with the most Earthling kills! But watch out, because the Earthlings might nuke you . . .

Mars Attacks — The Dice Game is a fast-playing, tactical dice game based on the Mars Attacks trading cards by Topps.

Ten dice, 24 Martian tokens, 1 player token, 30 cards, and a rulesheet. Stock #131335, UPC 837654322215. $19.95.

Hipster Dice

Based on the underground German phenomenon, Nichteinechteswürfelspiel, and updated with vintage rules, Hipster Dice is poised to be the perfect game to play while you're waiting in line at the second-hand clothes store. Get it before it's cool.

1 die and a rulesheet, in a blister pack. Elaborate packaging is so mainstream. Stock #131336, UPC 837654322192. $4.95.

Munchkin Holidazed

The ultimate Munchkin stocking stuffer! Do not concern yourself with the challenge of perfect gifting. We have taken care of it!


Holidazed pack combines eleven new cards with four reprints from the hard-to-find Munchkin Holiday Surprise, a candy-themed Level counter, and six red-and-green festive 14mm dice! Not included: gratuitous exclamation points!!!!!

15 Munchkin cards, six 14mm dice, a Level counter, and a rulesheet in a blister pack. Stock #4244, UPC 837654322314. $14.95.

Munchkin Loot Letter

Get a ton of treasure! You NEED it!

Steal the treasure and backstab your friends -- without all of the silly card-playing stuff. Well, without some of it. OK, without all but 16 cards of it, at least.

Munchkin Loot Letter is a game of risk, deduction, and luck from AEG, for 2-4 players. It comes in a boxed version, or in a clamshell version with a velvet bag!

Bonus: Includes one new card for Munchkin!

20 cards, 13 tokens, a bag, and a rulesheet. Stock #AEG5110 , ISBN 7-29220-05110-3. $10.99.

R E P R I N T S 

Shipped November 20, 2014

Munchkin Sweatshirt (Reprint)

Official Rules

  1. If you are wearing an official Munchkin shirt*, you may draw one extra card from either deck when you start play or when you come back from the dead.
  2. The Munchkin Sweatshirt counts as +4 Armor that may be worn along with other Armor. If you are forced to lose your Armor, you may remove the Munchkin Sweatshirt and keep all your other Armor.
  3. The autograph of Steve Jackson, Andrew Hackard, or John Kovalic on the shirt gives you an additional +1 bonus per signature.
  4. Wearing two or more Munchkin shirts does NOT give you both bonuses. The one on the outside rules.
  5. Use of the Cheat! card overrides Rule 4 and lets you benefit from two different shirts. (It doesn't matter which one is outside.)
  6. But under no circumstance is there any bonus for MORE than two shirts at once, and players may never benefit from more than two shirts per game.

It is NOT an official tournament rule, but if you wish to make a house rule that a "Lose Your Armor" card requires you to remove your shirt(s), we cannot stop you.

*On your torso. Right side out.

One sweatshirt. Stock #9162, $30.00.

Shipped November 3, 2014

Munchkin Game Changers (Reprint)

More Munchkin Stuff!

Want more silly cards for your Munchkin game? Some cool level counters? Giant pink sparkly dice?! Here they are! This box combines four of our most popular Munchkin boosters into a single expansion:

As a bonus, we’ve included the cards from Munchkin Fairy Dust Dice and two big sparkly pink dice to go with them, plus four cards formerly only available directly from Steve Jackson Games! This set also introduces new Fairy Dust and Munchkinomicon-themed level counters!

68 cards, two level counters, two 19mm six-sided dice, and a rulesheet. Stock #1489, UPC 837654321188. $19.95.

W 2 3 

Shipped November 20, 2014

Munchkin Sweatshirt (Reprint)

Official Rules

  1. If you are wearing an official Munchkin shirt*, you may draw one extra card from either deck when you start play or when you come back from the dead.
  2. The Munchkin Sweatshirt counts as +4 Armor that may be worn along with other Armor. If you are forced to lose your Armor, you may remove the Munchkin Sweatshirt and keep all your other Armor.
  3. The autograph of Steve Jackson, Andrew Hackard, or John Kovalic on the shirt gives you an additional +1 bonus per signature.
  4. Wearing two or more Munchkin shirts does NOT give you both bonuses. The one on the outside rules.
  5. Use of the Cheat! card overrides Rule 4 and lets you benefit from two different shirts. (It doesn't matter which one is outside.)
  6. But under no circumstance is there any bonus for MORE than two shirts at once, and players may never benefit from more than two shirts per game.

It is NOT an official tournament rule, but if you wish to make a house rule that a "Lose Your Armor" card requires you to remove your shirt(s), we cannot stop you.

*On your torso. Right side out.

One sweatshirt. Stock #9162, $30.00.

Shipped November 20, 2014

Pyramid #3/73: Monster Hunters II

Don't Go Gently Into The Night

Keeping the monsters at bay takes skill, courage, resources, luck, and a secret or two. You'll get most of those with this month's Pyramid, the PDF magazine for roleplayers. This arcane collection takes on the fight against the forces of darkness, with a special emphasis on GURPS Monster Hunters.

This issue's awesome arsenal includes:

  • "Tactical Shooting: Monster Hunters," a guide from Hans-Christian Vortisch that arms you with three new shootist styles to apply the advantage you gain from Hans' GURPS Tactical Shooting to the fight against evil.
  • "The Department of Occult Defense," a guide to a secret government organization that hides the horrific truth from the public while keeping it safe. Learn about the group's history, competitors, and adventure ideas. You'll also get a new perk, power, Ritual Path spells, and two new Enemies (with GURPS stats).
  • "Venatio," this month's Eidetic Memory offering from GURPS Psi-Tech author David L. Pulver. Discover what happens when a group of monster hunters gets too close to the darkness . . . and how such one-time heroes might help or hinder the PCs. GURPS stats for the titular team are included.
  • "Monster Hunters 2043: Agents of ORCID," a cyberpunk organization that provides a campaign justification to take the fight into the chromed tomorrow of GURPS Cyberworld, complete with GURPS details on typical agents.
  • "The Flock of the Above," a systemless sinister threat that pushes the heroes to their limits -- and perhaps beyond. The flu has never been this terrifying.

This month's Pyramid concludes with a Random Thought Table that looks at how to be scared of nothing, plus Odds and Ends that couldn't fit elsewhere herein. Whether you're seeking friends or hunting enemies, this month's Pyramid is an indispensable guide for those who hunt the hunters!

38-page PDF. Stock #37-2673, $9.00.
Buy Now!

Shipped November 13, 2014

Car Wars – Deluxe Edition

On the Highways of the Future, the Biggest Gun Has the Right of Way!

Car Wars is the game of combat on the freeways of the not-too-distant future. Choose your vehicle -- complete with armor, power plant, suspension, even body style -- then take it out on the road. You'll come home an "ace" or you'll crash and burn. If you survive, your abilities will improve, and you can accumulate money to buy bigger and better cars. Advanced rules let you design your own cars, cycles, three-wheelers, vans, trucks, 18-wheel tractor-trailer rigs, buses, boats, hovercraft, even helicopters!

Car Wars -- Deluxe Edition includes a 144-page rulebook, the Car Wars Compendium, for building, arming, and driving your own vehicles; full combat rules, including an introductory "quick start" version; and all the skills you need to create your own "autoduellist" character. Here are all the rules from the original Car Wars game and many of its supplements, edited and reorganized, plus sections on off-road travel, gas engines, jumping and falling, and more!

Car Wars -- Deluxe Edition also gives you hundreds of full-color counters, a giant 32" × 42" map of the fortress town of Midville, a 21" × 32" map of a fortified truck stop of 2048, a 21" × 32" map of the Double Drum Arena, improved road sections (straight and curved), and two "turning keys" that make maneuvering easy.

Car Wars has been named to the "Ten Best Games of the Year" by Omni Magazine. It won the Origins Award for Best Science Fiction Game, and has several times made the Games Magazine "Games 100" list!

229-page PDF. Stock #30-1301, $20.00.

Shipped November 13, 2014

Car Wars – Deluxe Edition (Car Wars Compendium Upgrade)

Behold, the Deluxe Upgrade Package!

Do you already own the Car Wars Compendium and just need everything else that comes with the Car Wars -- Deluxe Edition set? Then this digital exclusive is for you! This version is identical to the full Car Wars -- Deluxe Edition downloadable supplement, except it doesn't include the Car Wars Compendium rulebook. With that rulebook and these printable maps, counters, and jump-start rules and scenarios, you'll have the complete Deluxe experience!

If you do need the complete Deluxe experience, check out the full Car Wars -- Deluxe Edition, also available on Warehouse 23.

82-page PDF. Stock #30-1301X, $5.00.
Buy Now!

Shipped November 10, 2014

W23 Munchkin Quest Jumbo D6 Bundle

The Perfect Present!

Do you want big, fancy dice with classic John Kovalic artwork on the faces for your Munchkin Quest game? Of course you do! Get one silver and one red Munchkin Quest-themed Jumbo D6 in each pack!

Two 25 mm six-sided dice Stock #5589, ISBN N/A. $6.00.
Buy Now!

Shipped November 6, 2014

GURPS High-Tech: Adventure Guns

Armed For Adventure

The mid-19th through early 20th centuries were the time of rough-and-tumble Wild West gunslingers and gentlemanly Victorian adventurers alike, an age when death was just a bullet away whether you found yourself in a sooty industrial metropolis or the wilds of the Great White Hunter. With so many people living and dying by the gun, gunsmiths were spurred to revolutionize the art of killing and develop the innovations that made the Great War the bloody spectacle it was. GURPS High-Tech: Adventure Guns brings heroes of this period everything they need to shoot their way out of trouble:

  • Both iconic and unusual firearms from the mid-1800s through early 1900s -- revolvers, semiautomatic pistols, shotguns, rifles, machine guns, and even a few cannon -- complete with their accessories and variants.
  • All the associated gear: ammo, cartridge belts, fast-draw rigs, and hand grenades that don't rely on a fizzing fuse.
  • Rules unique to period designs, covering both defects and innovations . . . which were often one and the same!
  • Support for the crazy stuff that adventurers get up to, like customizing weapons, improvising ammo, rigging traps, and even mounting TL5-6 cannon and machine guns on steampunk spacecraft.
  • Bits and pieces needed to get into costume: the history and description of each weapon, a glossary of slang, guidelines for converting costs to period currency, and notes on firearms legality.

GURPS High-Tech: Adventure Guns takes a magnifying glass to one of the most interesting eras covered by GURPS High-Tech and reveals details that will have your TL5-6 heroes shooting up the scenery in style.

48-page PDF. Stock #37-1633, $11.00.
Buy Now!

D E C E M B E R   2 0 1 4 

Shipped December 1, 2014

Tile Chess

Think Outside the Board!

Tile Chess is chess without boundaries. All you need are the tiles.* Each tile represents a chess piece, and as you place the tiles, you create the board. You can play Tile Chess just about anywhere, and it supports up to four players!

* You need to know how to play chess, of course.

No board! No borders!

64 plastic tiles and a rulesheet in a 6"×9" box. Stock #1347, UPC 837654322130. $29.95.

+6 Bag o' Munchkin Legends

Official Munchkin Plastic Bag!

Extra bonus -- legendary Munchkins!

These six Munchkin Legends pawns can be used along with the board from Munchkin Deluxe, Munchkin Level Playing Field, or Munchkin Board of Health to track your Level . . . or to mark your place in any game. For more munchkinly ways to use them, turn this card over, or visit

Six plastic Munchkin Legends pawns in six different colors and two cards, polybagged with a punched header card. Stock #5582, UPC 837654322307. $6.95.

R E P R I N T S 

Shipped December 1, 2014

Munchkin Pin (Yellow w/ Orange Ink) (Reprint)

These 1" enamel Munchkin Pins include a special game rule! Collect all six colors!

Special Munchkin Rule

Each Munchkin Pin you are wearing gives you a +1 bonus in combat. After each fight you are in, win or lose, roll a d6 - if you roll equal to or less than the number of Munchkin Pins you are currently wearing, remove one pin. You may not wear more than one pin of each color during any game.

One lapel pin. Stock #5549F, $5.00.

W 2 3 

Shipped December 18, 2014

Pyramid #3/74: Wild West

It's Our "Most Wanted" Pyramid Yet!

There's a strange newcomer in town . . . one that promises to shake things up for outlaws and marshals alike. It's this month's Pyramid -- the PDF magazine for roleplayers! In this issue, we turn our steely focus toward Wild West gaming. The gold mine that awaits you includes:

  • "Ashiwi County," an in-depth look at the Ashiwi (or, as the Spanish called them, the Zuni) of late 19th-century New Mexico. This guide from Matt Riggsby -- in a similar vein as the GURPS Hot Spots volumes he's penned -- offers information on the history, religion, government, and more of this Native American culture. It also features two color maps of their central settlement.
  • "Outlaws and Arrows," a guide to porting GURPS Action to the Wild West, including two new templates, new lenses, and a boomtown of adventuring tips.
  • "Steamboats and Locomotives of the Old West," this month's Eidetic Memory offering from GURPS Spaceships author David L. Pulver. It provides info and GURPS vehicle stats for two quintessential modes of Western transport.
  • "A Westward-Shambling Horde," a dozen potential Western-themed zombie scenarios from GURPS Zombies author Sean Punch.
  • "Famous Wild West Gunfights," a second-by-second dissection of six famous gunfights (real and fictional) in GURPS terms from Hans-Christian Vortisch, using the ideas and terminology from Hans' own GURPS Tactical Shooting.

This issue also includes a Random Thought Table that breaks down the Western genre into some of its component gears. Saddle up for adventure; this issue of Pyramid is the best in the West!

39-page PDF. Stock #37-2674, $9.00.
Buy Now!

Shipped December 11, 2014

GURPS Power-Ups 8: Limitations

Why Limit Yourself?

It's part of what you sign up for with a point-based game like GURPS, but nobody likes to be forced to omit part of a nifty character concept because they lacked the budget to buy what they had in mind. Fortunately, there are ways around this (besides cheating!): limitations. By adding some fitting drawbacks to your cool abilities, you can power up your character on the cheap and make the game more interesting for everyone -- you start play with a few new challenges to meet, while the GM gets some "hooks" to exploit.

GURPS Power-Ups 8: Limitations is a collection of all the general limitations introduced since the GURPS Basic Set (over 45 of them!), plus:

  • Additional details on several limitations from the Basic Set -- and on concepts such as applying limitations to disadvantages.
  • Tips for getting the most out of existing limitations and fairly pricing new ones.
  • Tricks like either/or limitations, partly limited abilities, and going past the -80% cap.
  • Other cost-cutting measures: alternative abilities, potential advantages, internal advantages, and character point-powered abilities.

Whether you always find yourself a few points short or just like the game-within-a-game of building funky abilities, GURPS Power-Ups 8: Limitations offers all kinds of new ways to stretch your budget and do more with less!

23-page PDF. Stock #37-0149, $7.00.
Buy Now!

Shipped December 1, 2014

Hipster Dice - W23 Exclusive Color

Based on the underground German phenomenon, Nichteinechteswürfelspiel, and updated with vintage rules, Hipster Dice is poised to be the perfect game to play while you're waiting in line at the second-hand clothes store. Get it before it's cool.

1 die and a rulesheet, in a blister pack. Elaborate packaging is so mainstream. Stock #131336G, UPC 837654322192. $4.95.

Shipped December 1, 2014

Munchkin Vinyl Figure - Glowing Spyke

Need someone to take the blame when you stab your buddy in the back?

Look no further! The new Munchkin Vinyl Figure from Funko will keep all the orcs at bay, ruin miniatures gaming, and probably won't spontaneously combust! Huzzah!

Includes a new exclusive Munchkin card!

One Munchkin figure in box and one card. Stock #5050, UPC 849803050504. $19.95.

Shipped December 1, 2014

Munchkin Pin (Yellow w/ Orange Ink) (Reprint)

These 1" enamel Munchkin Pins include a special game rule! Collect all six colors!

Special Munchkin Rule

Each Munchkin Pin you are wearing gives you a +1 bonus in combat. After each fight you are in, win or lose, roll a d6 - if you roll equal to or less than the number of Munchkin Pins you are currently wearing, remove one pin. You may not wear more than one pin of each color during any game.

One lapel pin. Stock #5549F, $5.00.

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